Module rsyscall.struct

Interfaces and basic functionality for our serialization framework.

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"Interfaces and basic functionality for our serialization framework."
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import os
import typing as t
import struct
from dataclasses import dataclass

T = t.TypeVar('T')
class Serializer(t.Generic[T]):
    """An object encapsulating the information required to serialize or deserialize some value of some type.

    This may only work for one specific value of that type; for example, to
    deserialize a type containing pointers (encoded as addresses), we must have
    a serializer that knows about those addresses and can return the
    corresponding Python object Pointers.

    def to_bytes(self, val: T) -> bytes:
        "Serialize this value `val` to bytes"
        raise NotImplementedError("to_bytes not implemented on", type(self))

    def from_bytes(self, data: bytes) -> T:
        "Deserialize a value from `data`"
        raise NotImplementedError("from_bytes not implemented on", type(self))

T_has_serializer = t.TypeVar('T_has_serializer', bound='HasSerializer')
class HasSerializer:
    "Something which can return a serializer for itself"
    def get_self_serializer(self: T_has_serializer, task) -> Serializer[T_has_serializer]:
        """Return a serializer for this value

        Note that, as discussed in the Serializer docstring, the serializer
        returned may only work for the specific value that this method was
        called on, not any other values of the same type.


T_fixed_serializer = t.TypeVar('T_fixed_serializer', bound='FixedSerializer')
class FixedSerializer(HasSerializer):
    "Something which, if we know its class, can be serialized and deserialized"
    def get_serializer(cls: t.Type[T_fixed_serializer], task) -> Serializer[T_fixed_serializer]:
        "Return a Serializer for this class"

    def get_self_serializer(self: T_fixed_serializer, task) -> Serializer[T_fixed_serializer]:
        """Return a Serializer for this value

        Since this class is a FixedSerializer, we can return a serializer that is
        independent of any specific value by calling get_serializer. Which we do.

        return type(self).get_serializer(task)

T_fixed_size = t.TypeVar('T_fixed_size', bound='FixedSize')
class FixedSize(FixedSerializer):
    """Something which, if we know its class, can be serialized and deserialized to a fixed length bytestring

    These are fixed-size structures; for example, most C structs.
    def sizeof(cls) -> int:
        "Return the length of the bytestring that the serializer for this class will return"

class Serializable(FixedSerializer):
    "A helper class for FixedSerializer; the serialization methods are defined directly on the class"
    def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        """Directly serialize the value `self` as bytes

        We use this as the Serializer.to_bytes method through the magic of duck typing;
        using this function from the underlying class gives us a function which takes a
        value (which it calls `self`) and does serialization for that value.

    T_serializable = t.TypeVar('T_serializable', bound='Serializable')
    def from_bytes(cls: t.Type[T_serializable], data: bytes) -> T_serializable:
        "Return a value of type `cls` deserialized from `data`"
        raise NotImplementedError("from_bytes not implemented on", cls)
    def get_serializer(cls: t.Type[T_serializable], task) -> Serializer[T_serializable]: # type: ignore
        """Return a "serializer" for this class - it's actually just this class itself.

        Yay, duck typing!
        return cls # type: ignore

class Struct(Serializable, FixedSize):
    "A helper class for FixedSize; the serialization methods are defined directly on the class"

def bits(n: int, one_indexed: bool=True) -> t.Iterator[int]:
    "Yield the bit indices that are set in this integer"
    while n:
        b = n & (~n+1)
        yield (b.bit_length() - (0 if one_indexed else 1))
        n ^= b

# mypy is very upset with me for inheriting from int and overriding int's methods in an incompatible way
class Int32(Struct, int): # type: ignore
    "A 32-bit integer, as used by many syscalls"
    def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: # type: ignore
        return struct.pack('i', self)

    T = t.TypeVar('T', bound='Int32')
    def from_bytes(cls: t.Type[T], data: bytes) -> T: # type: ignore
        if len(data) < cls.sizeof():
            raise Exception("data too small", data)
        val, = struct.unpack_from('i', data)
        return cls(val)
    def sizeof(cls) -> int:
        return struct.calcsize('i')

class Int64(Struct, int): # type: ignore
    "A 64-bit integer, as used by many syscalls"
    def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: # type: ignore
        return struct.pack('l', self)

