Module rsyscall.wish

Several REPL-based WishGranters for the wish library

This module provides several choices of WishGranters for the wish library. Each WishGranter is an asynchronous REPL based on the arepl library.

In fact, this library automatically instantiates ConsoleGenie and sets my_wish_granter to it at import time. Not very nice, but convenient.

Also, for convenience, we re-export wish() and Wish.

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"""Several REPL-based `wish.WishGranter`s for the `wish` library

This module provides several choices of `wish.WishGranter`s for the wish library. Each
`WishGranter` is an asynchronous REPL based on the `arepl` library.

In fact, this library automatically instantiates `ConsoleGenie` and sets
`wish.my_wish_granter` to it at import time. Not very nice, but convenient.

Also, for convenience, we re-export `wish.wish` and `wish.Wish`.

from __future__ import annotations
from rsyscall.command import Command
from rsyscall.epoller import AsyncFileDescriptor
from rsyscall.thread import Thread
from rsyscall.path import Path
from wish import wish, WishGranter, Wish, my_wish_granter
import logging
import os
import arepl
import sys
import traceback
import trio
import typing as t

from rsyscall.sched import CLONE
from rsyscall.sys.socket import SOCK, AF
from rsyscall.sys.un import SockaddrUn
from rsyscall.sys.wait import W
from rsyscall.unistd import Pipe

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = [

T = t.TypeVar('T')

class ConsoleGenie(WishGranter):
    "A WishGranter which satisfies wishes by starting a REPL on stdin/stdout for human intervention"
    async def make(self, thread: Thread):
        "Create a ConsoleGenie that will serve using `thread`'s stdin/stdout"
        cat = await thread.environ.which("cat")
        return ConsoleGenie(thread, cat)

    def __init__(self, thread: Thread, cat: Command) -> None:
        self.thread = thread = cat
        self.lock = trio.Lock()

    async def wish(self, wish: Wish[T]) -> T:
        """Serve a REPL on stdin/stdout and returns the value returned from it; throws on REPL hangup

        We use cat as a hack to be async; we can't robustly turn stdin/stdout into
        AsyncFDs, because setting them to NONBLOCK will be inherited by other processes
        using the same terminal. Instead, we just start two cats to do blocking
        reads/writes of stdin/stdout, then do async reads/writes to the cats.

        async with self.lock:
            message = "".join(traceback.format_exception(None, wish, wish.__traceback__))
            wisher_frame = [frame for (frame, lineno) in traceback.walk_tb(wish.__traceback__)][-1]

            to_term_pipe = await (await self.thread.task.pipe(await self.thread.ram.malloc(Pipe))).read()
            from_term_pipe = await (await self.thread.task.pipe(await self.thread.ram.malloc(Pipe))).read()
            async_from_term = await self.thread.make_afd(, set_nonblock=True)
            async_to_term = await self.thread.make_afd(to_term_pipe.write, set_nonblock=True)
                cat_stdin_thread = await self.thread.clone()
                await cat_stdin_thread.task.inherit_fd(
                async with await cat_stdin_thread.exec(
                    cat_stdout_thread = await self.thread.clone()
                    await cat_stdout_thread.task.inherit_fd(from_term_pipe.write).dup2(cat_stdout_thread.stdout)
                    async with await cat_stdout_thread.exec(
                        ret = await run_repl(async_from_term, async_to_term, {
                            '__repl_stdin__': async_from_term,
                            '__repl_stdout__': async_to_term,
                            'wish': wish,
                            'wisher_frame': wisher_frame,
                        }, wish.return_type, message)
                        return ret
                await async_from_term.close()
                await async_to_term.close()

class ConsoleServerGenie(WishGranter):
    """On wish, listens for connections to a socket in `sockdir`, and serves a REPL to them

    Also, immediately starts socat from `thread` connecting to the socket; that means a
    REPL is served on stdin/stdout.

    The socket names are generated from the function and line number at which wish was
    called. The sockets are unlinked after a value is returned from some REPL.

