Module rsyscall.signal

#include <signal.h>

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"`#include <signal.h>`"
from __future__ import annotations
import typing as t
from rsyscall._raw import ffi, lib # type: ignore
from rsyscall.struct import Struct, bits
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
import enum
import contextlib
import rsyscall.near.types as near
from rsyscall.far import Task
from rsyscall.handle import Pointer, WrittenPointer

import signal

__all__ = [

class SIG(enum.IntEnum):
    "All the non-realtime signals, used by many syscalls"
    NONE = 0
    HUP = signal.SIGHUP
    INT = signal.SIGINT
    QUIT = signal.SIGQUIT
    ILL = signal.SIGILL
    TRAP = signal.SIGTRAP
    ABRT = signal.SIGABRT
    IOT = signal.SIGIOT
    BUS = signal.SIGBUS
    FPE = signal.SIGFPE
    KILL = signal.SIGKILL
    USR1 = signal.SIGUSR1
    SEGV = signal.SIGSEGV
    USR2 = signal.SIGUSR2
    PIPE = signal.SIGPIPE
    ALRM = signal.SIGALRM
    TERM = signal.SIGTERM
    CHLD = signal.SIGCHLD
    CONT = signal.SIGCONT
    STOP = signal.SIGSTOP
    TSTP = signal.SIGTSTP
    TTIN = signal.SIGTTIN
    TTOU = signal.SIGTTOU
    URG = signal.SIGURG
    XCPU = signal.SIGXCPU
    XFSZ = signal.SIGXFSZ
    PROF = signal.SIGPROF
    WINCH = signal.SIGWINCH
    IO = signal.SIGIO
    PWR = signal.SIGPWR
    SYS = signal.SIGSYS

class SA(enum.IntFlag):
    "Flags which can be set in a struct sigaction passed to the sigaction syscall"

class HowSIG(enum.IntEnum):
    "The how argument to sigprocmask"

class Sighandler(enum.IntEnum):
    "Special-cased signal handler values used by sigaction"
    IGN = signal.Handlers.SIG_IGN
    DFL = signal.Handlers.SIG_DFL

class Siginfo(Struct):
    "struct siginfo, returned by many syscalls"
    code: int
    pid: int
    uid: int
    status: int

    def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        struct ='struct siginfo*')
        struct.si_code = self.code
        struct.si_pid =
        struct.si_uid = self.uid
        struct.si_status = self.status
        return bytes(ffi.buffer(struct))

    T = t.TypeVar('T', bound='Siginfo')
    def from_bytes(cls: t.Type[T], data: bytes) -> T:
        struct = ffi.cast('struct siginfo const*', ffi.from_buffer(data))
        return cls(

    def sizeof(cls) -> int:
        return ffi.sizeof('struct siginfo')

class Sigset(t.Set[SIG], Struct):
    """A fixed-size 64-signal struct sigset

    Technically, at the syscall level, struct sigset is variable size. It was
    made variable size when the number of signals was increased from 32 to 64
    and the "rt" variants of many signal syscalls was added, taking as an
    additional argument the size of struct sigset. But it's unlikely the number
    of signals will ever be increased again on Linux, and even if that does
    happen, it will be backwrds-compatible.

    def to_cffi(self) -> t.Any:
        set_integer = 0
        for sig in self:
            set_integer |= 1 << (sig-1)
        return'struct kernel_sigset*', (set_integer,))

    def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        return bytes(ffi.buffer(self.to_cffi()))

    T = t.TypeVar('T', bound='Sigset')
    def from_cffi(cls: t.Type[T], struct: t.Any) -> T:
        return cls({SIG(bit) for bit in bits(struct.val)})

    def from_bytes(cls: t.Type[T], data: bytes) -> T:
        struct = ffi.cast('struct kernel_sigset*', ffi.from_buffer(data))
        return cls.from_cffi(struct)

    def sizeof(cls) -> int:
        return ffi.sizeof('struct kernel_sigset')

class Sigaction(Struct):
    "struct sigaction, passed to and returned from the sigaction syscall"
    handler: t.Union[Sighandler, near.Address]
    flags: SA = SA(0)
    mask: Sigset = field(default_factory=Sigset)
    restorer: t.Optional[near.Address] = None

    def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        return bytes(ffi.buffer('struct kernel_sigaction const*', {
            "ksa_handler": ffi.cast('sighandler_t', int(self.handler)),
            "ksa_flags": self.flags,
            "ksa_restorer": ffi.cast('sigrestore_t', int(self.restorer or 0)),
            "ksa_mask": self.mask.to_cffi()[0],