    T = t.TypeVar('T', bound='Int64')
    def from_bytes(cls: t.Type[T], data: bytes) -> T: # type: ignore
        if len(data) < cls.sizeof():
            raise Exception("data too small", data)
        val, = struct.unpack_from('l', data)
        return cls(val)

    def sizeof(cls) -> int:
        return struct.calcsize('l')

class StructList(t.Generic[T_fixed_size], HasSerializer):
    "A list of serializable, fixed-size structures"
    cls: t.Type[T_fixed_size]
    elems: t.List[T_fixed_size]

    def get_self_serializer(self, task) -> StructListSerializer[T_fixed_size]:
        return StructListSerializer(self.cls, self.cls.get_serializer(task))

class StructListSerializer(t.Generic[T_fixed_size], Serializer[StructList[T_fixed_size]]):
    "The serializer for a StructList"
    cls: t.Type[T_fixed_size]
    ser: Serializer[T_fixed_size]

    def to_bytes(self, val: StructList[T_fixed_size]) -> bytes:
        return b"".join(self.ser.to_bytes(ent) for ent in val.elems)

    def from_bytes(self, data: bytes) -> StructList[T_fixed_size]:
        entries = []
        while len(data) > 0:
            ent = self.ser.from_bytes(data)
            data = data[self.cls.sizeof():]
        return StructList(self.cls, entries)

def strpath_to_null_terminated_bytes(val: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> bytes:
    return os.fsencode(val) + b'\0'

def string_from_null_terminated_bytes(data: bytes) -> str:
        nullidx = data.index(b'\0')
    except ValueError:
        return os.fsdecode(data)
        return os.fsdecode(data[0:nullidx])

T_pathlike = t.TypeVar('T_pathlike', bound=os.PathLike)
class PathLikeSerializer(Serializer[T_pathlike]):
    cls: t.Type[T_pathlike]

    def to_bytes(val: T_pathlike) -> bytes:
        return strpath_to_null_terminated_bytes(val)

    def from_bytes(self, data: bytes) -> T_pathlike:
        # We assume that any PathLike can be constructed by just passing a single string to its constructor.
        # That's not actually true - os.DirEntry, for example, can't be constructed directly in this way.
        # But, this is Python, so if it quacks, it ships.
        return self.cls(string_from_null_terminated_bytes(data)) # type: ignore

class StrSerializer(Serializer[str]):
    def to_bytes(val: str) -> bytes:
        return strpath_to_null_terminated_bytes(val)

    def from_bytes(data: bytes) -> str:
        return string_from_null_terminated_bytes(data)


def bits(n: int, one_indexed: bool = True) ‑> Iterator[int]

Yield the bit indices that are set in this integer

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def bits(n: int, one_indexed: bool=True) -> t.Iterator[int]:
    "Yield the bit indices that are set in this integer"
    while n:
        b = n & (~n+1)
        yield (b.bit_length() - (0 if one_indexed else 1))
        n ^= b
def strpath_to_null_terminated_bytes(val: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) ‑> bytes
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def strpath_to_null_terminated_bytes(val: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> bytes:
    return os.fsencode(val) + b'\0'
def string_from_null_terminated_bytes(data: bytes) ‑> str
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def string_from_null_terminated_bytes(data: bytes) -> str:
        nullidx = data.index(b'\0')
    except ValueError:
        return os.fsdecode(data)
        return os.fsdecode(data[0:nullidx])


class Serializer

An object encapsulating the information required to serialize or deserialize some value of some type.

This may only work for one specific value of that type; for example, to deserialize a type containing pointers (encoded as addresses), we must have a serializer that knows about those addresses and can return the corresponding Python object Pointers.

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class Serializer(t.Generic[T]):
    """An object encapsulating the information required to serialize or deserialize some value of some type.

    This may only work for one specific value of that type; for example, to
    deserialize a type containing pointers (encoded as addresses), we must have
    a serializer that knows about those addresses and can return the
    corresponding Python object Pointers.

    def to_bytes(self, val: T) -> bytes:
        "Serialize this value `val` to bytes"
        raise NotImplementedError("to_bytes not implemented on", type(self))

    def from_bytes(self, data: bytes) -> T:
        "Deserialize a value from `data`"
        raise NotImplementedError("from_bytes not implemented on", type(self))


  • typing.Generic


  • rsyscall.loader.NativeFunctionSerializer
  • rsyscall.loader.TrampolineSerializer
  • rsyscall.memory.ram.BytesSerializer
  • PathLikeSerializer
  • StrSerializer
  • StructListSerializer
  • rsyscall.sys.socket.CmsgListSerializer
  • rsyscall.sys.socket.CmsgSerializer
  • rsyscall.sys.socket.RecvMsghdrOutSerializer
  • rsyscall.sys.socket.SockbufSerializer
  • rsyscall.sys.socket.SocketpairSerializer
  • rsyscall.unistd.ArgListSerializer
  • PipeSerializer


def to_bytes(self, val: T) ‑> bytes

Serialize this value val to bytes

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def to_bytes(self, val: T) -> bytes:
    "Serialize this value `val` to bytes"
    raise NotImplementedError("to_bytes not implemented on", type(self))
def from_bytes(self, data: bytes) ‑> ~T