    Multiple connections to the socket are supported at a time. Once one returns a value,
    all are cancelled.

    async def make(self, thread: Thread, sockdir: Path):
        socat = await thread.environ.which("socat")
        return ConsoleServerGenie(thread, sockdir, socat)

    def __init__(self, thread: Thread, sockdir: Path, socat: Command) -> None:
        self.thread = thread
        self.sockdir = sockdir
        self.socat = socat
        self.name_counts: t.Dict[str, int] = {}

    def _uniquify_name(self, name: str) -> str:
        "We never reuse a name for a socket."
        if name not in self.name_counts:
            self.name_counts[name] = 1
            return name
            self.name_counts[name] += 1
            return name + f".{self.name_counts[name]}"

    async def wish(self, wish: Wish[T]) -> T:
        message = "".join(traceback.format_exception(None, wish, wish.__traceback__))
        wisher_frame = [frame for (frame, lineno) in traceback.walk_tb(wish.__traceback__)][-1]
        sock_name = self._uniquify_name(f'{wisher_frame.f_code.co_name}-{wisher_frame.f_lineno}')
        sock_path = self.sockdir/sock_name
        cmd = self.socat.args("-", "UNIX-CONNECT:" + os.fsdecode(sock_path))
        sockfd = await self.thread.make_afd(await self.thread.socket(AF.UNIX, SOCK.STREAM|SOCK.NONBLOCK))
        await sockfd.bind(await self.thread.ptr(await SockaddrUn.from_path(self.thread, sock_path)))
        await sockfd.handle.listen(10)
        async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
            async def do_socat():
                while True:
                    thread = await self.thread.clone()
                        child = await thread.exec(cmd)
                        await thread.exit(0)
                    async with child:
                        await child.waitpid(W.EXITED)
            ret = await serve_repls(sockfd, {
                'wisher_frame': wisher_frame,
            }, wish.return_type, message)
        await self.thread.task.unlink(await self.thread.ram.ptr(sock_path))
        return ret

async def run_repl(infd: AsyncFileDescriptor,
                   outfd: AsyncFileDescriptor,
                   global_vars: t.Dict[str, t.Any],
                   wanted_type: t.Type[T], message: str) -> T:
    """Serve a REPL on infd/outfd, guarding that it only returns `wanted_type`

    We print `message` on startup.  `global_vars` is mutably used as the global variables
    dict for the REPL.

    async with trio.open_nursery() as repl_nursery:
        async def wait_for_rdhup() -> None:
            await infd.wait_for_rdhup()
            # when we get RDHUP on the connection, we want to cancel the REPL, even if
            # some task is in progress.
            raise Exception("REPL connection hangup")
        await outfd.write_all_bytes((message+"\n").encode())
        ret = await arepl.run_repl(infd.read_some_bytes, outfd.write_all_bytes, global_vars, wanted_type)
    return ret

async def serve_repls(listenfd: AsyncFileDescriptor,
                      initial_vars: t.Dict[str, t.Any],
                      wanted_type: t.Type[T], message: str) -> T:
    """Serve REPLs on a socket until someone gives us the type we want

    Multiple connections to the socket can be active simultaneously, with REPLs being
    served to all.

    Each REPL has a reference to the REPL variables of all other REPLs, through the
    __repls__ variable present in each REPL.

