Package rsyscall

Process-independent interface to Linux system calls

rsyscall provides an interface to an ever-growing subset of Linux system calls. This interface is:

  • process-independent: all system calls are called as methods on process objects, which can refer to the “local” process or to other processes under our control.
  • type-safe: many Linux API constraints, which are usually left to user code to enforce, are made explicit in the type system.
  • low-level: any action which is possible with the underlying Linux APIs, is possible with rsyscall; nothing is forbidden or discouraged.


The main entry point in rsyscall is the Thread. One Thread exists for each process in which we can make system calls.

Like most other things called "threads", rsyscall Threads:

  • are under the complete control of a single program
  • exit when that program does
  • can run arbitrary system calls in parallel across multiple CPUs

Unlike other "threads":

  • user code, such as arbitrary Python or C, cannot run on rsyscall threads, only system calls.

The initial Thread is local_thread, which operates in the Python interpreter process. New processes are usually created by Thread.clone(), which returns a ChildThread.

A Thread has a number of other conventional, helpful resources, which are almost always present. For example, Thread.stdin, Thread.stdout, and Thread.stderr.

System calls on Task, FileDescriptor, etc.

Thread.task points to the lower-level Task object.

All system calls exist either as methods on Task, or as methods on objects (such as FileDescriptor) returned from Task, which hold a reference to Task.

Read rsyscall.doc.syscall_api for an overview of the layout of the system call API.

Task makes syscalls using an internal instance of SyscallInterface. The main implementations are LocalSyscall and SyscallConnection.

The distinction between Thread and Task is that Task provides only the bare minimum functionality guaranteed by Linux; for example, it is not guaranteed that stdin/stdout/stderr actually exist, and Task does not assume they do.

Memory allocation and access

Because a process may be in a separate address space, memory allocation, and access by reading and writing, are explicit. This is primarily done through the methods Thread.ptr() and Thread.malloc(), which return Pointers. Pointers are garbage collected, so memory freeing is automatic.

Thread performs memory allocation and access using internal instances of AllocatorInterface and MemoryTransport. The main allocator is UnlimitedAllocator, and the main memory transports are LocalMemoryTransport and SocketMemoryTransport.

Non-blocking operations

We can make system calls in multiple processes in parallel. But in any specific process, only one system call can happen at a time.

If a system call blocks, the process running it can't run other system calls. This is undesirable, so Thread comes with an epoll event loop, Epoller, so that we can wait for an epoll event and perform non-blocking system calls.

Use Thread.make_afd() to register a FileDescriptor with epoll and get a corresponding AsyncFileDescriptor.

AsyncFileDescriptor supports, AsyncFileDescriptor.write(), AsyncFileDescriptor.accept(), AsyncFileDescriptor.connect(), and other such system calls. The interfaces are identical to FileDescriptor; the async implementations simply wait for the appropriate epoll event before calling the underlying system call.

Many system calls can't meaningfully be done without blocking the thread, so use AsyncFileDescriptor.handle to access the underlying FileDescriptor to make those system calls.

For convenience, AsyncFileDescriptor also has AsyncFileDescriptor.read_some_bytes() and AsyncFileDescriptor.write_all_bytes(), which abstract over memory for simple use cases where efficient buffer management is not necessary.

Likewise, the AsyncChildProcess object wraps ChildProcess to perform non-blocking AsyncChildProcess.waitpid() operations on child process. One will usually never deal with ChildProcess, because ChildThread.exec() returns an AsyncChildProcess, and that is the primary way to obtain child processes.

Child processes

As mentioned above, new processes are typically created by Thread.clone() which returns a ChildThread.

As a convenience, the Command object bundles up an executable path, arguments, and environment variable updates. The ChildThread.exec() takes a Command and execs into it.

The Environment.which() method looks up an executable name in PATH and returns a Command if found; you can use this with Thread.environ.

We'll often want to inherit file descriptors into child processes; we can use FileDescriptorTask.inherit_fd() to get a handle for an inherited file descriptor, and then FileDescriptor.disable_cloexec() to allow it to be further inherited over ChildThread.exec().

rsyscall.tasks describes several other ways to get new Threads, including privilege-escalated Threads, Threads on remote hosts, and persistent Threads.

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"""Process-independent interface to Linux system calls

rsyscall provides an interface to an ever-growing subset of Linux system calls. This interface is:

- *process-independent*: all system calls are called as methods on process objects,
  which can refer to the “local” process or to other processes under our control.
- *type-safe*: many Linux API constraints, which are usually left to user code to enforce,
  are made explicit in the type system.
- *low-level*: any action which is possible with the underlying Linux APIs, is possible with rsyscall;
  nothing is forbidden or discouraged.

## `Thread`

The main entry point in rsyscall is the `Thread`.
One `Thread` exists for each process in which we can make system calls.

Like most other things called "threads",
rsyscall `Thread`s:

- are under the complete control of a single program
- exit when that program does
- can run arbitrary system calls in parallel across multiple CPUs

Unlike other "threads":

- user code, such as arbitrary Python or C, cannot run on rsyscall threads, only system calls.

The initial `Thread` is `rsyscall.tasks.local.local_thread`, which operates in the Python interpreter process.
New processes are usually created by `Thread.clone`, which returns a `ChildThread`.

A `Thread` has a number of other conventional, helpful resources,
which are almost always present.
For example, `Thread.stdin`, `Thread.stdout`, and `Thread.stderr`.

## System calls on `Task`, `FileDescriptor`, etc.

`Thread.task` points to the lower-level `Task` object.

All system calls exist either as methods on `Task`,
or as methods on objects (such as `FileDescriptor`) returned from `Task`,
which hold a reference to `Task`.

Read `rsyscall.doc.syscall_api` for an overview of the layout of the system call API.

`Task` makes syscalls using an internal instance of `rsyscall.near.sysif.SyscallInterface`.
The main implementations are `rsyscall.tasks.local.LocalSyscall` and `rsyscall.tasks.connection.SyscallConnection`.

The distinction between `Thread` and `Task` is that `Task` provides only the bare minimum functionality guaranteed by Linux;
for example, it is not guaranteed that stdin/stdout/stderr actually exist, and `Task` does not assume they do.

## Memory allocation and access

Because a process may be in a separate address space,
memory allocation, and access by reading and writing, are explicit.
This is primarily done through the methods `Thread.ptr` and `Thread.malloc`,
which return `Pointer`s.
`Pointer`s are garbage collected, so memory freeing is automatic.

`Thread` performs memory allocation and access using internal instances of
`rsyscall.memory.allocator.AllocatorInterface` and `rsyscall.memory.transport.MemoryTransport`.
The main allocator is `rsyscall.memory.allocator.UnlimitedAllocator`,
and the main memory transports are `rsyscall.tasks.local.LocalMemoryTransport`
and `rsyscall.memory.socket_transport.SocketMemoryTransport`.

## Non-blocking operations

We can make system calls in multiple processes in parallel.
But in any specific process,
only one system call can happen at a time.

If a system call blocks, the process running it can't run other system calls.
This is undesirable, so `Thread` comes with an epoll event loop,
so that we can wait for an epoll event and perform non-blocking system calls.

Use `Thread.make_afd` to register a `FileDescriptor` with epoll
and get a corresponding `AsyncFileDescriptor`.

`AsyncFileDescriptor` supports ``, `AsyncFileDescriptor.write`,
`AsyncFileDescriptor.accept`, `AsyncFileDescriptor.connect`, and other such system calls.
The interfaces are identical to `FileDescriptor`;
the async implementations simply wait for the appropriate epoll event before calling the underlying system call.

Many system calls can't meaningfully be done without blocking the thread,
so use `AsyncFileDescriptor.handle` to access the underlying `FileDescriptor` to make those system calls.

For convenience,
`AsyncFileDescriptor` also has `AsyncFileDescriptor.read_some_bytes` and `AsyncFileDescriptor.write_all_bytes`,
which abstract over memory for simple use cases where efficient buffer management is not necessary.

Likewise, the `AsyncChildProcess` object wraps `rsyscall.handle.ChildProcess`
to perform non-blocking `AsyncChildProcess.waitpid` operations on child process.
One will usually never deal with `ChildProcess`,
because `ChildThread.exec` returns an `AsyncChildProcess`,
and that is the primary way to obtain child processes.

## Child processes

As mentioned above,
new processes are typically created by `Thread.clone` which returns a `ChildThread`.

As a convenience, the `Command` object bundles up an executable path, arguments, and environment variable updates.
The `ChildThread.exec` takes a `Command` and execs into it.

The `rsyscall.environ.Environment.which` method looks up an executable name in `PATH` and returns a `Command` if found;
you can use this with `Thread.environ`.

We'll often want to inherit file descriptors into child processes;
we can use `Task.inherit_fd` to get a handle for an inherited file descriptor,
and then `FileDescriptor.disable_cloexec` to allow it to be further inherited over `ChildThread.exec`.

`rsyscall.tasks` describes several other ways to get new `Thread`s,
including privilege-escalated `Thread`s, `Thread`s on remote hosts, and persistent `Thread`s.

from rsyscall.thread import Thread, ChildThread
from rsyscall.command import Command
from rsyscall.path import Path
from rsyscall.handle import (
    FileDescriptor, Task,
    WrittenPointer, Pointer,
    ReadablePointer, LinearPointer,
from rsyscall.epoller import AsyncFileDescriptor
from rsyscall.monitor import AsyncChildProcess
from rsyscall.struct import Int32, Int64
from rsyscall.tasks.local import local_thread
from rsyscall.sys.mman import MemoryMapping

__all__ = [
    'Thread', 'ChildThread',
    'Pointer', 'WrittenPointer', 'ReadablePointer', 'LinearPointer',



Provides the Command class, which is a convenient representation of the arguments to execve.