    T = t.TypeVar('T', bound='Sigaction')
    def from_bytes(cls: t.Type[T], data: bytes) -> T:
        struct = ffi.cast('struct kernel_sigaction const*', ffi.from_buffer(data))
        handler: t.Union[Sighandler, near.Address]
        int_handler = int(ffi.cast('long int', struct.ksa_handler))
            handler = Sighandler(int_handler)
        except ValueError:
            handler = near.Address(int_handler)
        int_restorer = int(ffi.cast('long int', struct.ksa_restorer))
        return cls(
            restorer=near.Address(int_restorer) if int_restorer else None,

    def sizeof(cls) -> int:
        return ffi.sizeof('struct kernel_sigaction')

#### Classes ####
from rsyscall.near.sysif import SyscallInterface
from rsyscall.sys.syscall import SYS

async def _rt_sigprocmask(sysif: SyscallInterface,
                          newset: t.Optional[t.Tuple[HowSIG, near.Address]],
                          oldset: t.Optional[near.Address],
                          sigsetsize: int) -> None:
    "The raw, near, rt_sigprocmask syscall."
    if newset is not None:
        how, set = newset
        how, set = 0, 0 # type: ignore
    if oldset is None:
        oldset = 0 # type: ignore
    await sysif.syscall(SYS.rt_sigprocmask, how, set, oldset, sigsetsize)

class SignalTask(Task):
    "The subset of functionality of the Task related to blocking and handling signals"
    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        self.sigmask = Sigset()
        self.old_sigmask = Sigset()
        self.sigmask_oldset_ptr: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]] = None
        self.sigprocmask_running = False

    async def sigaction(self, signum: SIG,
                        act: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigaction]],
                        oldact: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigaction]]) -> None:
        with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
            act_n = self._borrow_optional(stack, act)
            oldact_n = self._borrow_optional(stack, oldact)
            # rt_sigaction takes the size of the sigset, not the size of the sigaction;
            # and sigset is a fixed size.
            await _rt_sigaction(self.sysif, signum, act_n, oldact_n, Sigset.sizeof())

    async def _sigprocmask(self, newset: t.Optional[t.Tuple[HowSIG, WrittenPointer[Sigset]]],
                           oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]=None) -> t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]:
        "The low-level implementation of sigprocmask, without any tracking of our current sigmask."
        with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
            newset_n: t.Optional[t.Tuple[HowSIG, near.Address]]
            if newset:
                newset_ptr_n = stack.enter_context(newset[1].borrow(self))
                newset_n = newset[0], newset_ptr_n
                newset_n = None
            oldset_n = self._borrow_optional(stack, oldset)
            await _rt_sigprocmask(self.sysif, newset_n, oldset_n, Sigset.sizeof())
        if oldset:
            return oldset
            return None

    async def sigprocmask(self, newset: t.Tuple[HowSIG, WrittenPointer[Sigset]]) -> None: ...
    async def sigprocmask(self, newset: t.Optional[t.Tuple[HowSIG, WrittenPointer[Sigset]]],
                          oldset: Pointer[Sigset]) -> Pointer[Sigset]: ...

    async def sigprocmask(self, newset: t.Optional[t.Tuple[HowSIG, WrittenPointer[Sigset]]],
                          oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]=None) -> t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]:
        "sigprocmask, with additional tracking of what we believe our sigmask is"
        if self.sigprocmask_running:
            # TODO we can remove this restriction if we can determine the real order that
            # syscalls are made, so we can accurately maintain sigmask; that's currently
            # tricky due to pipelining.
            raise Exception("sigprocmask is currently being called, "
                            "we disallow multiple simultaneous calls for implementation simplicity")
        self.sigprocmask_running = True
        if newset is None:
            ret = await self._sigprocmask(None, oldset)
            self.sigprocmask_running = False
            return ret
            how, set = newset
            if how == HowSIG.BLOCK:
                new_sigmask = Sigset(self.sigmask.union(set.value))
            elif how == HowSIG.UNBLOCK:
                new_sigmask = Sigset(self.sigmask - set.value)
            elif how == HowSIG.SETMASK:
                new_sigmask = Sigset(set.value)
            ret = await self._sigprocmask(newset, oldset)
            self.sigprocmask_running = False
            if oldset is not None:
                self.old_sigmask = self.sigmask
                self.sigmask_oldset_ptr = oldset
            self.sigmask = new_sigmask
            return ret