    A good extension would be to support killing a REPL from another REPL. We didn't do
    that for some reason, not sure why.

    repl_vars: t.Dict[str, t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = {}
    retval = None
    async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
        async def do_repl(connfd: AsyncFileDescriptor,
                          global_vars: t.Dict[str, t.Any]) -> None:
                ret = await run_repl(connfd, connfd, global_vars, wanted_type, message)
            except arepl.FromREPL as e:
                raise e.exn from e
            except Exception:
                logger.exception("run_repl's internal logic raised an exception, disconnecting that REPL and continuing")
                nonlocal retval
                retval = ret
                await connfd.close()
        num = 0
        while True:
            connfd = await listenfd.make_new_afd(await listenfd.accept(SOCK.NONBLOCK))
            global_vars = {**initial_vars,
                           '__repls__': repl_vars,
                           '__repl_stdin__': connfd,
                           '__repl_stdout__': connfd}
            repl_vars[str(num)] = global_vars
            nursery.start_soon(do_repl, connfd, global_vars)
            num += 1
    return retval

def _initialize_module() -> None:
    from rsyscall import local_thread
    my_wish_granter.set(, local_thread))


async def run_repl(infd: AsyncFileDescriptor, outfd: AsyncFileDescriptor, global_vars: t.Dict[str, t.Any], wanted_type: t.Type[T], message: str) ‑> ~T

Serve a REPL on infd/outfd, guarding that it only returns wanted_type

We print message on startup. global_vars is mutably used as the global variables dict for the REPL.

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async def run_repl(infd: AsyncFileDescriptor,
                   outfd: AsyncFileDescriptor,
                   global_vars: t.Dict[str, t.Any],
                   wanted_type: t.Type[T], message: str) -> T:
    """Serve a REPL on infd/outfd, guarding that it only returns `wanted_type`

    We print `message` on startup.  `global_vars` is mutably used as the global variables
    dict for the REPL.

    async with trio.open_nursery() as repl_nursery:
        async def wait_for_rdhup() -> None:
            await infd.wait_for_rdhup()
            # when we get RDHUP on the connection, we want to cancel the REPL, even if
            # some task is in progress.
            raise Exception("REPL connection hangup")
        await outfd.write_all_bytes((message+"\n").encode())
        ret = await arepl.run_repl(infd.read_some_bytes, outfd.write_all_bytes, global_vars, wanted_type)
    return ret
async def serve_repls(listenfd: AsyncFileDescriptor, initial_vars: t.Dict[str, t.Any], wanted_type: t.Type[T], message: str) ‑> ~T

Serve REPLs on a socket until someone gives us the type we want

Multiple connections to the socket can be active simultaneously, with REPLs being served to all.

Each REPL has a reference to the REPL variables of all other REPLs, through the repls variable present in each REPL.

A good extension would be to support killing a REPL from another REPL. We didn't do that for some reason, not sure why.

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async def serve_repls(listenfd: AsyncFileDescriptor,
                      initial_vars: t.Dict[str, t.Any],
                      wanted_type: t.Type[T], message: str) -> T:
    """Serve REPLs on a socket until someone gives us the type we want

    Multiple connections to the socket can be active simultaneously, with REPLs being
    served to all.

    Each REPL has a reference to the REPL variables of all other REPLs, through the
    __repls__ variable present in each REPL.

    A good extension would be to support killing a REPL from another REPL. We didn't do
    that for some reason, not sure why.

    repl_vars: t.Dict[str, t.Dict[str, t.Any]] = {}
    retval = None
    async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
        async def do_repl(connfd: AsyncFileDescriptor,
                          global_vars: t.Dict[str, t.Any]) -> None:
                ret = await run_repl(connfd, connfd, global_vars, wanted_type, message)
            except arepl.FromREPL as e:
                raise e.exn from e
            except Exception:
                logger.exception("run_repl's internal logic raised an exception, disconnecting that REPL and continuing")
                nonlocal retval
                retval = ret
                await connfd.close()
        num = 0
        while True:
            connfd = await listenfd.make_new_afd(await listenfd.accept(SOCK.NONBLOCK))
            global_vars = {**initial_vars,
                           '__repls__': repl_vars,
                           '__repl_stdin__': connfd,
                           '__repl_stdout__': connfd}
            repl_vars[str(num)] = global_vars
            nursery.start_soon(do_repl, connfd, global_vars)
            num += 1
    return retval


class ConsoleGenie (thread: Thread, cat: Command)