Various prose documentation strings


Functions and classes relating to Unix environment variables …


Non-blocking IO operations implemented using epoll …


Definitions of namespaces and identifiers tagged with a namespace …


#include <fnctl.h>


Classes which own resources and provide the main syscall interfaces …


Filesystem-watching implemented using inotify …


#include <limits.h>


#include <linux/...>


Access to native code functions …


Classes and functions which provide the capability to interact with memory


Monitoring child processes in a non-blocking manner …


Definitions of namespace-local identifiers, syscalls, and SyscallInterface …

#include <net/...>


#include <netinet/...>

Deals with communication between threads, even if that happens on a single host


Functions and classes for working with filesystem paths deployed with Nix …


A slightly improved version of pathlib.PurePosixPath


#include <sched.h>


Various miscellaneous command-line scripts built with rsyscall


#include <signal.h>


#include <stdlib.h>


Interfaces and basic functionality for our serialization framework.


#include <sys/...>


Various thread implementations with various different special abilities …


Tests for rsyscall.


Central thread class, with helper methods to ease a number of common tasks


#include <time.h>


#include <unistd.h>


Several REPL-based WishGranters for the rsyscall.wish library …


class Thread (task: Task, ram: RAM, connection: Connection, loader: NativeLoader, epoller: Epoller, child_monitor: ChildProcessMonitor, environ: Environment, stdin: FileDescriptor, stdout: FileDescriptor, stderr: FileDescriptor)

A central class holding everything necessary to work with some thread, along with various helpers

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class Thread:
    "A central class holding everything necessary to work with some thread, along with various helpers"
    def __init__(self,
                 task: Task,
                 ram: RAM,
                 connection: Connection,
                 loader: NativeLoader,
                 epoller: Epoller,
                 child_monitor: ChildProcessMonitor,
                 environ: Environment,
                 stdin: FileDescriptor,
                 stdout: FileDescriptor,
                 stderr: FileDescriptor,
    ) -> None:
        self.task = task
        "The `Task` associated with this process"
        self.ram = ram
        self.epoller = epoller
        self.connection = connection
        "This thread's ``"
        self.loader = loader
        self.monitor = child_monitor
        self.environ = environ
        "This thread's `rsyscall.environ.Environment`"
        self.stdin = stdin
        "The standard input `FileDescriptor` (FD 0)"
        self.stdout = stdout
        "The standard output `FileDescriptor` (FD 1)"
        self.stderr = stderr
        "The standard error `FileDescriptor` (FD 2)"

    def _init_from(self, thr: Thread) -> None:
        self.task = thr.task
        self.ram = thr.ram
        self.epoller = thr.epoller
        self.connection = thr.connection
        self.loader = thr.loader
        self.monitor = thr.monitor
        self.environ = thr.environ
        self.stdin = thr.stdin
        self.stdout = thr.stdout
        self.stderr = thr.stderr

    async def malloc(self, cls: t.Type[T_fixed_size]) -> Pointer[T_fixed_size]:
        "malloc a fixed size type"
    async def malloc(self, cls: t.Type[T_fixed_serializer], size: int) -> Pointer[T_fixed_serializer]:
        "malloc specifying a specific size"
    async def malloc(self, cls: t.Type[T_pathlike], size: int) -> Pointer[T_pathlike]: ...
    async def malloc(self, cls: t.Type[str], size: int) -> Pointer[str]: ...
    async def malloc(self, cls: t.Type[bytes], size: int) -> Pointer[bytes]: ...

    async def malloc(self, cls: t.Type[t.Union[FixedSize, FixedSerializer, os.PathLike, str, bytes]],
                     size: int=None) -> Pointer:
        """Allocate a buffer for this type, with the specified size if required

        If `malloc` is given a `rsyscall.struct.FixedSize` type, the size must not be passed;
        if `malloc` is given any other type, the size must be passed.

        Any type which inherits from `rsyscall.struct.FixedSerializer` is supported.
        As a special case for convenience, `bytes`, `str`, and `os.PathLike` are also supported;
        `bytes` will be written out as they are, and `str` and `os.PathLike` will be null-terminated.

        return await self.ram.malloc(cls, size) # type: ignore

    async def ptr(self, data: T_has_serializer) -> WrittenPointer[T_has_serializer]: ...
    async def ptr(self, data: T_pathlike) -> WrittenPointer[T_pathlike]: ...
    async def ptr(self, data: str) -> WrittenPointer[str]: ...
    async def ptr(self, data: bytes) -> WrittenPointer[bytes]: ...
    async def ptr(self, data: t.Union[HasSerializer, os.PathLike, str, bytes]) -> WrittenPointer:
        """Allocate a buffer for this data, and write the data to that buffer

        Any value which inherits from `HasSerializer` is supported.
        As a special case for convenience, `bytes`, `str`, and `os.PathLike` are also supported;
        `bytes` will be written out as they are, and `str` and `os.PathLike` will be null-terminated.
        return await self.ram.ptr(data)

    async def make_afd(self, fd: FileDescriptor, set_nonblock: bool=False) -> AsyncFileDescriptor:
        """Make an AsyncFileDescriptor; make it nonblocking if `set_nonblock` is True.

        Make sure that `fd` is already in non-blocking mode;
        such as by accepting it with the `SOCK.NONBLOCK` flag;
        if it's not, you can pass set_nonblock=True to make it nonblocking.

        if set_nonblock:
            await fd.fcntl(F.SETFL, O.NONBLOCK)
        return await AsyncFileDescriptor.make(self.epoller, self.ram, fd)

    async def open_async_channels(self, count: int) -> t.List[t.Tuple[AsyncFileDescriptor, FileDescriptor]]:
        "Calls self.connection.open_async_channels; see `Connection.open_async_channels`"
        return (await self.connection.open_async_channels(count))

    async def open_channels(self, count: int) -> t.List[t.Tuple[FileDescriptor, FileDescriptor]]:
        "Calls self.connection.open_channels; see `Connection.open_channels`"
        return (await self.connection.open_channels(count))

    async def spit(self, path: FileDescriptor, text: t.Union[str, bytes]) -> None:

    async def spit(self, path: Path, text: t.Union[str, bytes], mode=0o644) -> Path:

    async def spit(self, path: t.Union[Path, FileDescriptor], text: t.Union[str, bytes], mode=0o644) -> t.Optional[Path]:
        """Open a file, creating and truncating it, and write the passed text to it

        Probably shouldn't use this on FIFOs or anything.

        Returns the passed-in Path so this serves as a nice pseudo-constructor.

        if isinstance(path, Path):
            out: t.Optional[Path] = path
            fd = await self.ram.ptr(path), O.WRONLY|O.TRUNC|O.CREAT, mode=mode)
            out = None
            fd = path
        to_write: Pointer = await self.ram.ptr(os.fsencode(text))
        while to_write.size() > 0:
            _, to_write = await fd.write(to_write)
        await fd.close()
        return out

    async def bind_getsockname(self, sock: FileDescriptor, addr: T_sockaddr) -> T_sockaddr:
        """Call bind and then getsockname on `sock`.

        bind followed by getsockname is a common pattern when allocating unused
        source ports with SockaddrIn(0, ...).  Unfortunately, memory allocation
        for getsockname is quite verbose, so it would be nice to have a helper
        to make that pattern easier. Since we don't want to encourage usage of
        getsockname (it should be rarely used outside of that pattern), we add a
        helper for that specific pattern, rather than getsockname on its own.

        written_addr_ptr = await self.ram.ptr(addr)
        await sock.bind(written_addr_ptr)
        sockbuf_ptr = await sock.getsockname(await self.ram.ptr(Sockbuf(written_addr_ptr)))
        addr_ptr = (await
        return await

    async def mkdir(self, path: Path, mode=0o755) -> Path:
        "Make a directory at this path"
        await self.task.mkdir(await self.ram.ptr(path))
        return path

    async def read_to_eof(self, fd: FileDescriptor) -> bytes:
        "Read this file descriptor until we get EOF, then return all the bytes read"
        data = b""
        while True:
            read, rest = await self.ram.malloc(bytes, 4096))
            if read.size() == 0:
                return data
            # TODO this would be more efficient if we batched our memory-reads at the end
            data += await

    async def mount(self, source: t.Union[str, os.PathLike], target: t.Union[str, os.PathLike],
                    filesystemtype: str, mountflags: MS,
                    data: str) -> None:
        "Call mount with these args"
        async def op(sem: RAM) -> t.Tuple[
                WrittenPointer[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]], WrittenPointer[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
                WrittenPointer[str], WrittenPointer[str]]:
            return (
                await sem.ptr(source),
                await sem.ptr(target),
                await sem.ptr(filesystemtype),
                await sem.ptr(data),
        source_ptr, target_ptr, filesystemtype_ptr, data_ptr = await self.ram.perform_batch(op)
        await self.task.mount(source_ptr, target_ptr, filesystemtype_ptr, mountflags, data_ptr)

    async def socket(self, domain: AF, type: SOCK, protocol: int=0) -> FileDescriptor:
        return await self.task.socket(domain, type, protocol)

    async def pipe(self) -> Pipe:
        return await (await self.task.pipe(await self.malloc(Pipe))).read()

    async def socketpair(self, domain: AF, type: SOCK, protocol: int=0) -> Socketpair:
        return await (await self.task.socketpair(domain, type, protocol, await self.malloc(Socketpair))).read()

