Module rsyscall.loader
Access to native code functions
At some point we'll implement a loader here which can be used to load objects into threads and return the functions inside them. For now, we just have skeleton classes that hold pre-loaded functions.
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"""Access to native code functions
At some point we'll implement a loader here which can be used to load
objects into threads and return the functions inside them. For now, we
just have skeleton classes that hold pre-loaded functions.
from __future__ import annotations
from rsyscall._raw import ffi # type: ignore
import contextlib
from dataclasses import dataclass
import typing as t
from rsyscall.handle import (
Borrowable, Pointer, WrittenPointer, FileDescriptor, Task,
from rsyscall.sys.mman import MemoryMapping
from rsyscall.memory.allocation_interface import AllocationInterface
from rsyscall.memory.transport import MemoryGateway
import rsyscall.near.types as near
import rsyscall.far as far
from rsyscall.struct import Serializer
__all__ = [
class NativeFunction:
"""A native-code function
For now, this is just an opaque marker type, but maybe later we'll
actually be able to manipulate this as an object.
class Trampoline(Borrowable):
"A pointer to a native function plus some arguments passed by register"
function: Pointer[NativeFunction]
args: t.List[t.Union[FileDescriptor, WrittenPointer[Borrowable], Pointer, int]]
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
if len(self.args) > 6:
raise Exception("only six arguments can be passed via trampoline")
def borrow_with(self, stack: contextlib.ExitStack, task: Task) -> None:
"Borrow the function pointer and the arguments"
for arg in self.args:
if isinstance(arg, int):
elif isinstance(arg, WrittenPointer):
arg.value.borrow_with(stack, task)
class TrampolineSerializer(Serializer[Trampoline]):
def to_bytes(self, val: Trampoline) -> bytes:
# at most six arguments
args: t.List[int] = [0]*6
for i, arg in enumerate(val.args):
if isinstance(arg, FileDescriptor):
args[i] = int(arg)
elif isinstance(arg, Pointer):
args[i] = int(arg.near)
args[i] = int(arg)
struct ='struct rsyscall_trampoline_stack*', {
'function': ffi.cast('void*', int(val.function.near)),
'rdi': args[0],
'rsi': args[1],
'rdx': args[2],
'rcx': args[3],
'r8': args[4],
'r9': args[5],
return bytes(ffi.buffer(struct))
class StaticAllocation(AllocationInterface):
def offset(self) -> int:
return 0
def size(self) -> int:
raise Exception
def split(self, size: int) -> t.Tuple[AllocationInterface, AllocationInterface]:
raise Exception
def merge(self, other: AllocationInterface) -> AllocationInterface:
raise Exception("can't merge")
def free(self) -> None:
class NullGateway(MemoryGateway):
async def read(self, src: Pointer) -> bytes:
raise Exception("shouldn't try to read")
async def write(self, dest: Pointer, data: bytes) -> None:
raise Exception("shouldn't try to write")
class NativeFunctionSerializer(Serializer[NativeFunction]):
"Serializes NativeFunctions by throw exceptions if you call to_bytes/from_bytes :)"
class NativeLoader:
"""Loads native code object into memory where they can be called
At the moment we don't actually load though - we just hardcode a
set of available symbols that we use.
server_func: Pointer[NativeFunction]
persistent_server_func: Pointer[NativeFunction]
trampoline_func: Pointer[NativeFunction]
futex_helper_func: Pointer[NativeFunction]
def make_from_symbols(task: Task, symbols: t.Any) -> NativeLoader:
"""Create a NativeLoader by pulling functions from this "symbols" object by attribute
This symbols object is either rsyscall._raw.lib, or a cffi struct;
either way, the attributes are named as we expect in this function.
def to_handle(cffi_ptr) -> Pointer[NativeFunction]:
pointer_int = int(ffi.cast('ssize_t', cffi_ptr))
# TODO we're just making up a memory mapping that this pointer is inside;
# we should figure out the actual mapping, and the size for that matter.
mapping = MemoryMapping(task, near.MemoryMapping(pointer_int, 0, 1), far.File())
return Pointer(mapping, NullGateway(), NativeFunctionSerializer(), StaticAllocation(), NativeFunction)
return NativeLoader(
def make_trampoline_stack(self, trampoline: Trampoline) -> Stack[Trampoline]:
"Make a stack that will invoke the passed trampoline as its immediate action"
return Stack(self.trampoline_func, trampoline, TrampolineSerializer())
class NativeFunction
A native-code function
For now, this is just an opaque marker type, but maybe later we'll actually be able to manipulate this as an object.