    async def sigmask_block(self, newset: WrittenPointer[Sigset], oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]=None) -> SignalBlock:
        "Block some signals and get back a SignalBlock to witness and own those blocked signals"
        if len(newset.value.intersection(self.sigmask)) != 0:
            raise Exception("can't allocate a SignalBlock for a signal that was already blocked",
                            newset.value, self.sigmask)
        if oldset:
            await self.sigprocmask((HowSIG.BLOCK, newset), oldset)
            await self.sigprocmask((HowSIG.BLOCK, newset))
        return SignalBlock(self, newset)

    async def read_oldset_and_check(self) -> None:
        """Read the most recent oldset buffer passed to sigprocmask and check it matches what we expect

        We do this in a separate method to avoid forcing the user to read memory
        if they don't want to validate that the oldset buffer contains what they
        expect. They can call it later if they want to do the check.

        if self.sigmask_oldset_ptr is None:
            raise Exception("can't check our tracking of sigmask "
                            "when we haven't called sigprocmask with an oldset ptr")
        sigmask = await
        if (sigmask & self.old_sigmask) != self.old_sigmask:
            raise Exception("SignalMask tracking got out of sync, we blocked these signals:", self.old_sigmask,
                            "but the actually blocked signals don't include all of those:", sigmask)

class SignalBlock:
    """This represents some signals being blocked from normal handling

    We need this around to use alternative signal handling mechanisms
    such as signalfd.

    This serves as both a witness that we have indeed blocked these signals, and
    an owner to help us unblock those signals if and when we no longer need to
    block them.

    task: SignalTask
    newset: WrittenPointer[Sigset]

    def mask(self) -> Sigset:
        return self.newset.value

    async def unblock(self, oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]=None) -> None:
        if oldset:
            await self.task.sigprocmask((HowSIG.UNBLOCK, self.newset), oldset)
            await self.task.sigprocmask((HowSIG.UNBLOCK, self.newset))

#### Raw syscalls ####
async def _rt_sigaction(sysif: SyscallInterface, signum: SIG,
                        act: t.Optional[near.Address],
                        oldact: t.Optional[near.Address],
                        size: int) -> None:
    if act is None:
        act = 0 # type: ignore
    if oldact is None:
        oldact = 0 # type: ignore
    await sysif.syscall(SYS.rt_sigaction, signum, act, oldact, size)

async def _kill(sysif: SyscallInterface, pid: t.Union[near.Process, near.ProcessGroup], sig: SIG) -> None:
    if isinstance(pid, near.ProcessGroup):
        pid = -int(pid) # type: ignore
    await sysif.syscall(SYS.kill, pid, sig)

#### Tests ####
from unittest import TestCase

class TestSignal(TestCase):
    def test_siginfo(self) -> None:
        initial = Siginfo(13, 581, 1092, 12309)
        output = Siginfo.from_bytes(initial.to_bytes())
        self.assertEqual(initial, output)

    def test_sigaction(self) -> None:
        sa = Sigaction(Sighandler.IGN, SA(0), Sigset(), near.Address(0x42))
        out_sa = Sigaction.from_bytes(sa.to_bytes())
        self.assertEqual(sa.handler, out_sa.handler)
        self.assertEqual(sa.flags, out_sa.flags)
        self.assertEqual(sa.mask, out_sa.mask)
        self.assertEqual(sa.restorer, out_sa.restorer)

        sa = Sigaction(Sighandler.DFL, SA.RESTART|SA.RESETHAND,
                       Sigset({SIG.INT, SIG.TERM}),
        out_sa = Sigaction.from_bytes(sa.to_bytes())
        self.assertEqual(sa.handler, out_sa.handler)
        self.assertEqual(sa.flags, out_sa.flags)
        self.assertEqual(sa.mask, out_sa.mask)
        self.assertEqual(None, out_sa.restorer)