    async def chroot(self, path: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> None:
        await self.task.chroot(await self.ptr(path))

    def inherit_fd(self, fd: FileDescriptor) -> FileDescriptor:
        return self.task.inherit_fd(fd)

    async def clone(self, flags: CLONE=CLONE.NONE, automatically_write_user_mappings: bool=True) -> ChildThread:
        """Create a new child thread

        manpage: clone(2)
        child_process, task = await clone_child_task(
            self.task, self.ram, self.connection, self.loader, self.monitor,
            flags, lambda sock: Trampoline(self.loader.server_func, [sock, sock]))
        ram = RAM(task,
                  # We don't inherit the transport because it leads to a deadlock:
                  # If when a child task calls, it performs a syscall in the child task,
                  # then the parent task will need to call waitid to monitor the child task during the syscall,
                  # which will in turn need to also call
                  # But the child is already using the transport and holding the lock,
                  # so the parent will block forever on taking the lock,
                  # and child's read syscall will never complete.
        if flags & CLONE.NEWPID:
            # if the new process is pid 1, then CLONE_PARENT isn't allowed so we can't use inherit_to_child.
            # if we are a reaper, than we don't want our child CLONE_PARENTing to us, so we can't use inherit_to_child.
            # in both cases we just fall back to making a new ChildProcessMonitor for the child.
            epoller = await Epoller.make_root(ram, task)
            # this signal is already blocked, we inherited the block, um... I guess...
            # TODO handle this more formally
            signal_block = SignalBlock(task, await ram.ptr(Sigset({SIG.CHLD})))
            monitor = await ChildProcessMonitor.make(ram, task, epoller, signal_block=signal_block)
            epoller = self.epoller.inherit(ram)
            monitor = self.monitor.inherit_to_child(task)
        thread = ChildThread(Thread(
            task, ram,
            self.connection.inherit(task, ram),
            epoller, monitor,
            self.environ.inherit(task, ram),
        ), child_process)
        if flags & CLONE.NEWUSER and automatically_write_user_mappings:
            # hack, we should really track the [ug]id ahead of this so we don't have to get it
            # we have to get the [ug]id from the parent because it will fail in the child
            uid = await self.task.getuid()
            gid = await self.task.getgid()
            await write_user_mappings(thread, uid, gid)
        return thread

    async def run(self, command: Command, check=True,
                  *, task_status=trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED) -> ChildState:
        """Run the passed command to completion and return its end state, throwing if unclean

        If check is False, we won't throw if the end state is unclean.

        thread = await self.clone()
        child = await thread.exec(command)
        if check:
            return await child.check()
            return await child.waitpid(W.EXITED)

    async def unshare(self, flags: CLONE) -> None:
        "Call the unshare syscall, appropriately updating values on this class"
        # Note: unsharing NEWPID causes us to not get zombies for our children if init dies. That
        # means we'll get ECHILDs, and various races can happen. It's not possible to robustly
        # unshare NEWPID.
        if flags & CLONE.FILES:
            await self.unshare_files()
            flags ^= CLONE.FILES
        if flags & CLONE.NEWUSER:
            await self.unshare_user()
            flags ^= CLONE.NEWUSER
            if flags & CLONE.FS:
                flags ^= CLONE.FS
        await self.task.unshare(flags)

    async def unshare_files(self, going_to_exec=True) -> None:
        """Unshare the file descriptor table.

        Set going_to_exec to False if you are going to keep this task around long-term, and we'll do
        a manual cloexec in userspace to clear out fds held by any other non-rsyscall libraries,
        which are automatically copied by Linux into the new fd space.

        We default going_to_exec to True because there's little reason to call unshare_files other
        than to then exec; and even if you do want to call unshare_files without execing, there
        probably aren't any significant other libraries in the FD space; and even if there are such
        libraries, it usually doesn't matter to keep stray references around to their FDs.

        TODO maybe this should return an object that lets us unset CLOEXEC on things?

        await self.task.unshare_files()
        if not going_to_exec:
            await do_cloexec_except(self, set([fd.near for fd in self.task.fd_handles]))

    async def unshare_user(self,
                           in_namespace_uid: int=None, in_namespace_gid: int=None) -> None:
        """Unshare the user namespace.

        We automatically set up the user namespace in the unprivileged way using a single user
        mapping line.  You can pass `in_namespace_uid` and `in_namespace_gid` to control what user
        id and group id we'll observe inside the namespace.  If you want further control, call
        task.unshare(CLONE.NEWUSER) directly.

        We also automatically do unshare(CLONE.FS); that's required by CLONE.NEWUSER.

        uid = await self.task.getuid()
        gid = await self.task.getgid()
        await self.task.unshare(CLONE.FS|CLONE.NEWUSER)
        await write_user_mappings(self, uid, gid,
                                  in_namespace_uid=in_namespace_uid, in_namespace_gid=in_namespace_gid)

    async def exit(self, status: int=0) -> None:
        """Exit this thread

        Currently we just forward through to exit the task.

        I feel suspicious that this method will at some point require more heavy lifting with
        namespaces and monitored children, so I'm leaving it on Thread to prepare for that

        manpage: exit(2)
        await self.task.exit(status)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        name = type(self).__name__
        return f'{name}({self.task})'


Instance variables

var task

The Task associated with this process

var connection

This thread's Connection

var environ

This thread's Environment

var stdin

The standard input FileDescriptor (FD 0)

var stdout

The standard output FileDescriptor (FD 1)

var stderr

The standard error FileDescriptor (FD 2)


async def malloc(self, cls: t.Type[t.Union[FixedSize, FixedSerializer, os.PathLike, str, bytes]], size: int = None) ‑> Pointer

Allocate a buffer for this type, with the specified size if required

If malloc is given a FixedSize type, the size must not be passed; if malloc is given any other type, the size must be passed.

Any type which inherits from FixedSerializer is supported. As a special case for convenience, bytes, str, and os.PathLike are also supported; bytes will be written out as they are, and str and os.PathLike will be null-terminated.

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async def malloc(self, cls: t.Type[t.Union[FixedSize, FixedSerializer, os.PathLike, str, bytes]],
                 size: int=None) -> Pointer:
    """Allocate a buffer for this type, with the specified size if required

    If `malloc` is given a `rsyscall.struct.FixedSize` type, the size must not be passed;
    if `malloc` is given any other type, the size must be passed.

    Any type which inherits from `rsyscall.struct.FixedSerializer` is supported.
    As a special case for convenience, `bytes`, `str`, and `os.PathLike` are also supported;
    `bytes` will be written out as they are, and `str` and `os.PathLike` will be null-terminated.

    return await self.ram.malloc(cls, size) # type: ignore
async def ptr(self, data: t.Union[HasSerializer, os.PathLike, str, bytes]) ‑> WrittenPointer

Allocate a buffer for this data, and write the data to that buffer

Any value which inherits from HasSerializer is supported. As a special case for convenience, bytes, str, and os.PathLike are also supported; bytes will be written out as they are, and str and os.PathLike will be null-terminated.

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async def ptr(self, data: t.Union[HasSerializer, os.PathLike, str, bytes]) -> WrittenPointer:
    """Allocate a buffer for this data, and write the data to that buffer

    Any value which inherits from `HasSerializer` is supported.
    As a special case for convenience, `bytes`, `str`, and `os.PathLike` are also supported;
    `bytes` will be written out as they are, and `str` and `os.PathLike` will be null-terminated.
    return await self.ram.ptr(data)
async def make_afd(self, fd: FileDescriptor, set_nonblock: bool = False) ‑> AsyncFileDescriptor

Make an AsyncFileDescriptor; make it nonblocking if set_nonblock is True.

Make sure that fd is already in non-blocking mode; such as by accepting it with the SOCK.NONBLOCK flag; if it's not, you can pass set_nonblock=True to make it nonblocking.

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async def make_afd(self, fd: FileDescriptor, set_nonblock: bool=False) -> AsyncFileDescriptor:
    """Make an AsyncFileDescriptor; make it nonblocking if `set_nonblock` is True.

    Make sure that `fd` is already in non-blocking mode;
    such as by accepting it with the `SOCK.NONBLOCK` flag;
    if it's not, you can pass set_nonblock=True to make it nonblocking.

    if set_nonblock:
        await fd.fcntl(F.SETFL, O.NONBLOCK)
    return await AsyncFileDescriptor.make(self.epoller, self.ram, fd)
async def open_async_channels(self, count: int) ‑> List[Tuple[AsyncFileDescriptorFileDescriptor]]

Calls self.connection.open_async_channels; see Connection.open_async_channels

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async def open_async_channels(self, count: int) -> t.List[t.Tuple[AsyncFileDescriptor, FileDescriptor]]:
    "Calls self.connection.open_async_channels; see `Connection.open_async_channels`"
    return (await self.connection.open_async_channels(count))
async def open_channels(self, count: int) ‑> List[Tuple[FileDescriptorFileDescriptor]]

Calls self.connection.open_channels; see Connection.open_channels

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async def open_channels(self, count: int) -> t.List[t.Tuple[FileDescriptor, FileDescriptor]]:
    "Calls self.connection.open_channels; see `Connection.open_channels`"
    return (await self.connection.open_channels(count))
async def spit(self, path: t.Union[Path, FileDescriptor], text: t.Union[str, bytes], mode=420) ‑> Optional[Path]

Open a file, creating and truncating it, and write the passed text to it

Probably shouldn't use this on FIFOs or anything.

Returns the passed-in Path so this serves as a nice pseudo-constructor.