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class NativeFunction: """A native-code function For now, this is just an opaque marker type, but maybe later we'll actually be able to manipulate this as an object. """ pass
class Trampoline (function: Pointer[NativeFunction], args: t.List[t.Union[FileDescriptor, WrittenPointer[Borrowable], Pointer, int]])
A pointer to a native function plus some arguments passed by register
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@dataclass class Trampoline(Borrowable): "A pointer to a native function plus some arguments passed by register" function: Pointer[NativeFunction] args: t.List[t.Union[FileDescriptor, WrittenPointer[Borrowable], Pointer, int]] def __post_init__(self) -> None: if len(self.args) > 6: raise Exception("only six arguments can be passed via trampoline") def borrow_with(self, stack: contextlib.ExitStack, task: Task) -> None: "Borrow the function pointer and the arguments" stack.enter_context(self.function.borrow(task)) for arg in self.args: if isinstance(arg, int): pass elif isinstance(arg, WrittenPointer): arg.value.borrow_with(stack, task) else: stack.enter_context(arg.borrow(task))
Class variables
var function : Pointer[NativeFunction]
var args : List[Union[FileDescriptor, WrittenPointer[Borrowable], Pointer, int]]
def borrow_with(self, stack: contextlib.ExitStack, task: Task) ‑> NoneType
Borrow the function pointer and the arguments
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def borrow_with(self, stack: contextlib.ExitStack, task: Task) -> None: "Borrow the function pointer and the arguments" stack.enter_context(self.function.borrow(task)) for arg in self.args: if isinstance(arg, int): pass elif isinstance(arg, WrittenPointer): arg.value.borrow_with(stack, task) else: stack.enter_context(arg.borrow(task))
class NativeLoader (server_func: Pointer[NativeFunction], persistent_server_func: Pointer[NativeFunction], trampoline_func: Pointer[NativeFunction], futex_helper_func: Pointer[NativeFunction])
Loads native code object into memory where they can be called
At the moment we don't actually load though - we just hardcode a set of available symbols that we use.
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@dataclass class NativeLoader: """Loads native code object into memory where they can be called At the moment we don't actually load though - we just hardcode a set of available symbols that we use. """ server_func: Pointer[NativeFunction] persistent_server_func: Pointer[NativeFunction] trampoline_func: Pointer[NativeFunction] futex_helper_func: Pointer[NativeFunction] @staticmethod def make_from_symbols(task: Task, symbols: t.Any) -> NativeLoader: """Create a NativeLoader by pulling functions from this "symbols" object by attribute This symbols object is either rsyscall._raw.lib, or a cffi struct; either way, the attributes are named as we expect in this function. """ def to_handle(cffi_ptr) -> Pointer[NativeFunction]: pointer_int = int(ffi.cast('ssize_t', cffi_ptr)) # TODO we're just making up a memory mapping that this pointer is inside; # we should figure out the actual mapping, and the size for that matter. mapping = MemoryMapping(task, near.MemoryMapping(pointer_int, 0, 1), far.File()) return Pointer(mapping, NullGateway(), NativeFunctionSerializer(), StaticAllocation(), NativeFunction) return NativeLoader( server_func=to_handle(symbols.rsyscall_server), persistent_server_func=to_handle(symbols.rsyscall_persistent_server), trampoline_func=to_handle(symbols.rsyscall_trampoline), futex_helper_func=to_handle(symbols.rsyscall_futex_helper), ) def make_trampoline_stack(self, trampoline: Trampoline) -> Stack[Trampoline]: "Make a stack that will invoke the passed trampoline as its immediate action" return Stack(self.trampoline_func, trampoline, TrampolineSerializer())
Class variables
var server_func : Pointer[NativeFunction]
var persistent_server_func : Pointer[NativeFunction]
var trampoline_func : Pointer[NativeFunction]
var futex_helper_func : Pointer[NativeFunction]
Static methods
def make_from_symbols(task: Task, symbols: t.Any) ‑> NativeLoader
Create a NativeLoader by pulling functions from this "symbols" object by attribute
This symbols object is either rsyscall._raw.lib, or a cffi struct; either way, the attributes are named as we expect in this function.
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@staticmethod def make_from_symbols(task: Task, symbols: t.Any) -> NativeLoader: """Create a NativeLoader by pulling functions from this "symbols" object by attribute This symbols object is either rsyscall._raw.lib, or a cffi struct; either way, the attributes are named as we expect in this function. """ def to_handle(cffi_ptr) -> Pointer[NativeFunction]: pointer_int = int(ffi.cast('ssize_t', cffi_ptr)) # TODO we're just making up a memory mapping that this pointer is inside; # we should figure out the actual mapping, and the size for that matter. mapping = MemoryMapping(task, near.MemoryMapping(pointer_int, 0, 1), far.File()) return Pointer(mapping, NullGateway(), NativeFunctionSerializer(), StaticAllocation(), NativeFunction) return NativeLoader( server_func=to_handle(symbols.rsyscall_server), persistent_server_func=to_handle(symbols.rsyscall_persistent_server), trampoline_func=to_handle(symbols.rsyscall_trampoline), futex_helper_func=to_handle(symbols.rsyscall_futex_helper), )
def make_trampoline_stack(self, trampoline: Trampoline) ‑> Stack[Trampoline]
Make a stack that will invoke the passed trampoline as its immediate action
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def make_trampoline_stack(self, trampoline: Trampoline) -> Stack[Trampoline]: "Make a stack that will invoke the passed trampoline as its immediate action" return Stack(self.trampoline_func, trampoline, TrampolineSerializer())