class SIG (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

All the non-realtime signals, used by many syscalls

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class SIG(enum.IntEnum):
    "All the non-realtime signals, used by many syscalls"
    NONE = 0
    HUP = signal.SIGHUP
    INT = signal.SIGINT
    QUIT = signal.SIGQUIT
    ILL = signal.SIGILL
    TRAP = signal.SIGTRAP
    ABRT = signal.SIGABRT
    IOT = signal.SIGIOT
    BUS = signal.SIGBUS
    FPE = signal.SIGFPE
    KILL = signal.SIGKILL
    USR1 = signal.SIGUSR1
    SEGV = signal.SIGSEGV
    USR2 = signal.SIGUSR2
    PIPE = signal.SIGPIPE
    ALRM = signal.SIGALRM
    TERM = signal.SIGTERM
    CHLD = signal.SIGCHLD
    CONT = signal.SIGCONT
    STOP = signal.SIGSTOP
    TSTP = signal.SIGTSTP
    TTIN = signal.SIGTTIN
    TTOU = signal.SIGTTOU
    URG = signal.SIGURG
    XCPU = signal.SIGXCPU
    XFSZ = signal.SIGXFSZ
    PROF = signal.SIGPROF
    WINCH = signal.SIGWINCH
    IO = signal.SIGIO
    PWR = signal.SIGPWR
    SYS = signal.SIGSYS


  • enum.IntEnum
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var NONE
var HUP
var INT
var QUIT
var ILL
var TRAP
var ABRT
var IOT
var BUS
var FPE
var KILL
var USR1
var SEGV
var USR2
var PIPE
var ALRM
var TERM
var CHLD
var CONT
var STOP
var TSTP
var TTIN
var TTOU
var URG
var XCPU
var XFSZ
var PROF
var IO
var PWR
var SYS
class SA (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Flags which can be set in a struct sigaction passed to the sigaction syscall

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class SA(enum.IntFlag):
    "Flags which can be set in a struct sigaction passed to the sigaction syscall"


  • enum.IntFlag
  • enum.Flag
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

class HowSIG (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

The how argument to sigprocmask

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class HowSIG(enum.IntEnum):
    "The how argument to sigprocmask"


  • enum.IntEnum
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

class Sighandler (value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Special-cased signal handler values used by sigaction

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class Sighandler(enum.IntEnum):
    "Special-cased signal handler values used by sigaction"
    IGN = signal.Handlers.SIG_IGN
    DFL = signal.Handlers.SIG_DFL


  • enum.IntEnum
  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var IGN
var DFL
class Siginfo (code: int, pid: int, uid: int, status: int)

struct siginfo, returned by many syscalls

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class Siginfo(Struct):
    "struct siginfo, returned by many syscalls"
    code: int
    pid: int
    uid: int
    status: int

    def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        struct ='struct siginfo*')
        struct.si_code = self.code
        struct.si_pid =
        struct.si_uid = self.uid
        struct.si_status = self.status
        return bytes(ffi.buffer(struct))

    T = t.TypeVar('T', bound='Siginfo')
    def from_bytes(cls: t.Type[T], data: bytes) -> T:
        struct = ffi.cast('struct siginfo const*', ffi.from_buffer(data))
        return cls(

    def sizeof(cls) -> int:
        return ffi.sizeof('struct siginfo')


Class variables

var code : int
var pid : int
var uid : int
var status : int
var T

Inherited members

class Sigset (*args, **kwargs)

A fixed-size 64-signal struct sigset

Technically, at the syscall level, struct sigset is variable size. It was made variable size when the number of signals was increased from 32 to 64 and the "rt" variants of many signal syscalls was added, taking as an additional argument the size of struct sigset. But it's unlikely the number of signals will ever be increased again on Linux, and even if that does happen, it will be backwrds-compatible.