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async def spit(self, path: t.Union[Path, FileDescriptor], text: t.Union[str, bytes], mode=0o644) -> t.Optional[Path]:
    """Open a file, creating and truncating it, and write the passed text to it

    Probably shouldn't use this on FIFOs or anything.

    Returns the passed-in Path so this serves as a nice pseudo-constructor.

    if isinstance(path, Path):
        out: t.Optional[Path] = path
        fd = await self.ram.ptr(path), O.WRONLY|O.TRUNC|O.CREAT, mode=mode)
        out = None
        fd = path
    to_write: Pointer = await self.ram.ptr(os.fsencode(text))
    while to_write.size() > 0:
        _, to_write = await fd.write(to_write)
    await fd.close()
    return out
async def bind_getsockname(self, sock: FileDescriptor, addr: T_sockaddr) ‑> ~T_sockaddr

Call bind and then getsockname on sock.

bind followed by getsockname is a common pattern when allocating unused source ports with SockaddrIn(0, …). Unfortunately, memory allocation for getsockname is quite verbose, so it would be nice to have a helper to make that pattern easier. Since we don't want to encourage usage of getsockname (it should be rarely used outside of that pattern), we add a helper for that specific pattern, rather than getsockname on its own.

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async def bind_getsockname(self, sock: FileDescriptor, addr: T_sockaddr) -> T_sockaddr:
    """Call bind and then getsockname on `sock`.

    bind followed by getsockname is a common pattern when allocating unused
    source ports with SockaddrIn(0, ...).  Unfortunately, memory allocation
    for getsockname is quite verbose, so it would be nice to have a helper
    to make that pattern easier. Since we don't want to encourage usage of
    getsockname (it should be rarely used outside of that pattern), we add a
    helper for that specific pattern, rather than getsockname on its own.

    written_addr_ptr = await self.ram.ptr(addr)
    await sock.bind(written_addr_ptr)
    sockbuf_ptr = await sock.getsockname(await self.ram.ptr(Sockbuf(written_addr_ptr)))
    addr_ptr = (await
    return await
async def mkdir(self, path: Path, mode=493) ‑> Path

Make a directory at this path

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async def mkdir(self, path: Path, mode=0o755) -> Path:
    "Make a directory at this path"
    await self.task.mkdir(await self.ram.ptr(path))
    return path
async def read_to_eof(self, fd: FileDescriptor) ‑> bytes

Read this file descriptor until we get EOF, then return all the bytes read

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async def read_to_eof(self, fd: FileDescriptor) -> bytes:
    "Read this file descriptor until we get EOF, then return all the bytes read"
    data = b""
    while True:
        read, rest = await self.ram.malloc(bytes, 4096))
        if read.size() == 0:
            return data
        # TODO this would be more efficient if we batched our memory-reads at the end
        data += await
async def mount(self, source: t.Union[str, os.PathLike], target: t.Union[str, os.PathLike], filesystemtype: str, mountflags: MS, data: str) ‑> NoneType

Call mount with these args

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async def mount(self, source: t.Union[str, os.PathLike], target: t.Union[str, os.PathLike],
                filesystemtype: str, mountflags: MS,
                data: str) -> None:
    "Call mount with these args"
    async def op(sem: RAM) -> t.Tuple[
            WrittenPointer[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]], WrittenPointer[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
            WrittenPointer[str], WrittenPointer[str]]:
        return (
            await sem.ptr(source),
            await sem.ptr(target),
            await sem.ptr(filesystemtype),
            await sem.ptr(data),
    source_ptr, target_ptr, filesystemtype_ptr, data_ptr = await self.ram.perform_batch(op)
    await self.task.mount(source_ptr, target_ptr, filesystemtype_ptr, mountflags, data_ptr)
async def socket(self, domain: AF, type: SOCK, protocol: int = 0) ‑> FileDescriptor
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async def socket(self, domain: AF, type: SOCK, protocol: int=0) -> FileDescriptor:
    return await self.task.socket(domain, type, protocol)
async def pipe(self) ‑> Pipe
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async def pipe(self) -> Pipe:
    return await (await self.task.pipe(await self.malloc(Pipe))).read()
async def socketpair(self, domain: AF, type: SOCK, protocol: int = 0) ‑> Socketpair
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async def socketpair(self, domain: AF, type: SOCK, protocol: int=0) -> Socketpair:
    return await (await self.task.socketpair(domain, type, protocol, await self.malloc(Socketpair))).read()
async def chroot(self, path: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) ‑> NoneType
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async def chroot(self, path: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> None:
    await self.task.chroot(await self.ptr(path))
def inherit_fd(self, fd: FileDescriptor) ‑> FileDescriptor
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def inherit_fd(self, fd: FileDescriptor) -> FileDescriptor:
    return self.task.inherit_fd(fd)
async def clone(self, flags: CLONE = CLONE.NONE, automatically_write_user_mappings: bool = True) ‑> ChildThread

Create a new child thread

manpage: clone(2)

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async def clone(self, flags: CLONE=CLONE.NONE, automatically_write_user_mappings: bool=True) -> ChildThread:
    """Create a new child thread

    manpage: clone(2)
    child_process, task = await clone_child_task(
        self.task, self.ram, self.connection, self.loader, self.monitor,
        flags, lambda sock: Trampoline(self.loader.server_func, [sock, sock]))
    ram = RAM(task,
              # We don't inherit the transport because it leads to a deadlock:
              # If when a child task calls, it performs a syscall in the child task,
              # then the parent task will need to call waitid to monitor the child task during the syscall,
              # which will in turn need to also call
              # But the child is already using the transport and holding the lock,
              # so the parent will block forever on taking the lock,
              # and child's read syscall will never complete.
    if flags & CLONE.NEWPID:
        # if the new process is pid 1, then CLONE_PARENT isn't allowed so we can't use inherit_to_child.
        # if we are a reaper, than we don't want our child CLONE_PARENTing to us, so we can't use inherit_to_child.
        # in both cases we just fall back to making a new ChildProcessMonitor for the child.
        epoller = await Epoller.make_root(ram, task)
        # this signal is already blocked, we inherited the block, um... I guess...
        # TODO handle this more formally
        signal_block = SignalBlock(task, await ram.ptr(Sigset({SIG.CHLD})))
        monitor = await ChildProcessMonitor.make(ram, task, epoller, signal_block=signal_block)
        epoller = self.epoller.inherit(ram)
        monitor = self.monitor.inherit_to_child(task)
    thread = ChildThread(Thread(
        task, ram,
        self.connection.inherit(task, ram),
        epoller, monitor,
        self.environ.inherit(task, ram),
    ), child_process)
    if flags & CLONE.NEWUSER and automatically_write_user_mappings:
        # hack, we should really track the [ug]id ahead of this so we don't have to get it
        # we have to get the [ug]id from the parent because it will fail in the child
        uid = await self.task.getuid()
        gid = await self.task.getgid()
        await write_user_mappings(thread, uid, gid)
    return thread
async def run(self, command: Command, check=True, *, task_status=TASK_STATUS_IGNORED) ‑> ChildState

Run the passed command to completion and return its end state, throwing if unclean

If check is False, we won't throw if the end state is unclean.

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async def run(self, command: Command, check=True,
              *, task_status=trio.TASK_STATUS_IGNORED) -> ChildState:
    """Run the passed command to completion and return its end state, throwing if unclean

    If check is False, we won't throw if the end state is unclean.

    thread = await self.clone()
    child = await thread.exec(command)
    if check:
        return await child.check()
        return await child.waitpid(W.EXITED)
async def unshare(self, flags: CLONE) ‑> NoneType

Call the unshare syscall, appropriately updating values on this class

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async def unshare(self, flags: CLONE) -> None:
    "Call the unshare syscall, appropriately updating values on this class"
    # Note: unsharing NEWPID causes us to not get zombies for our children if init dies. That
    # means we'll get ECHILDs, and various races can happen. It's not possible to robustly
    # unshare NEWPID.
    if flags & CLONE.FILES:
        await self.unshare_files()
        flags ^= CLONE.FILES
    if flags & CLONE.NEWUSER:
        await self.unshare_user()
        flags ^= CLONE.NEWUSER
        if flags & CLONE.FS:
            flags ^= CLONE.FS
    await self.task.unshare(flags)
async def unshare_files(self, going_to_exec=True) ‑> NoneType

Unshare the file descriptor table.

Set going_to_exec to False if you are going to keep this task around long-term, and we'll do a manual cloexec in userspace to clear out fds held by any other non-rsyscall libraries, which are automatically copied by Linux into the new fd space.

We default going_to_exec to True because there's little reason to call unshare_files other than to then exec; and even if you do want to call unshare_files without execing, there probably aren't any significant other libraries in the FD space; and even if there are such libraries, it usually doesn't matter to keep stray references around to their FDs.

TODO maybe this should return an object that lets us unset CLOEXEC on things?

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async def unshare_files(self, going_to_exec=True) -> None:
    """Unshare the file descriptor table.

    Set going_to_exec to False if you are going to keep this task around long-term, and we'll do
    a manual cloexec in userspace to clear out fds held by any other non-rsyscall libraries,
    which are automatically copied by Linux into the new fd space.

    We default going_to_exec to True because there's little reason to call unshare_files other
    than to then exec; and even if you do want to call unshare_files without execing, there
    probably aren't any significant other libraries in the FD space; and even if there are such
    libraries, it usually doesn't matter to keep stray references around to their FDs.