Deserialize a value from data

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def from_bytes(self, data: bytes) -> T:
    "Deserialize a value from `data`"
    raise NotImplementedError("from_bytes not implemented on", type(self))
class HasSerializer

Something which can return a serializer for itself

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class HasSerializer:
    "Something which can return a serializer for itself"
    def get_self_serializer(self: T_has_serializer, task) -> Serializer[T_has_serializer]:
        """Return a serializer for this value

        Note that, as discussed in the Serializer docstring, the serializer
        returned may only work for the specific value that this method was
        called on, not any other values of the same type.




def get_self_serializer(self: T_has_serializer, task) ‑> Serializer[~T_has_serializer]

Return a serializer for this value

Note that, as discussed in the Serializer docstring, the serializer returned may only work for the specific value that this method was called on, not any other values of the same type.

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def get_self_serializer(self: T_has_serializer, task) -> Serializer[T_has_serializer]:
    """Return a serializer for this value

    Note that, as discussed in the Serializer docstring, the serializer
    returned may only work for the specific value that this method was
    called on, not any other values of the same type.

class FixedSerializer

Something which, if we know its class, can be serialized and deserialized

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class FixedSerializer(HasSerializer):
    "Something which, if we know its class, can be serialized and deserialized"
    def get_serializer(cls: t.Type[T_fixed_serializer], task) -> Serializer[T_fixed_serializer]:
        "Return a Serializer for this class"

    def get_self_serializer(self: T_fixed_serializer, task) -> Serializer[T_fixed_serializer]:
        """Return a Serializer for this value

        Since this class is a FixedSerializer, we can return a serializer that is
        independent of any specific value by calling get_serializer. Which we do.

        return type(self).get_serializer(task)



Static methods

def get_serializer(task) ‑> Serializer[~T_fixed_serializer]

Return a Serializer for this class

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def get_serializer(cls: t.Type[T_fixed_serializer], task) -> Serializer[T_fixed_serializer]:
    "Return a Serializer for this class"


def get_self_serializer(self: T_fixed_serializer, task) ‑> Serializer[~T_fixed_serializer]

Return a Serializer for this value

Since this class is a FixedSerializer, we can return a serializer that is independent of any specific value by calling get_serializer. Which we do.

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def get_self_serializer(self: T_fixed_serializer, task) -> Serializer[T_fixed_serializer]:
    """Return a Serializer for this value

    Since this class is a FixedSerializer, we can return a serializer that is
    independent of any specific value by calling get_serializer. Which we do.

    return type(self).get_serializer(task)
class FixedSize

Something which, if we know its class, can be serialized and deserialized to a fixed length bytestring

These are fixed-size structures; for example, most C structs.

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class FixedSize(FixedSerializer):
    """Something which, if we know its class, can be serialized and deserialized to a fixed length bytestring

    These are fixed-size structures; for example, most C structs.
    def sizeof(cls) -> int:
        "Return the length of the bytestring that the serializer for this class will return"



Static methods

def sizeof() ‑> int

Return the length of the bytestring that the serializer for this class will return

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def sizeof(cls) -> int:
    "Return the length of the bytestring that the serializer for this class will return"

Inherited members

class Serializable

A helper class for FixedSerializer; the serialization methods are defined directly on the class

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class Serializable(FixedSerializer):
    "A helper class for FixedSerializer; the serialization methods are defined directly on the class"
    def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        """Directly serialize the value `self` as bytes

        We use this as the Serializer.to_bytes method through the magic of duck typing;
        using this function from the underlying class gives us a function which takes a
        value (which it calls `self`) and does serialization for that value.

    T_serializable = t.TypeVar('T_serializable', bound='Serializable')
    def from_bytes(cls: t.Type[T_serializable], data: bytes) -> T_serializable:
        "Return a value of type `cls` deserialized from `data`"
        raise NotImplementedError("from_bytes not implemented on", cls)
    def get_serializer(cls: t.Type[T_serializable], task) -> Serializer[T_serializable]: # type: ignore
        """Return a "serializer" for this class - it's actually just this class itself.

        Yay, duck typing!
        return cls # type: ignore



Class variables

var T_serializable

Static methods

def from_bytes(data: bytes) ‑> T_serializable

Return a value of type cls deserialized from data

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def from_bytes(cls: t.Type[T_serializable], data: bytes) -> T_serializable:
    "Return a value of type `cls` deserialized from `data`"
    raise NotImplementedError("from_bytes not implemented on", cls)
def get_serializer(task) ‑> Serializer[T_serializable]

Return a "serializer" for this class - it's actually just this class itself.

Yay, duck typing!

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def get_serializer(cls: t.Type[T_serializable], task) -> Serializer[T_serializable]: # type: ignore
    """Return a "serializer" for this class - it's actually just this class itself.