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class Sigset(t.Set[SIG], Struct):
    """A fixed-size 64-signal struct sigset

    Technically, at the syscall level, struct sigset is variable size. It was
    made variable size when the number of signals was increased from 32 to 64
    and the "rt" variants of many signal syscalls was added, taking as an
    additional argument the size of struct sigset. But it's unlikely the number
    of signals will ever be increased again on Linux, and even if that does
    happen, it will be backwrds-compatible.

    def to_cffi(self) -> t.Any:
        set_integer = 0
        for sig in self:
            set_integer |= 1 << (sig-1)
        return'struct kernel_sigset*', (set_integer,))

    def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        return bytes(ffi.buffer(self.to_cffi()))

    T = t.TypeVar('T', bound='Sigset')
    def from_cffi(cls: t.Type[T], struct: t.Any) -> T:
        return cls({SIG(bit) for bit in bits(struct.val)})

    def from_bytes(cls: t.Type[T], data: bytes) -> T:
        struct = ffi.cast('struct kernel_sigset*', ffi.from_buffer(data))
        return cls.from_cffi(struct)

    def sizeof(cls) -> int:
        return ffi.sizeof('struct kernel_sigset')


Class variables

var T

Static methods

def from_cffi(struct: t.Any) ‑> T
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def from_cffi(cls: t.Type[T], struct: t.Any) -> T:
    return cls({SIG(bit) for bit in bits(struct.val)})


def to_cffi(self) ‑> Any
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def to_cffi(self) -> t.Any:
    set_integer = 0
    for sig in self:
        set_integer |= 1 << (sig-1)
    return'struct kernel_sigset*', (set_integer,))

Inherited members

class Sigaction (handler: t.Union[Sighandler, near.Address], flags: SA = SA.0, mask: Sigset = <factory>, restorer: t.Optional[near.Address] = None)

struct sigaction, passed to and returned from the sigaction syscall

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class Sigaction(Struct):
    "struct sigaction, passed to and returned from the sigaction syscall"
    handler: t.Union[Sighandler, near.Address]
    flags: SA = SA(0)
    mask: Sigset = field(default_factory=Sigset)
    restorer: t.Optional[near.Address] = None

    def to_bytes(self) -> bytes:
        return bytes(ffi.buffer('struct kernel_sigaction const*', {
            "ksa_handler": ffi.cast('sighandler_t', int(self.handler)),
            "ksa_flags": self.flags,
            "ksa_restorer": ffi.cast('sigrestore_t', int(self.restorer or 0)),
            "ksa_mask": self.mask.to_cffi()[0],

    T = t.TypeVar('T', bound='Sigaction')
    def from_bytes(cls: t.Type[T], data: bytes) -> T:
        struct = ffi.cast('struct kernel_sigaction const*', ffi.from_buffer(data))
        handler: t.Union[Sighandler, near.Address]
        int_handler = int(ffi.cast('long int', struct.ksa_handler))
            handler = Sighandler(int_handler)
        except ValueError:
            handler = near.Address(int_handler)
        int_restorer = int(ffi.cast('long int', struct.ksa_restorer))
        return cls(
            restorer=near.Address(int_restorer) if int_restorer else None,

    def sizeof(cls) -> int:
        return ffi.sizeof('struct kernel_sigaction')


Class variables

var handler : Union[SighandlerAddress]
var maskSigset
var flagsSA
var restorer : Optional[Address]
var T

Inherited members

class SignalBlock (task: SignalTask, newset: WrittenPointer[Sigset])

This represents some signals being blocked from normal handling

We need this around to use alternative signal handling mechanisms such as signalfd.

This serves as both a witness that we have indeed blocked these signals, and an owner to help us unblock those signals if and when we no longer need to block them.

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class SignalBlock:
    """This represents some signals being blocked from normal handling

    We need this around to use alternative signal handling mechanisms
    such as signalfd.

    This serves as both a witness that we have indeed blocked these signals, and
    an owner to help us unblock those signals if and when we no longer need to
    block them.

    task: SignalTask
    newset: WrittenPointer[Sigset]

    def mask(self) -> Sigset:
        return self.newset.value

    async def unblock(self, oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]=None) -> None:
        if oldset:
            await self.task.sigprocmask((HowSIG.UNBLOCK, self.newset), oldset)
            await self.task.sigprocmask((HowSIG.UNBLOCK, self.newset))

Class variables

var taskSignalTask
var newsetWrittenPointer[Sigset]

Instance variables

var maskSigset
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def mask(self) -> Sigset:
    return self.newset.value


async def unblock(self, oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]] = None) ‑> NoneType
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async def unblock(self, oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]=None) -> None:
    if oldset:
        await self.task.sigprocmask((HowSIG.UNBLOCK, self.newset), oldset)
        await self.task.sigprocmask((HowSIG.UNBLOCK, self.newset))
class SignalTask (sysif: SyscallInterface, near_process: Process, fd_table: FDTable, address_space: AddressSpace, pidns: PidNamespace)