    TODO maybe this should return an object that lets us unset CLOEXEC on things?

    await self.task.unshare_files()
    if not going_to_exec:
        await do_cloexec_except(self, set([fd.near for fd in self.task.fd_handles]))
async def unshare_user(self, in_namespace_uid: int = None, in_namespace_gid: int = None) ‑> NoneType

Unshare the user namespace.

We automatically set up the user namespace in the unprivileged way using a single user mapping line. You can pass in_namespace_uid and in_namespace_gid to control what user id and group id we'll observe inside the namespace. If you want further control, call task.unshare(CLONE.NEWUSER) directly.

We also automatically do unshare(CLONE.FS); that's required by CLONE.NEWUSER.

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async def unshare_user(self,
                       in_namespace_uid: int=None, in_namespace_gid: int=None) -> None:
    """Unshare the user namespace.

    We automatically set up the user namespace in the unprivileged way using a single user
    mapping line.  You can pass `in_namespace_uid` and `in_namespace_gid` to control what user
    id and group id we'll observe inside the namespace.  If you want further control, call
    task.unshare(CLONE.NEWUSER) directly.

    We also automatically do unshare(CLONE.FS); that's required by CLONE.NEWUSER.

    uid = await self.task.getuid()
    gid = await self.task.getgid()
    await self.task.unshare(CLONE.FS|CLONE.NEWUSER)
    await write_user_mappings(self, uid, gid,
                              in_namespace_uid=in_namespace_uid, in_namespace_gid=in_namespace_gid)
async def exit(self, status: int = 0) ‑> NoneType

Exit this thread

Currently we just forward through to exit the task.

I feel suspicious that this method will at some point require more heavy lifting with namespaces and monitored children, so I'm leaving it on Thread to prepare for that eventuality.

manpage: exit(2)

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async def exit(self, status: int=0) -> None:
    """Exit this thread

    Currently we just forward through to exit the task.

    I feel suspicious that this method will at some point require more heavy lifting with
    namespaces and monitored children, so I'm leaving it on Thread to prepare for that

    manpage: exit(2)
    await self.task.exit(status)
class ChildThread (thr: Thread, process: AsyncChildProcess)

A thread that we know is also a direct child process of another thread

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class ChildThread(Thread):
    "A thread that we know is also a direct child process of another thread"
    def __init__(self, thr: Thread, process: AsyncChildProcess) -> None:
        self.process = process

    async def _execve(self, path: t.Union[str, os.PathLike], argv: t.List[str], envp: t.List[str],
                      command: Command=None,
    ) -> AsyncChildProcess:
        "Call execve, abstracting over memory; self.{exec,execve} are probably preferable"
        async def op(sem: RAM) -> t.Tuple[WrittenPointer[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
            argv_ptrs = ArgList([await sem.ptr(arg) for arg in argv])
            envp_ptrs = ArgList([await sem.ptr(arg) for arg in envp])
            return (await sem.ptr(path),
                    await sem.ptr(argv_ptrs),
                    await sem.ptr(envp_ptrs))
        filename, argv_ptr, envp_ptr = await self.ram.perform_batch(op)
        await self.task.execve(filename, argv_ptr, envp_ptr, command=command)
        return self.process

    async def execv(self, path: t.Union[str, os.PathLike],
                    argv: t.Sequence[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
                    command: Command=None,
    ) -> AsyncChildProcess:
        """Replace the running executable in this thread with another; see execve.
        async def op(sem: RAM) -> t.Tuple[WrittenPointer[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]], WrittenPointer[ArgList]]:
            argv_ptrs = ArgList([await sem.ptr(arg) for arg in argv])
            return (await sem.ptr(path), await sem.ptr(argv_ptrs))
        filename_ptr, argv_ptr = await self.ram.perform_batch(op)
        envp_ptr = await self.environ.as_arglist(self.ram)
        await self.task.execve(filename_ptr, argv_ptr, envp_ptr, command=command)
        return self.process

    async def execve(self, path: t.Union[str, os.PathLike],
                     argv: t.Sequence[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
                     env_updates: t.Mapping[str, t.Union[str, os.PathLike]]={},
                     inherited_signal_blocks: t.List[SignalBlock]=[],
                     command: Command=None,
    ) -> AsyncChildProcess:
        """Replace the running executable in this thread with another.

        self.exec is probably preferable; it takes a nice Command object which
        is easier to work with.

        We take inherited_signal_blocks as an argument so that we can default it
        to "inheriting" an empty signal mask. Most programs expect the signal
        mask to be cleared on startup. Since we're using signalfd as our signal
        handling method, we need to block signals with the signal mask; and if
        those blocked signals were inherited across exec, other programs would
        break (SIGCHLD is the most obvious example).

        We could depend on the user clearing the signal mask before calling
        exec, similar to how we require the user to remove CLOEXEC from
        inherited fds; but that is a fairly novel requirement to most, so for
        simplicity we just default to clearing the signal mask before exec, and
        allow the user to explicitly pass down additional signal blocks.

        sigmask: t.Set[SIG] = set()
        for block in inherited_signal_blocks:
            sigmask = sigmask.union(block.mask)
        await self.task.sigprocmask((HowSIG.SETMASK, await self.ram.ptr(Sigset(sigmask))))
        if not env_updates:
            # use execv if we aren't updating the env, as an optimization.
            return await self.execv(path, argv, command=command)
        envp: t.Dict[str, str] = {**}
        for key, value in env_updates.items():
            envp[key] = os.fsdecode(value)
        raw_envp: t.List[str] = ['='.join([key, value]) for key, value in envp.items()]
        logger.debug("execveat(%s, %s, %s)", path, argv, env_updates)
        return await self._execve(path, [os.fsdecode(arg) for arg in argv], raw_envp, command=command)

    async def exec(self, command: Command,
                   inherited_signal_blocks: t.List[SignalBlock]=[],
    ) -> AsyncChildProcess:
        """Replace the running executable in this thread with what's specified in `command`

        See self.execve's docstring for an explanation of inherited_signal_blocks.

        manpage: execve(2)
        return (await self.execve(command.executable_path, command.arguments, command.env_updates,
                                  inherited_signal_blocks=inherited_signal_blocks, command=command))



async def execv(self, path: t.Union[str, os.PathLike], argv: t.Sequence[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]], command: Command = None) ‑> AsyncChildProcess

Replace the running executable in this thread with another; see execve.

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async def execv(self, path: t.Union[str, os.PathLike],
                argv: t.Sequence[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
                command: Command=None,
) -> AsyncChildProcess:
    """Replace the running executable in this thread with another; see execve.
    async def op(sem: RAM) -> t.Tuple[WrittenPointer[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]], WrittenPointer[ArgList]]:
        argv_ptrs = ArgList([await sem.ptr(arg) for arg in argv])
        return (await sem.ptr(path), await sem.ptr(argv_ptrs))
    filename_ptr, argv_ptr = await self.ram.perform_batch(op)
    envp_ptr = await self.environ.as_arglist(self.ram)
    await self.task.execve(filename_ptr, argv_ptr, envp_ptr, command=command)
    return self.process
async def execve(self, path: t.Union[str, os.PathLike], argv: t.Sequence[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]], env_updates: t.Mapping[str, t.Union[str, os.PathLike]] = {}, inherited_signal_blocks: t.List[SignalBlock] = [], command: Command = None) ‑> AsyncChildProcess

Replace the running executable in this thread with another.

self.exec is probably preferable; it takes a nice Command object which is easier to work with.

We take inherited_signal_blocks as an argument so that we can default it to "inheriting" an empty signal mask. Most programs expect the signal mask to be cleared on startup. Since we're using signalfd as our signal handling method, we need to block signals with the signal mask; and if those blocked signals were inherited across exec, other programs would break (SIGCHLD is the most obvious example).

We could depend on the user clearing the signal mask before calling exec, similar to how we require the user to remove CLOEXEC from inherited fds; but that is a fairly novel requirement to most, so for simplicity we just default to clearing the signal mask before exec, and allow the user to explicitly pass down additional signal blocks.

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async def execve(self, path: t.Union[str, os.PathLike],
                 argv: t.Sequence[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
                 env_updates: t.Mapping[str, t.Union[str, os.PathLike]]={},
                 inherited_signal_blocks: t.List[SignalBlock]=[],
                 command: Command=None,
) -> AsyncChildProcess:
    """Replace the running executable in this thread with another.

    self.exec is probably preferable; it takes a nice Command object which
    is easier to work with.

    We take inherited_signal_blocks as an argument so that we can default it
    to "inheriting" an empty signal mask. Most programs expect the signal
    mask to be cleared on startup. Since we're using signalfd as our signal
    handling method, we need to block signals with the signal mask; and if
    those blocked signals were inherited across exec, other programs would
    break (SIGCHLD is the most obvious example).