    Yay, duck typing!
    return cls # type: ignore


def to_bytes(self) ‑> bytes

Directly serialize the value self as bytes

We use this as the Serializer.to_bytes method through the magic of duck typing; using this function from the underlying class gives us a function which takes a value (which it calls self) and does serialization for that value.

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def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
    """Directly serialize the value `self` as bytes

    We use this as the Serializer.to_bytes method through the magic of duck typing;
    using this function from the underlying class gives us a function which takes a
    value (which it calls `self`) and does serialization for that value.

Inherited members

class Struct

A helper class for FixedSize; the serialization methods are defined directly on the class

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class Struct(Serializable, FixedSize):
    "A helper class for FixedSize; the serialization methods are defined directly on the class"



Inherited members

class Int32 (...)

A 32-bit integer, as used by many syscalls

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class Int32(Struct, int): # type: ignore
    "A 32-bit integer, as used by many syscalls"
    def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: # type: ignore
        return struct.pack('i', self)

    T = t.TypeVar('T', bound='Int32')
    def from_bytes(cls: t.Type[T], data: bytes) -> T: # type: ignore
        if len(data) < cls.sizeof():
            raise Exception("data too small", data)
        val, = struct.unpack_from('i', data)
        return cls(val)
    def sizeof(cls) -> int:
        return struct.calcsize('i')


Class variables

var T

Inherited members

class Int64 (...)

A 64-bit integer, as used by many syscalls

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class Int64(Struct, int): # type: ignore
    "A 64-bit integer, as used by many syscalls"
    def to_bytes(self) -> bytes: # type: ignore
        return struct.pack('l', self)

    T = t.TypeVar('T', bound='Int64')
    def from_bytes(cls: t.Type[T], data: bytes) -> T: # type: ignore
        if len(data) < cls.sizeof():
            raise Exception("data too small", data)
        val, = struct.unpack_from('l', data)
        return cls(val)

    def sizeof(cls) -> int:
        return struct.calcsize('l')


Class variables

var T

Inherited members

class StructList (cls: t.Type[T_fixed_size], elems: t.List[T_fixed_size])

A list of serializable, fixed-size structures

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class StructList(t.Generic[T_fixed_size], HasSerializer):
    "A list of serializable, fixed-size structures"
    cls: t.Type[T_fixed_size]
    elems: t.List[T_fixed_size]

    def get_self_serializer(self, task) -> StructListSerializer[T_fixed_size]:
        return StructListSerializer(self.cls, self.cls.get_serializer(task))


Class variables

var cls : Type[~T_fixed_size]
var elems : List[~T_fixed_size]

Inherited members

class StructListSerializer (cls: t.Type[T_fixed_size], ser: Serializer[T_fixed_size])

The serializer for a StructList

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class StructListSerializer(t.Generic[T_fixed_size], Serializer[StructList[T_fixed_size]]):
    "The serializer for a StructList"
    cls: t.Type[T_fixed_size]
    ser: Serializer[T_fixed_size]

    def to_bytes(self, val: StructList[T_fixed_size]) -> bytes:
        return b"".join(self.ser.to_bytes(ent) for ent in val.elems)

    def from_bytes(self, data: bytes) -> StructList[T_fixed_size]:
        entries = []
        while len(data) > 0:
            ent = self.ser.from_bytes(data)
            data = data[self.cls.sizeof():]
        return StructList(self.cls, entries)


Class variables

var cls : Type[~T_fixed_size]
var serSerializer[~T_fixed_size]

Inherited members

class PathLikeSerializer (cls: t.Type[T_pathlike])

PathLikeSerializer(cls: 't.Type[T_pathlike]')

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class PathLikeSerializer(Serializer[T_pathlike]):
    cls: t.Type[T_pathlike]

    def to_bytes(val: T_pathlike) -> bytes:
        return strpath_to_null_terminated_bytes(val)

    def from_bytes(self, data: bytes) -> T_pathlike:
        # We assume that any PathLike can be constructed by just passing a single string to its constructor.
        # That's not actually true - os.DirEntry, for example, can't be constructed directly in this way.
        # But, this is Python, so if it quacks, it ships.
        return self.cls(string_from_null_terminated_bytes(data)) # type: ignore


Class variables

var cls : Type[~T_pathlike]

Inherited members

class StrSerializer

An object encapsulating the information required to serialize or deserialize some value of some type.

This may only work for one specific value of that type; for example, to deserialize a type containing pointers (encoded as addresses), we must have a serializer that knows about those addresses and can return the corresponding Python object Pointers.

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class StrSerializer(Serializer[str]):
    def to_bytes(val: str) -> bytes:
        return strpath_to_null_terminated_bytes(val)

    def from_bytes(data: bytes) -> str:
        return string_from_null_terminated_bytes(data)


Inherited members