Module rsyscall.environ

Functions and classes relating to Unix environment variables.

This is always available to us, and we can use it to look up executables in our environment and access various other resources.

This will be superseded in many situations, though; for example, if we have access to a Nix store, we do not need to look at the environment to find executables.

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"""Functions and classes relating to Unix environment variables.

This is always available to us, and we can use it to look up executables in our
environment and access various other resources.

This will be superseded in many situations, though; for example, if we have
access to a Nix store, we do not need to look at the environment to find

from __future__ import annotations
from dneio import run_all
from rsyscall.command import Command
from rsyscall.handle import Task, FileDescriptor, WrittenPointer
from rsyscall.memory.ram import RAM
from rsyscall.path import Path
from rsyscall.unistd import ArgList
import os
import typing as t
import functools

from rsyscall.fcntl import O
from rsyscall.unistd import OK
__all__ = [

T = t.TypeVar('T')
def chunks(lst: t.List[T], size: int) -> t.Iterator[t.List[T]]:
    """Yield chunks of `lst`, at most `size` long.

    Thanks Stack Overflow

    for i in range(0, len(lst), size):
        yield lst[i:i+size]

class ExecutableNotFound(Exception):
    "No executable with this name can be found; thrown from `Environment.which`"
    def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
        super().__init__(name) = name

class ExecutablePathCache:
    "A cache of executables looked up on PATH."
    def __init__(self, task: Task, ram: RAM, paths: t.List[str]) -> None:
        self.task = task
        self.ram = ram
        self.paths = [Path(path) for path in paths]
        self.fds: t.Dict[Path, t.Optional[FileDescriptor]] = {}
        self.path_cache: t.Dict[str, Path] = {}

    async def _get_fd_for_path(self, path: Path) -> t.Optional[FileDescriptor]:
        "Return a cached file descriptor for this path."
        if path not in self.fds:
                fd = await self.ram.ptr(path), O.PATH|O.DIRECTORY)
            except OSError:
                self.fds[path] = None
                self.fds[path] = fd
        return self.fds[path]

    async def _check(self, path: Path, name: WrittenPointer[str]) -> bool:
        "Return true if there's an executable with this name under this path"
        fd = await self._get_fd_for_path(path)
        if fd is None:
            return False
                # TODO hmm this returns fine for directories tho. hm. hm.
                # oh well we'll just fail at exec time, that was always possible
                await fd.faccessat(name, OK.X)
            except OSError:
                return False
                return True

    async def which(self, name: str) -> Command:
        "Locate an executable with this name on PATH; throw ExecutableNotFound on failure"
            path = self.path_cache[name]
        except KeyError:
            nameptr = await self.ram.ptr(name)
            # do the lookup for 64 paths at a time, that seems like a good batching number
            for paths in chunks(self.paths, 64):
                thunks = [functools.partial(self._check, path, nameptr) for path in paths]
                results = await run_all(thunks) # type: ignore
                for path, result in zip(paths, results):
                    if result:
                        # path is set as the loop variable; python has no scope
                        # so we can just break out and use it.
                if result:
                raise ExecutableNotFound(name)
            self.path_cache[name] = path
        return Command(path/name, [name], {})

__pdoc__ = {
    'Environment.__getitem__': True,
    'Environment.__contains__': True,
    'Environment.__len__': True,
    'Environment.__delitem__': True,
    'Environment.__setitem__': True,
class Environment:
    "A representation of Unix environment variables."
    def make_from_environ(task: Task, ram: RAM, environment: t.Dict[str, str]) -> Environment:
        return Environment(environment, ExecutablePathCache(task, ram, environment.get("PATH", "").split(":")))

    def __init__(self, environment: t.Dict[str, str], path: ExecutablePathCache,
                 arglist_ptr: t.Optional[WrittenPointer[ArgList]]=None,
    ) -> None: = environment = Command(Path("/bin/sh"), ['sh'], {})
        "The POSIX-required `/bin/sh`, as a `rsyscall.Command`"
        self.tmpdir = Path(self.get("TMPDIR", "/tmp"))
        "`TMPDIR`, or `/tmp` if it's not set, as a `rsyscall.path.Path`"
        self.path = path
        self.arglist_ptr = arglist_ptr

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str:

    def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
        return key in

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(

    def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:

    def __setitem__(self, key: str, val: str) -> None:[key] = val

    def get(self, key: str, default: str) -> str:
        "Like `dict.get`; get an environment variable, with a default."
        result =
        if result is None:
            return default
            return result

    async def which(self, name: str) -> Command:
        "Locate an executable with this name on `PATH`; throw `ExecutableNotFound` on failure."
        return await self.path.which(name)

    def inherit(self, task: Task, ram: RAM) -> Environment:
        """Return a new Environment instance for this Task and RAM.