    We could depend on the user clearing the signal mask before calling
    exec, similar to how we require the user to remove CLOEXEC from
    inherited fds; but that is a fairly novel requirement to most, so for
    simplicity we just default to clearing the signal mask before exec, and
    allow the user to explicitly pass down additional signal blocks.

    sigmask: t.Set[SIG] = set()
    for block in inherited_signal_blocks:
        sigmask = sigmask.union(block.mask)
    await self.task.sigprocmask((HowSIG.SETMASK, await self.ram.ptr(Sigset(sigmask))))
    if not env_updates:
        # use execv if we aren't updating the env, as an optimization.
        return await self.execv(path, argv, command=command)
    envp: t.Dict[str, str] = {**}
    for key, value in env_updates.items():
        envp[key] = os.fsdecode(value)
    raw_envp: t.List[str] = ['='.join([key, value]) for key, value in envp.items()]
    logger.debug("execveat(%s, %s, %s)", path, argv, env_updates)
    return await self._execve(path, [os.fsdecode(arg) for arg in argv], raw_envp, command=command)
async def exec(self, command: Command, inherited_signal_blocks: t.List[SignalBlock] = []) ‑> AsyncChildProcess

Replace the running executable in this thread with what's specified in rsyscall.command

See self.execve's docstring for an explanation of inherited_signal_blocks.

manpage: execve(2)

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async def exec(self, command: Command,
               inherited_signal_blocks: t.List[SignalBlock]=[],
) -> AsyncChildProcess:
    """Replace the running executable in this thread with what's specified in `command`

    See self.execve's docstring for an explanation of inherited_signal_blocks.

    manpage: execve(2)
    return (await self.execve(command.executable_path, command.arguments, command.env_updates,
                              inherited_signal_blocks=inherited_signal_blocks, command=command))

Inherited members

class Command (executable_path: Path, arguments: List[Union[str, os.PathLike]], env_updates: Mapping[str, Union[str, os.PathLike]])

A convenient builder-pattern representation of the arguments to execve.

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class Command:
    "A convenient builder-pattern representation of the arguments to execve."
    def __init__(self,
                 executable_path: Path,
                 arguments: t.List[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
                 env_updates: t.Mapping[str, t.Union[str, os.PathLike]]) -> None:
        self.executable_path = executable_path
        self.arguments = arguments
        self.env_updates = env_updates

    def args(self: T_command, *args: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> T_command:
        "Add more arguments to this Command."
        return type(self)(self.executable_path,
                          [*self.arguments, *args],

    def env(self: T_command, env_updates: t.Mapping[str, t.Union[str, os.PathLike]]={},
            **updates: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> T_command:
        """Add more environment variable updates to this Command.

        There are two ways to pass arguments to this method (which can be used simultaneously):
        - you can pass a dictionary of environment updates,
        - or you can provide your environment updates as keyword arguments.
        Both are necessary, since there are many valid environment variable
        names which are not valid Python keyword argument names.

        return type(self)(self.executable_path,
                          {**self.env_updates, **env_updates, **updates})

    def in_shell_form(self) -> str:
        "Render this Command as a string which could be passed to a shell."
        ret = ""
        for key, value in self.env_updates.items():
            ret += os.fsdecode(key) + "=" + os.fsdecode(value) + " "
        ret += os.fsdecode(self.executable_path)
        # skip first argument
        for arg in self.arguments[1:]:
            ret += " " + os.fsdecode(arg)
        return ret

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        ret = "Command("
        for key, value in self.env_updates.items():
            ret += f"{key}={value} "
        ret += f"{os.fsdecode(self.executable_path)},"
        for arg in self.arguments:
            ret += " " + os.fsdecode(arg)
        ret += ")"
        return ret

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return str(self)



def args(self: ~T_command, *args: Union[str, os.PathLike]) ‑> ~T_command

Add more arguments to this Command.

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def args(self: T_command, *args: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> T_command:
    "Add more arguments to this Command."
    return type(self)(self.executable_path,
                      [*self.arguments, *args],
def env(self: ~T_command, env_updates: Mapping[str, Union[str, os.PathLike]] = {}, **updates: Union[str, os.PathLike]) ‑> ~T_command

Add more environment variable updates to this Command.

There are two ways to pass arguments to this method (which can be used simultaneously): - you can pass a dictionary of environment updates, - or you can provide your environment updates as keyword arguments. Both are necessary, since there are many valid environment variable names which are not valid Python keyword argument names.

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def env(self: T_command, env_updates: t.Mapping[str, t.Union[str, os.PathLike]]={},
        **updates: t.Union[str, os.PathLike]) -> T_command:
    """Add more environment variable updates to this Command.

    There are two ways to pass arguments to this method (which can be used simultaneously):
    - you can pass a dictionary of environment updates,
    - or you can provide your environment updates as keyword arguments.
    Both are necessary, since there are many valid environment variable
    names which are not valid Python keyword argument names.

    return type(self)(self.executable_path,
                      {**self.env_updates, **env_updates, **updates})
def in_shell_form(self) ‑> str

Render this Command as a string which could be passed to a shell.

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def in_shell_form(self) -> str:
    "Render this Command as a string which could be passed to a shell."
    ret = ""
    for key, value in self.env_updates.items():
        ret += os.fsdecode(key) + "=" + os.fsdecode(value) + " "
    ret += os.fsdecode(self.executable_path)
    # skip first argument
    for arg in self.arguments[1:]:
        ret += " " + os.fsdecode(arg)
    return ret
class Task (process: t.Union[Process, Process], fd_table: FDTable, address_space: AddressSpace, pidns: PidNamespace)

A Linux process context under our control, ready for syscalls

Since there are many different syscalls we could make, this class is built by inheriting from many other purpose specific "Task" classes, which in turn all inherit from the base Task.

This is named after the kernel struct, "struct task", associated with each process.

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class Task(
        EventfdTask[FileDescriptor], TimerfdTask[FileDescriptor], EpollTask[FileDescriptor],
        InotifyTask[FileDescriptor], SignalfdTask[FileDescriptor],
        MemoryMappingTask, CWDTask,
        CapabilityTask, PrctlTask, MountTask,
        SignalTask, rsyscall.far.Task,
    """A Linux process context under our control, ready for syscalls

    Since there are many different syscalls we could make,
    this class is built by inheriting from many other purpose specific "Task" classes,
    which in turn all inherit from the base `rsyscall.far.Task`.

    This is named after the kernel struct, "struct task", associated with each process.

    def __init__(self,
                 process: t.Union[rsyscall.near.Process, Process],
                 fd_table: FDTable,
                 address_space: rsyscall.far.AddressSpace,
                 pidns: rsyscall.far.PidNamespace,
    ) -> None:
            t.cast(rsyscall.near.Process, process), fd_table, address_space, pidns,

    def _file_descriptor_constructor(self, fd: rsyscall.near.FileDescriptor) -> FileDescriptor:
        # for extensibility
        return FileDescriptor(self, fd, True)

    def _make_fresh_address_space(self) -> None:
        self.address_space = rsyscall.far.AddressSpace(

    async def unshare(self, flags: CLONE) -> None:
        if flags & CLONE.FILES:
            await self.unshare_files()
            flags ^= CLONE.FILES
        if flags:
            await _unshare(self.sysif, flags)

    async def setns_user(self, fd: FileDescriptor) -> None:
        # can't setns to a user namespace while sharing CLONE_FS
        await self.unshare(CLONE.FS)
        await self.setns(fd, CLONE.NEWUSER)

    async def execveat(self, fd: t.Optional[FileDescriptor],
                       pathname: WrittenPointer[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
                       argv: WrittenPointer[ArgList],
                       envp: WrittenPointer[ArgList],
                       flags: AT=AT.NONE,
                       command: Command=None,
    ) -> None:
        with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
            if fd:
                fd_n: t.Optional[rsyscall.near.FileDescriptor] = stack.enter_context(fd.borrow(self))
                fd_n = None
            for arg in [*argv.value, *envp.value]:
            self.manipulating_fd_table = True
                await _execveat(self.sysif, fd_n, pathname.near, argv.near, envp.near, flags)
            except OSError as exn:
                exn.filename = (fd, pathname.value)
                self.manipulating_fd_table = False
            if isinstance(self.process, ChildProcess):
        await self.sysif.close_interface()

    async def execve(self, filename: WrittenPointer[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
                     argv: WrittenPointer[ArgList],
                     envp: WrittenPointer[ArgList],
                     command: Command=None,
    ) -> None:
        for arg in [*argv.value, *envp.value]:
        self.manipulating_fd_table = True
            await _execve(self.sysif, filename.near, argv.near, envp.near)
        except OSError as exn:
            exn.filename = filename.value
        self.manipulating_fd_table = False
        if isinstance(self.process, ChildProcess):
        await self.sysif.close_interface()

    async def exit(self, status: int) -> None:
        self.manipulating_fd_table = True
        await _exit(self.sysif, status)
        self.manipulating_fd_table = False
        # close the syscall interface; we don't have to do this since it'll be
        # GC'd, but maybe we want to be tidy in advance.
        await self.sysif.close_interface()