A WishGranter which satisfies wishes by starting a REPL on stdin/stdout for human intervention

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class ConsoleGenie(WishGranter):
    "A WishGranter which satisfies wishes by starting a REPL on stdin/stdout for human intervention"
    async def make(self, thread: Thread):
        "Create a ConsoleGenie that will serve using `thread`'s stdin/stdout"
        cat = await thread.environ.which("cat")
        return ConsoleGenie(thread, cat)

    def __init__(self, thread: Thread, cat: Command) -> None:
        self.thread = thread = cat
        self.lock = trio.Lock()

    async def wish(self, wish: Wish[T]) -> T:
        """Serve a REPL on stdin/stdout and returns the value returned from it; throws on REPL hangup

        We use cat as a hack to be async; we can't robustly turn stdin/stdout into
        AsyncFDs, because setting them to NONBLOCK will be inherited by other processes
        using the same terminal. Instead, we just start two cats to do blocking
        reads/writes of stdin/stdout, then do async reads/writes to the cats.

        async with self.lock:
            message = "".join(traceback.format_exception(None, wish, wish.__traceback__))
            wisher_frame = [frame for (frame, lineno) in traceback.walk_tb(wish.__traceback__)][-1]

            to_term_pipe = await (await self.thread.task.pipe(await self.thread.ram.malloc(Pipe))).read()
            from_term_pipe = await (await self.thread.task.pipe(await self.thread.ram.malloc(Pipe))).read()
            async_from_term = await self.thread.make_afd(, set_nonblock=True)
            async_to_term = await self.thread.make_afd(to_term_pipe.write, set_nonblock=True)
                cat_stdin_thread = await self.thread.clone()
                await cat_stdin_thread.task.inherit_fd(
                async with await cat_stdin_thread.exec(
                    cat_stdout_thread = await self.thread.clone()
                    await cat_stdout_thread.task.inherit_fd(from_term_pipe.write).dup2(cat_stdout_thread.stdout)
                    async with await cat_stdout_thread.exec(
                        ret = await run_repl(async_from_term, async_to_term, {
                            '__repl_stdin__': async_from_term,
                            '__repl_stdout__': async_to_term,
                            'wish': wish,
                            'wisher_frame': wisher_frame,
                        }, wish.return_type, message)
                        return ret
                await async_from_term.close()
                await async_to_term.close()


Static methods

async def make(thread: Thread)

Create a ConsoleGenie that will serve using thread's stdin/stdout

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async def make(self, thread: Thread):
    "Create a ConsoleGenie that will serve using `thread`'s stdin/stdout"
    cat = await thread.environ.which("cat")
    return ConsoleGenie(thread, cat)


async def wish(self, wish: Wish[T]) ‑> ~T

Serve a REPL on stdin/stdout and returns the value returned from it; throws on REPL hangup

We use cat as a hack to be async; we can't robustly turn stdin/stdout into AsyncFDs, because setting them to NONBLOCK will be inherited by other processes using the same terminal. Instead, we just start two cats to do blocking reads/writes of stdin/stdout, then do async reads/writes to the cats.

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async def wish(self, wish: Wish[T]) -> T:
    """Serve a REPL on stdin/stdout and returns the value returned from it; throws on REPL hangup

    We use cat as a hack to be async; we can't robustly turn stdin/stdout into
    AsyncFDs, because setting them to NONBLOCK will be inherited by other processes
    using the same terminal. Instead, we just start two cats to do blocking
    reads/writes of stdin/stdout, then do async reads/writes to the cats.