The subset of functionality of the Task related to blocking and handling signals

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class SignalTask(Task):
    "The subset of functionality of the Task related to blocking and handling signals"
    def __post_init__(self) -> None:
        self.sigmask = Sigset()
        self.old_sigmask = Sigset()
        self.sigmask_oldset_ptr: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]] = None
        self.sigprocmask_running = False

    async def sigaction(self, signum: SIG,
                        act: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigaction]],
                        oldact: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigaction]]) -> None:
        with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
            act_n = self._borrow_optional(stack, act)
            oldact_n = self._borrow_optional(stack, oldact)
            # rt_sigaction takes the size of the sigset, not the size of the sigaction;
            # and sigset is a fixed size.
            await _rt_sigaction(self.sysif, signum, act_n, oldact_n, Sigset.sizeof())

    async def _sigprocmask(self, newset: t.Optional[t.Tuple[HowSIG, WrittenPointer[Sigset]]],
                           oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]=None) -> t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]:
        "The low-level implementation of sigprocmask, without any tracking of our current sigmask."
        with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
            newset_n: t.Optional[t.Tuple[HowSIG, near.Address]]
            if newset:
                newset_ptr_n = stack.enter_context(newset[1].borrow(self))
                newset_n = newset[0], newset_ptr_n
                newset_n = None
            oldset_n = self._borrow_optional(stack, oldset)
            await _rt_sigprocmask(self.sysif, newset_n, oldset_n, Sigset.sizeof())
        if oldset:
            return oldset
            return None

    async def sigprocmask(self, newset: t.Tuple[HowSIG, WrittenPointer[Sigset]]) -> None: ...
    async def sigprocmask(self, newset: t.Optional[t.Tuple[HowSIG, WrittenPointer[Sigset]]],
                          oldset: Pointer[Sigset]) -> Pointer[Sigset]: ...

    async def sigprocmask(self, newset: t.Optional[t.Tuple[HowSIG, WrittenPointer[Sigset]]],
                          oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]=None) -> t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]:
        "sigprocmask, with additional tracking of what we believe our sigmask is"
        if self.sigprocmask_running:
            # TODO we can remove this restriction if we can determine the real order that
            # syscalls are made, so we can accurately maintain sigmask; that's currently
            # tricky due to pipelining.
            raise Exception("sigprocmask is currently being called, "
                            "we disallow multiple simultaneous calls for implementation simplicity")
        self.sigprocmask_running = True
        if newset is None:
            ret = await self._sigprocmask(None, oldset)
            self.sigprocmask_running = False
            return ret
            how, set = newset
            if how == HowSIG.BLOCK:
                new_sigmask = Sigset(self.sigmask.union(set.value))
            elif how == HowSIG.UNBLOCK:
                new_sigmask = Sigset(self.sigmask - set.value)
            elif how == HowSIG.SETMASK:
                new_sigmask = Sigset(set.value)
            ret = await self._sigprocmask(newset, oldset)
            self.sigprocmask_running = False
            if oldset is not None:
                self.old_sigmask = self.sigmask
                self.sigmask_oldset_ptr = oldset
            self.sigmask = new_sigmask
            return ret

    async def sigmask_block(self, newset: WrittenPointer[Sigset], oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]=None) -> SignalBlock:
        "Block some signals and get back a SignalBlock to witness and own those blocked signals"
        if len(newset.value.intersection(self.sigmask)) != 0:
            raise Exception("can't allocate a SignalBlock for a signal that was already blocked",
                            newset.value, self.sigmask)
        if oldset:
            await self.sigprocmask((HowSIG.BLOCK, newset), oldset)
            await self.sigprocmask((HowSIG.BLOCK, newset))
        return SignalBlock(self, newset)

    async def read_oldset_and_check(self) -> None:
        """Read the most recent oldset buffer passed to sigprocmask and check it matches what we expect

        We do this in a separate method to avoid forcing the user to read memory
        if they don't want to validate that the oldset buffer contains what they
        expect. They can call it later if they want to do the check.