Class variables

var sysifSyscallInterface
var near_processProcess
var fd_tableFDTable
var address_spaceAddressSpace
var pidnsPidNamespace


async def unshare(self, flags: CLONE) ‑> NoneType
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async def unshare(self, flags: CLONE) -> None:
    if flags & CLONE.FILES:
        await self.unshare_files()
        flags ^= CLONE.FILES
    if flags:
        await _unshare(self.sysif, flags)
async def setns_user(self, fd: FileDescriptor) ‑> NoneType
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async def setns_user(self, fd: FileDescriptor) -> None:
    # can't setns to a user namespace while sharing CLONE_FS
    await self.unshare(CLONE.FS)
    await self.setns(fd, CLONE.NEWUSER)
async def execveat(self, fd: t.Optional[FileDescriptor], pathname: WrittenPointer[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]], argv: WrittenPointer[ArgList], envp: WrittenPointer[ArgList], flags: AT = AT.NONE, command: Command = None) ‑> NoneType
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async def execveat(self, fd: t.Optional[FileDescriptor],
                   pathname: WrittenPointer[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
                   argv: WrittenPointer[ArgList],
                   envp: WrittenPointer[ArgList],
                   flags: AT=AT.NONE,
                   command: Command=None,
) -> None:
    with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
        if fd:
            fd_n: t.Optional[rsyscall.near.FileDescriptor] = stack.enter_context(fd.borrow(self))
            fd_n = None
        for arg in [*argv.value, *envp.value]:
        self.manipulating_fd_table = True
            await _execveat(self.sysif, fd_n, pathname.near, argv.near, envp.near, flags)
        except OSError as exn:
            exn.filename = (fd, pathname.value)
            self.manipulating_fd_table = False
        if isinstance(self.process, ChildProcess):
    await self.sysif.close_interface()
async def execve(self, filename: WrittenPointer[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]], argv: WrittenPointer[ArgList], envp: WrittenPointer[ArgList], command: Command = None) ‑> NoneType
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async def execve(self, filename: WrittenPointer[t.Union[str, os.PathLike]],
                 argv: WrittenPointer[ArgList],
                 envp: WrittenPointer[ArgList],
                 command: Command=None,
) -> None:
    for arg in [*argv.value, *envp.value]:
    self.manipulating_fd_table = True
        await _execve(self.sysif, filename.near, argv.near, envp.near)
    except OSError as exn:
        exn.filename = filename.value
    self.manipulating_fd_table = False
    if isinstance(self.process, ChildProcess):
    await self.sysif.close_interface()
async def exit(self, status: int) ‑> NoneType
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async def exit(self, status: int) -> None:
    self.manipulating_fd_table = True
    await _exit(self.sysif, status)
    self.manipulating_fd_table = False
    # close the syscall interface; we don't have to do this since it'll be
    # GC'd, but maybe we want to be tidy in advance.
    await self.sysif.close_interface()

Inherited members

class FileDescriptor (task: Task, near: FileDescriptor, valid: bool)

A file descriptor accessed through some Task, with FD-based syscalls as methods

A FileDescriptor represents the ability to use some open file through some Task. When an open file is created by a syscall in some Task, the syscall will return a FileDescriptor which allows accessing that open file through that Task.

A FileDescriptor has many methods to make syscalls; most syscalls which take a file descriptor as their first argument are present as a method on FileDescriptor. These syscalls will be made through the Task in the FileDescriptor's task field.

Since there are so many syscalls, this class is built by inheriting from many other purpose specific FooFileDescriptor classes, which in turn all inherit from BaseFileDescriptor.

After we have opened the file and performed some operations on it, we can call close to immediately close the FileDescriptor and free its resources. The FileDescriptor will also be automatically closed in the background after the FileDescriptor has been garbage collected. Garbage collection should be relied on and preferred over context managers or explicit closing, which are both too inflexible for large scale resource management. Garbage collection is currently run when we change file descriptor tables, as well as on-demand if the user calls FileDescriptorTask.run_fd_table_gc.

We can use inherit to copy a FileDescriptor into a task which inherited file descriptors from a parent, and for_task to copy a FileDescriptor into tasks sharing the same file descriptor table. We can also use more complicated methods, such as CmsgSCMRights, to copy file descriptors without inheritance or a shared file descriptor table.

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class FileDescriptor(
        EventFileDescriptor, TimerFileDescriptor, EpollFileDescriptor,
        InotifyFileDescriptor, SignalFileDescriptor,
        IoctlFileDescriptor, GetdentsFileDescriptor, UioFileDescriptor,
        SeekableFileDescriptor, IOFileDescriptor,
    """A file descriptor accessed through some `Task`, with FD-based syscalls as methods

    A `FileDescriptor` represents the ability to use some open file through some `Task`.
    When an open file is created by a syscall in some `Task`,
    the syscall will return a `FileDescriptor` which allows accessing that open file through that `Task`.

    A `FileDescriptor` has many methods to make syscalls;
    most syscalls which take a file descriptor as their first argument are present as a method on `FileDescriptor`.
    These syscalls will be made through the `Task` in the FileDescriptor's `task` field.

    Since there are so many syscalls,
    this class is built by inheriting from many other purpose specific `FooFileDescriptor` classes,
    which in turn all inherit from `BaseFileDescriptor`.

    After we have opened the file and performed some operations on it,
    we can call `close` to immediately close the FileDescriptor and free its resources.
    The FileDescriptor will also be automatically closed in the background
    after the FileDescriptor has been garbage collected.
    Garbage collection should be relied on and preferred over context managers or explicit closing,
    which are both too inflexible for large scale resource management.
    Garbage collection is currently run when we change file descriptor tables,
    as well as on-demand if the user calls `FileDescriptorTask.run_fd_table_gc`.

    We can use `inherit` to copy a FileDescriptor into a task which inherited file descriptors from a parent,
    and `for_task` to copy a FileDescriptor into tasks sharing the same file descriptor table.
    We can also use more complicated methods, such as `rsyscall.sys.socket.CmsgSCMRights`,
    to copy file descriptors without inheritance or a shared file descriptor table.

    __slots__ = ()
    task: Task

    def as_proc_path(self) -> Path:
        """Return the /proc/{pid}/fd/{num} path pointing to this FD.

        This should be used with care, but it's sometimes useful for programs
        which accept paths instead of file descriptors.

        pid =
        num = self.near.number
        return Path(f"/proc/{pid}/fd/{num}")

    async def disable_cloexec(self) -> None:
        "Unset the `FD.CLOEXEC` flag so this file descriptor can be inherited"
        # TODO this doesn't make any sense. we shouldn't allow cloexec if there are multiple people in our fd table;
        # whether or not there are multiple handles to the fd is irrelevant.
        if not self.is_only_handle():
            raise Exception("shouldn't disable cloexec when there are multiple handles to this fd")
        await self.fcntl(F.SETFD, 0)

    async def enable_cloexec(self) -> None:
        "Set the `FD.CLOEXEC` flag so this file descriptor can't be inherited"
        await self.fcntl(F.SETFD, FD.CLOEXEC)

    async def as_argument(self) -> int:
        "`disable_cloexec`, then return this `FileDescriptor` as an integer; useful when passing the FD as an argument"
        await self.disable_cloexec()
        return int(self)

    async def __aenter__(self) -> FileDescriptor:
        return self

    async def __aexit__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        await self.close()

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return repr(self)

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        if self.valid:
            return f"FD({self.task}, {self.near.number})"
            return f"FD({self.task}, {self.near.number}, valid=False)"



def as_proc_path(self) ‑> Path

Return the /proc/{pid}/fd/{num} path pointing to this FD.

This should be used with care, but it's sometimes useful for programs which accept paths instead of file descriptors.

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def as_proc_path(self) -> Path:
    """Return the /proc/{pid}/fd/{num} path pointing to this FD.

    This should be used with care, but it's sometimes useful for programs
    which accept paths instead of file descriptors.

    pid =
    num = self.near.number
    return Path(f"/proc/{pid}/fd/{num}")
async def disable_cloexec(self) ‑> NoneType

Unset the FD.CLOEXEC flag so this file descriptor can be inherited

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async def disable_cloexec(self) -> None:
    "Unset the `FD.CLOEXEC` flag so this file descriptor can be inherited"
    # TODO this doesn't make any sense. we shouldn't allow cloexec if there are multiple people in our fd table;
    # whether or not there are multiple handles to the fd is irrelevant.
    if not self.is_only_handle():
        raise Exception("shouldn't disable cloexec when there are multiple handles to this fd")
    await self.fcntl(F.SETFD, 0)
async def enable_cloexec(self) ‑> NoneType

Set the FD.CLOEXEC flag so this file descriptor can't be inherited

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async def enable_cloexec(self) -> None:
    "Set the `FD.CLOEXEC` flag so this file descriptor can't be inherited"
    await self.fcntl(F.SETFD, FD.CLOEXEC)
async def as_argument(self) ‑> int

disable_cloexec, then return this FileDescriptor as an integer; useful when passing the FD as an argument

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async def as_argument(self) -> int:
    "`disable_cloexec`, then return this `FileDescriptor` as an integer; useful when passing the FD as an argument"
    await self.disable_cloexec()
    return int(self)

Inherited members

class AsyncFileDescriptor (ram: RAM, handle: FileDescriptor, epolled: EpolledFileDescriptor)

A file descriptor on which IO can be performed without blocking the thread.

Also comes with helpful methods AsyncFileDescriptor.write_all_bytes() and AsyncFileDescriptor.read_some_bytes() to abstract over memory allocation.

We always wait for a posedge to come back from epoll before trying to read. This is not necessarily too pessimistic, because as soon as we have a single posedge, we will keep reading in a loop, as long as data keeps coming through.

Don't construct directly; use the AsyncFileDescriptor.make constructor instead.

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class AsyncFileDescriptor:
    """A file descriptor on which IO can be performed without blocking the thread.

    Also comes with helpful methods `AsyncFileDescriptor.write_all_bytes` and
    `AsyncFileDescriptor.read_some_bytes` to abstract over memory allocation.

    We always wait for a posedge to come back from epoll before trying to read. This is
    not necessarily too pessimistic, because as soon as we have a single posedge, we will
    keep reading in a loop, as long as data keeps coming through.

    async def make(epoller: Epoller, ram: RAM, fd: FileDescriptor) -> AsyncFileDescriptor:
        """Make an AsyncFileDescriptor; make sure to call this with only O.NONBLOCK file descriptors.