        We share the existing ExecutablePathCache. This centralizes path lookups so that
        they're shared between all threads.

        return Environment(dict(, self.path, self.arglist_ptr)

    async def as_arglist(self, ram: RAM) -> WrittenPointer[ArgList]:
        if self.arglist_ptr is None:
            envp = ['='.join([key, value]) for key, value in]
            async def op(sem: RAM) -> WrittenPointer[ArgList]:
                envp_ptrs = ArgList([await sem.ptr(arg) for arg in envp])
                return await sem.ptr(envp_ptrs)
            ptr: WrittenPointer[ArgList] = await ram.perform_batch(op)
            self.arglist_ptr = ptr
        return self.arglist_ptr


class ExecutableNotFound (name: str)

No executable with this name can be found; thrown from Environment.which()

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class ExecutableNotFound(Exception):
    "No executable with this name can be found; thrown from `Environment.which`"
    def __init__(self, name: str) -> None:
        super().__init__(name) = name


  • builtins.Exception
  • builtins.BaseException
class Environment (environment: t.Dict[str, str], path: ExecutablePathCache, arglist_ptr: t.Optional[WrittenPointer[ArgList]] = None)

A representation of Unix environment variables.

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class Environment:
    "A representation of Unix environment variables."
    def make_from_environ(task: Task, ram: RAM, environment: t.Dict[str, str]) -> Environment:
        return Environment(environment, ExecutablePathCache(task, ram, environment.get("PATH", "").split(":")))

    def __init__(self, environment: t.Dict[str, str], path: ExecutablePathCache,
                 arglist_ptr: t.Optional[WrittenPointer[ArgList]]=None,
    ) -> None: = environment = Command(Path("/bin/sh"), ['sh'], {})
        "The POSIX-required `/bin/sh`, as a `rsyscall.Command`"
        self.tmpdir = Path(self.get("TMPDIR", "/tmp"))
        "`TMPDIR`, or `/tmp` if it's not set, as a `rsyscall.path.Path`"
        self.path = path
        self.arglist_ptr = arglist_ptr

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str:

    def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
        return key in

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(

    def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:

    def __setitem__(self, key: str, val: str) -> None:[key] = val

    def get(self, key: str, default: str) -> str:
        "Like `dict.get`; get an environment variable, with a default."
        result =
        if result is None:
            return default
            return result

    async def which(self, name: str) -> Command:
        "Locate an executable with this name on `PATH`; throw `ExecutableNotFound` on failure."
        return await self.path.which(name)

    def inherit(self, task: Task, ram: RAM) -> Environment:
        """Return a new Environment instance for this Task and RAM.

        We share the existing ExecutablePathCache. This centralizes path lookups so that
        they're shared between all threads.

        return Environment(dict(, self.path, self.arglist_ptr)

    async def as_arglist(self, ram: RAM) -> WrittenPointer[ArgList]:
        if self.arglist_ptr is None:
            envp = ['='.join([key, value]) for key, value in]
            async def op(sem: RAM) -> WrittenPointer[ArgList]:
                envp_ptrs = ArgList([await sem.ptr(arg) for arg in envp])
                return await sem.ptr(envp_ptrs)
            ptr: WrittenPointer[ArgList] = await ram.perform_batch(op)
            self.arglist_ptr = ptr
        return self.arglist_ptr

Static methods

def make_from_environ(task: Task, ram: RAM, environment: t.Dict[str, str]) ‑> Environment
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def make_from_environ(task: Task, ram: RAM, environment: t.Dict[str, str]) -> Environment:
    return Environment(environment, ExecutablePathCache(task, ram, environment.get("PATH", "").split(":")))

Instance variables

var sh

The POSIX-required /bin/sh, as a Command

var tmpdir

TMPDIR, or /tmp if it's not set, as a Path


def __getitem__(self, key: str) ‑> str
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def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> str:
def __contains__(self, key: str) ‑> bool
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def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool:
    return key in
def __len__(self) ‑> int
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def __len__(self) -> int:
    return len(
def __delitem__(self, key: str) ‑> NoneType
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def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None:
def __setitem__(self, key: str, val: str) ‑> NoneType
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def __setitem__(self, key: str, val: str) -> None:[key] = val
def get(self, key: str, default: str) ‑> str

Like dict.get; get an environment variable, with a default.

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def get(self, key: str, default: str) -> str:
    "Like `dict.get`; get an environment variable, with a default."
    result =
    if result is None:
        return default
        return result
async def which(self, name: str) ‑> Command

Locate an executable with this name on PATH; throw ExecutableNotFound on failure.

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async def which(self, name: str) -> Command:
    "Locate an executable with this name on `PATH`; throw `ExecutableNotFound` on failure."
    return await self.path.which(name)
def inherit(self, task: Task, ram: RAM) ‑> Environment

Return a new Environment instance for this Task and RAM.

We share the existing ExecutablePathCache. This centralizes path lookups so that they're shared between all threads.

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def inherit(self, task: Task, ram: RAM) -> Environment:
    """Return a new Environment instance for this Task and RAM.

    We share the existing ExecutablePathCache. This centralizes path lookups so that
    they're shared between all threads.

    return Environment(dict(, self.path, self.arglist_ptr)
async def as_arglist(self, ram: RAM) ‑> WrittenPointer[ArgList]
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async def as_arglist(self, ram: RAM) -> WrittenPointer[ArgList]:
    if self.arglist_ptr is None:
        envp = ['='.join([key, value]) for key, value in]
        async def op(sem: RAM) -> WrittenPointer[ArgList]:
            envp_ptrs = ArgList([await sem.ptr(arg) for arg in envp])
            return await sem.ptr(envp_ptrs)
        ptr: WrittenPointer[ArgList] = await ram.perform_batch(op)
        self.arglist_ptr = ptr
    return self.arglist_ptr