Module rsyscall.command

Provides the Command class, which is a convenient representation of the arguments to execve.

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"Provides the Command class, which is a convenient representation of the arguments to execve."
import typing as t
from rsyscall.path import Path
import os

T_command = t.TypeVar('T_command', bound="Command")
class Command:
    "A convenient builder-pattern representation of the arguments to execve."
    def __init__(self,
                 executable_path: Path,
                 arguments: t.List[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
                 env_updates: t.Mapping[str, t.Union[str, os.PathLike]]) -> None:
        self.executable_path = executable_path
        self.arguments = arguments
        self.env_updates = env_updates

    def args(self: T_command, *args: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> T_command:
        "Add more arguments to this Command."
        return type(self)(self.executable_path,
                          [*self.arguments, *args],

    def env(self: T_command, env_updates: t.Mapping[str, t.Union[str, os.PathLike]]={},
            **updates: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> T_command:
        """Add more environment variable updates to this Command.

        There are two ways to pass arguments to this method (which can be used simultaneously):
        - you can pass a dictionary of environment updates,
        - or you can provide your environment updates as keyword arguments.
        Both are necessary, since there are many valid environment variable
        names which are not valid Python keyword argument names.

        return type(self)(self.executable_path,
                          {**self.env_updates, **env_updates, **updates})

    def in_shell_form(self) -> str:
        "Render this Command as a string which could be passed to a shell."
        ret = ""
        for key, value in self.env_updates.items():
            ret += os.fsdecode(key) + "=" + os.fsdecode(value) + " "
        ret += os.fsdecode(self.executable_path)
        # skip first argument
        for arg in self.arguments[1:]:
            ret += " " + os.fsdecode(arg)
        return ret

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        ret = "Command("
        for key, value in self.env_updates.items():
            ret += f"{key}={value} "
        ret += f"{os.fsdecode(self.executable_path)},"
        for arg in self.arguments:
            ret += " " + os.fsdecode(arg)
        ret += ")"
        return ret

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return str(self)


class Command (executable_path: Path, arguments: List[Union[str, os.PathLike]], env_updates: Mapping[str, Union[str, os.PathLike]])

A convenient builder-pattern representation of the arguments to execve.

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class Command:
    "A convenient builder-pattern representation of the arguments to execve."
    def __init__(self,
                 executable_path: Path,
                 arguments: t.List[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
                 env_updates: t.Mapping[str, t.Union[str, os.PathLike]]) -> None:
        self.executable_path = executable_path
        self.arguments = arguments
        self.env_updates = env_updates

    def args(self: T_command, *args: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> T_command:
        "Add more arguments to this Command."
        return type(self)(self.executable_path,
                          [*self.arguments, *args],

    def env(self: T_command, env_updates: t.Mapping[str, t.Union[str, os.PathLike]]={},
            **updates: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> T_command:
        """Add more environment variable updates to this Command.

        There are two ways to pass arguments to this method (which can be used simultaneously):
        - you can pass a dictionary of environment updates,
        - or you can provide your environment updates as keyword arguments.
        Both are necessary, since there are many valid environment variable
        names which are not valid Python keyword argument names.

        return type(self)(self.executable_path,
                          {**self.env_updates, **env_updates, **updates})

    def in_shell_form(self) -> str:
        "Render this Command as a string which could be passed to a shell."
        ret = ""
        for key, value in self.env_updates.items():
            ret += os.fsdecode(key) + "=" + os.fsdecode(value) + " "
        ret += os.fsdecode(self.executable_path)
        # skip first argument
        for arg in self.arguments[1:]:
            ret += " " + os.fsdecode(arg)
        return ret

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        ret = "Command("
        for key, value in self.env_updates.items():
            ret += f"{key}={value} "
        ret += f"{os.fsdecode(self.executable_path)},"
        for arg in self.arguments:
            ret += " " + os.fsdecode(arg)
        ret += ")"
        return ret

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return str(self)



def args(self: ~T_command, *args: Union[str, os.PathLike]) ‑> ~T_command

Add more arguments to this Command.

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def args(self: T_command, *args: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> T_command:
    "Add more arguments to this Command."
    return type(self)(self.executable_path,
                      [*self.arguments, *args],
def env(self: ~T_command, env_updates: Mapping[str, Union[str, os.PathLike]] = {}, **updates: Union[str, os.PathLike]) ‑> ~T_command

Add more environment variable updates to this Command.

There are two ways to pass arguments to this method (which can be used simultaneously): - you can pass a dictionary of environment updates, - or you can provide your environment updates as keyword arguments. Both are necessary, since there are many valid environment variable names which are not valid Python keyword argument names.

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def env(self: T_command, env_updates: t.Mapping[str, t.Union[str, os.PathLike]]={},
        **updates: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> T_command:
    """Add more environment variable updates to this Command.

    There are two ways to pass arguments to this method (which can be used simultaneously):
    - you can pass a dictionary of environment updates,
    - or you can provide your environment updates as keyword arguments.
    Both are necessary, since there are many valid environment variable
    names which are not valid Python keyword argument names.

    return type(self)(self.executable_path,
                      {**self.env_updates, **env_updates, **updates})
def in_shell_form(self) ‑> str

Render this Command as a string which could be passed to a shell.

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def in_shell_form(self) -> str:
    "Render this Command as a string which could be passed to a shell."
    ret = ""
    for key, value in self.env_updates.items():
        ret += os.fsdecode(key) + "=" + os.fsdecode(value) + " "
    ret += os.fsdecode(self.executable_path)
    # skip first argument
    for arg in self.arguments[1:]:
        ret += " " + os.fsdecode(arg)
    return ret