    async with self.lock:
        message = "".join(traceback.format_exception(None, wish, wish.__traceback__))
        wisher_frame = [frame for (frame, lineno) in traceback.walk_tb(wish.__traceback__)][-1]

        to_term_pipe = await (await self.thread.task.pipe(await self.thread.ram.malloc(Pipe))).read()
        from_term_pipe = await (await self.thread.task.pipe(await self.thread.ram.malloc(Pipe))).read()
        async_from_term = await self.thread.make_afd(, set_nonblock=True)
        async_to_term = await self.thread.make_afd(to_term_pipe.write, set_nonblock=True)
            cat_stdin_thread = await self.thread.clone()
            await cat_stdin_thread.task.inherit_fd(
            async with await cat_stdin_thread.exec(
                cat_stdout_thread = await self.thread.clone()
                await cat_stdout_thread.task.inherit_fd(from_term_pipe.write).dup2(cat_stdout_thread.stdout)
                async with await cat_stdout_thread.exec(
                    ret = await run_repl(async_from_term, async_to_term, {
                        '__repl_stdin__': async_from_term,
                        '__repl_stdout__': async_to_term,
                        'wish': wish,
                        'wisher_frame': wisher_frame,
                    }, wish.return_type, message)
                    return ret
            await async_from_term.close()
            await async_to_term.close()
class ConsoleServerGenie (thread: Thread, sockdir: Path, socat: Command)

On wish, listens for connections to a socket in sockdir, and serves a REPL to them

Also, immediately starts socat from thread connecting to the socket; that means a REPL is served on stdin/stdout.

The socket names are generated from the function and line number at which wish was called. The sockets are unlinked after a value is returned from some REPL.

Multiple connections to the socket are supported at a time. Once one returns a value, all are cancelled.

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class ConsoleServerGenie(WishGranter):
    """On wish, listens for connections to a socket in `sockdir`, and serves a REPL to them

    Also, immediately starts socat from `thread` connecting to the socket; that means a
    REPL is served on stdin/stdout.

    The socket names are generated from the function and line number at which wish was
    called. The sockets are unlinked after a value is returned from some REPL.

    Multiple connections to the socket are supported at a time. Once one returns a value,
    all are cancelled.

    async def make(self, thread: Thread, sockdir: Path):
        socat = await thread.environ.which("socat")
        return ConsoleServerGenie(thread, sockdir, socat)

    def __init__(self, thread: Thread, sockdir: Path, socat: Command) -> None:
        self.thread = thread
        self.sockdir = sockdir
        self.socat = socat
        self.name_counts: t.Dict[str, int] = {}

    def _uniquify_name(self, name: str) -> str:
        "We never reuse a name for a socket."
        if name not in self.name_counts:
            self.name_counts[name] = 1
            return name
            self.name_counts[name] += 1
            return name + f".{self.name_counts[name]}"

    async def wish(self, wish: Wish[T]) -> T:
        message = "".join(traceback.format_exception(None, wish, wish.__traceback__))
        wisher_frame = [frame for (frame, lineno) in traceback.walk_tb(wish.__traceback__)][-1]
        sock_name = self._uniquify_name(f'{wisher_frame.f_code.co_name}-{wisher_frame.f_lineno}')
        sock_path = self.sockdir/sock_name
        cmd = self.socat.args("-", "UNIX-CONNECT:" + os.fsdecode(sock_path))
        sockfd = await self.thread.make_afd(await self.thread.socket(AF.UNIX, SOCK.STREAM|SOCK.NONBLOCK))
        await sockfd.bind(await self.thread.ptr(await SockaddrUn.from_path(self.thread, sock_path)))
        await sockfd.handle.listen(10)
        async with trio.open_nursery() as nursery:
            async def do_socat():
                while True:
                    thread = await self.thread.clone()
                        child = await thread.exec(cmd)
                        await thread.exit(0)
                    async with child:
                        await child.waitpid(W.EXITED)
            ret = await serve_repls(sockfd, {
                'wisher_frame': wisher_frame,
            }, wish.return_type, message)
        await self.thread.task.unlink(await self.thread.ram.ptr(sock_path))
        return ret


Static methods

async def make(thread: Thread, sockdir: Path)
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async def make(self, thread: Thread, sockdir: Path):
    socat = await thread.environ.which("socat")
    return ConsoleServerGenie(thread, sockdir, socat)

Inherited members