        if self.sigmask_oldset_ptr is None:
            raise Exception("can't check our tracking of sigmask "
                            "when we haven't called sigprocmask with an oldset ptr")
        sigmask = await
        if (sigmask & self.old_sigmask) != self.old_sigmask:
            raise Exception("SignalMask tracking got out of sync, we blocked these signals:", self.old_sigmask,
                            "but the actually blocked signals don't include all of those:", sigmask)



Class variables

var sysifSyscallInterface
var near_processProcess
var fd_tableFDTable
var address_spaceAddressSpace
var pidnsPidNamespace


async def sigaction(self, signum: SIG, act: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigaction]], oldact: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigaction]]) ‑> NoneType
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async def sigaction(self, signum: SIG,
                    act: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigaction]],
                    oldact: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigaction]]) -> None:
    with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
        act_n = self._borrow_optional(stack, act)
        oldact_n = self._borrow_optional(stack, oldact)
        # rt_sigaction takes the size of the sigset, not the size of the sigaction;
        # and sigset is a fixed size.
        await _rt_sigaction(self.sysif, signum, act_n, oldact_n, Sigset.sizeof())
async def sigprocmask(self, newset: t.Optional[t.Tuple[HowSIG, WrittenPointer[Sigset]]], oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]] = None) ‑> Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]

sigprocmask, with additional tracking of what we believe our sigmask is

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async def sigprocmask(self, newset: t.Optional[t.Tuple[HowSIG, WrittenPointer[Sigset]]],
                      oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]=None) -> t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]:
    "sigprocmask, with additional tracking of what we believe our sigmask is"
    if self.sigprocmask_running:
        # TODO we can remove this restriction if we can determine the real order that
        # syscalls are made, so we can accurately maintain sigmask; that's currently
        # tricky due to pipelining.
        raise Exception("sigprocmask is currently being called, "
                        "we disallow multiple simultaneous calls for implementation simplicity")
    self.sigprocmask_running = True
    if newset is None:
        ret = await self._sigprocmask(None, oldset)
        self.sigprocmask_running = False
        return ret
        how, set = newset
        if how == HowSIG.BLOCK:
            new_sigmask = Sigset(self.sigmask.union(set.value))
        elif how == HowSIG.UNBLOCK:
            new_sigmask = Sigset(self.sigmask - set.value)
        elif how == HowSIG.SETMASK:
            new_sigmask = Sigset(set.value)
        ret = await self._sigprocmask(newset, oldset)
        self.sigprocmask_running = False
        if oldset is not None:
            self.old_sigmask = self.sigmask
            self.sigmask_oldset_ptr = oldset
        self.sigmask = new_sigmask
        return ret
async def sigmask_block(self, newset: WrittenPointer[Sigset], oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]] = None) ‑> SignalBlock

Block some signals and get back a SignalBlock to witness and own those blocked signals

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async def sigmask_block(self, newset: WrittenPointer[Sigset], oldset: t.Optional[Pointer[Sigset]]=None) -> SignalBlock:
    "Block some signals and get back a SignalBlock to witness and own those blocked signals"
    if len(newset.value.intersection(self.sigmask)) != 0:
        raise Exception("can't allocate a SignalBlock for a signal that was already blocked",
                        newset.value, self.sigmask)
    if oldset:
        await self.sigprocmask((HowSIG.BLOCK, newset), oldset)
        await self.sigprocmask((HowSIG.BLOCK, newset))
    return SignalBlock(self, newset)
async def read_oldset_and_check(self) ‑> NoneType

Read the most recent oldset buffer passed to sigprocmask and check it matches what we expect

We do this in a separate method to avoid forcing the user to read memory if they don't want to validate that the oldset buffer contains what they expect. They can call it later if they want to do the check.

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async def read_oldset_and_check(self) -> None:
    """Read the most recent oldset buffer passed to sigprocmask and check it matches what we expect

    We do this in a separate method to avoid forcing the user to read memory
    if they don't want to validate that the oldset buffer contains what they
    expect. They can call it later if they want to do the check.

    if self.sigmask_oldset_ptr is None:
        raise Exception("can't check our tracking of sigmask "
                        "when we haven't called sigprocmask with an oldset ptr")
    sigmask = await
    if (sigmask & self.old_sigmask) != self.old_sigmask:
        raise Exception("SignalMask tracking got out of sync, we blocked these signals:", self.old_sigmask,
                        "but the actually blocked signals don't include all of those:", sigmask)