        It won't actually break anything if this is called with file descriptors not in
        NONBLOCK mode; it just means that they'll block when we go to read, which is
        probably not what the user wants.

        epolled = await epoller.register(
        return AsyncFileDescriptor(ram, fd, epolled)

    def __init__(self, ram: RAM, handle: FileDescriptor,
                 epolled: EpolledFileDescriptor,
    ) -> None:
        "Don't construct directly; use the AsyncFileDescriptor.make constructor instead."
        self.ram = ram
        self.handle = handle
        "The underlying FileDescriptor for this AFD, used for all system calls"
        self.epolled = epolled

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"AsyncFileDescriptor({self.epolled})"

    async def make_new_afd(self, fd: FileDescriptor) -> AsyncFileDescriptor:
        """Use the Epoller and RAM in this AsyncFD to make a new `AsyncFileDescriptor` for `fd`

        Make sure that `fd` is already in non-blocking mode;
        such as by accepting it with the `SOCK.NONBLOCK` flag.

        This doesn't steal any resources from the original AFD; it's just a convenience method,
        most useful when calling accept() and wanting to create new AFDs out of the resulting FDs.

        return await AsyncFileDescriptor.make(self.epolled.epoller, self.ram, fd)

    async def wait_for_rdhup(self) -> None:
        "Call epoll_wait until this file descriptor has a hangup."
        await self.epolled.wait_for(EPOLL.RDHUP|EPOLL.HUP)

    async def read(self, ptr: Pointer) -> t.Tuple[Pointer, Pointer]:
        "Call `` without blocking the thread."
        while True:
            await self.epolled.wait_for(EPOLL.IN|EPOLL.RDHUP|EPOLL.HUP|EPOLL.ERR)
            current_events = self.epolled.get_current_events(EPOLL.IN|EPOLL.RDHUP|EPOLL.HUP|EPOLL.ERR)
                return (await
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN:

    async def read_some_bytes(self, count: int=4096) -> bytes:
        """Read at most count bytes; possibly less, if we have a partial read.

        This allocates on each call. For some applications, you may want to avoid the cost of
        allocation, by instead allocating a buffer with `Thread.malloc` up front and reusing it
        across multiple calls to ``.

        ptr = await self.ram.malloc(bytes, count)
        valid, _ = await
        return await

    async def write(self, buf: Pointer) -> t.Tuple[Pointer, Pointer]:
        """Call `FileDescriptor.write` without blocking the thread.

        Note that this doesn't retry partial writes, which are always a possibility, so you should
        make sure to do that yourself, or use `AsyncFileDescriptor.write_all`.

        while True:
            await self.epolled.wait_for(EPOLL.OUT|EPOLL.ERR)
            current_events = self.epolled.get_current_events(EPOLL.OUT|EPOLL.ERR)
                return await self.handle.write(buf)
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN:

    async def write_all(self, to_write: Pointer) -> None:
        """Write all of this pointer to the fd, retrying on partial writes until complete.

        You might want to not use this, if you want to react to a partial write in some special way.
        For example, `rsyscall.memory.socket_transport.SocketMemoryTransport` starts a `recv`
        immediately after a partial write, before retrying the write, for increased parallelism.

        while to_write.size() > 0:
            written, to_write = await self.write(to_write)

    async def write_all_bytes(self, buf: bytes) -> None:
        """Write all these bytes to the fd, retrying on partial writes until complete.

        This allocates and performs a store to memory on each call. This is inefficient if you
        already have an initialized pointer for the value, or if you already have an allocated
        buffer that you can use to store the value, which you can also reuse for other values.
        In those cases, you might want to use `AsyncFileDescriptor.write_all`.

        ptr = await self.ram.ptr(buf)
        await self.write_all(ptr)

    async def accept(self, flags: SOCK=SOCK.NONE) -> FileDescriptor: ...
    async def accept(self, flags: SOCK, addr: WrittenPointer[Sockbuf[T_sockaddr]]
    ) -> t.Tuple[FileDescriptor, WrittenPointer[Sockbuf[T_sockaddr]]]: ...

    async def accept(self, flags: SOCK=SOCK.NONE, addr: t.Optional[WrittenPointer[Sockbuf[T_sockaddr]]]=None
    ) -> t.Union[FileDescriptor, t.Tuple[FileDescriptor, WrittenPointer[Sockbuf[T_sockaddr]]]]:
        "Call accept without blocking the thread."
        while True:
            await self.epolled.wait_for(EPOLL.IN|EPOLL.HUP|EPOLL.ERR)
            current_events = self.epolled.get_current_events(EPOLL.IN|EPOLL.HUP|EPOLL.ERR)
                if addr is None:
                    return (await self.handle.accept(flags))
                    return (await self.handle.accept(flags, addr))
            except OSError as e:
                if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN:

    async def accept_addr(self, flags: SOCK=SOCK.NONE) -> t.Tuple[FileDescriptor, Sockaddr]:
        "Call accept with a buffer for the address, and return the resulting fd and address."
        written_sockbuf = await self.ram.ptr(Sockbuf(await self.ram.malloc(SockaddrStorage)))
        fd, sockbuf = await self.accept(flags, written_sockbuf)
        addr = (await (await
        return fd, addr

    async def bind(self, addr: WrittenPointer[Sockaddr]) -> None:
        "Call bind; bind already doesn't block the thread."
        await self.handle.bind(addr)

    async def connect(self, addr: WrittenPointer[Sockaddr]) -> None:
        "Call connect without blocking the thread."
            # Note that an unconnected socket, at least with AF.INET SOCK.STREAM,
            # will have EPOLL.OUT|EPOLL.HUP set when added to epoll, before calling connect.
            current_events = self.epolled.get_current_events(EPOLL.OUT)
            await self.handle.connect(addr)
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.EINPROGRESS:
                await self.epolled.wait_for(EPOLL.OUT)
                current_events = self.epolled.get_current_events(EPOLL.OUT)
                sockbuf = await self.ram.ptr(Sockbuf(await self.ram.malloc(Int32)))
                retbuf = await self.handle.getsockopt(SOL.SOCKET, SO.ERROR, sockbuf)
                err = await (await
                if err == 0:
                        raise OSError(err, os.strerror(err))
                    except OSError as exn:
                        exn.filename = self.handle
                        if hasattr(addr, 'value'):
                            exn.filename2 = addr.value

    def with_handle(self, fd: FileDescriptor) -> AsyncFileDescriptor:
        """Return a new AFD using this new FD handle for making syscalls.

        This is useful when we want to change what task we're making syscalls in when
        using this AFD.

        return AsyncFileDescriptor(self.ram, fd, self.epolled)

    async def close(self) -> None:
        "Remove this FD from Epoll and invalidate the FD handle."
        await self.epolled.delete()
        await self.handle.invalidate()

    async def __aenter__(self) -> None:

    async def __aexit__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        await self.close()

Static methods

async def make(epoller: Epoller, ram: RAM, fd: FileDescriptor) ‑> AsyncFileDescriptor

Make an AsyncFileDescriptor; make sure to call this with only O.NONBLOCK file descriptors.

It won't actually break anything if this is called with file descriptors not in NONBLOCK mode; it just means that they'll block when we go to read, which is probably not what the user wants.

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async def make(epoller: Epoller, ram: RAM, fd: FileDescriptor) -> AsyncFileDescriptor:
    """Make an AsyncFileDescriptor; make sure to call this with only O.NONBLOCK file descriptors.

    It won't actually break anything if this is called with file descriptors not in
    NONBLOCK mode; it just means that they'll block when we go to read, which is
    probably not what the user wants.

    epolled = await epoller.register(
    return AsyncFileDescriptor(ram, fd, epolled)

Instance variables

var handle

The underlying FileDescriptor for this AFD, used for all system calls


async def make_new_afd(self, fd: FileDescriptor) ‑> AsyncFileDescriptor

Use the Epoller and RAM in this AsyncFD to make a new AsyncFileDescriptor for fd

Make sure that fd is already in non-blocking mode; such as by accepting it with the SOCK.NONBLOCK flag.

This doesn't steal any resources from the original AFD; it's just a convenience method, most useful when calling accept() and wanting to create new AFDs out of the resulting FDs.

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async def make_new_afd(self, fd: FileDescriptor) -> AsyncFileDescriptor:
    """Use the Epoller and RAM in this AsyncFD to make a new `AsyncFileDescriptor` for `fd`

    Make sure that `fd` is already in non-blocking mode;
    such as by accepting it with the `SOCK.NONBLOCK` flag.

    This doesn't steal any resources from the original AFD; it's just a convenience method,
    most useful when calling accept() and wanting to create new AFDs out of the resulting FDs.

    return await AsyncFileDescriptor.make(self.epolled.epoller, self.ram, fd)
async def wait_for_rdhup(self) ‑> NoneType

Call epoll_wait until this file descriptor has a hangup.

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async def wait_for_rdhup(self) -> None:
    "Call epoll_wait until this file descriptor has a hangup."
    await self.epolled.wait_for(EPOLL.RDHUP|EPOLL.HUP)
async def read(self, ptr: Pointer) ‑> Tuple[PointerPointer]

Call without blocking the thread.

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async def read(self, ptr: Pointer) -> t.Tuple[Pointer, Pointer]:
    "Call `` without blocking the thread."
    while True:
        await self.epolled.wait_for(EPOLL.IN|EPOLL.RDHUP|EPOLL.HUP|EPOLL.ERR)
        current_events = self.epolled.get_current_events(EPOLL.IN|EPOLL.RDHUP|EPOLL.HUP|EPOLL.ERR)
            return (await
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN:
async def read_some_bytes(self, count: int = 4096) ‑> bytes

Read at most count bytes; possibly less, if we have a partial read.

This allocates on each call. For some applications, you may want to avoid the cost of allocation, by instead allocating a buffer with Thread.malloc() up front and reusing it across multiple calls to

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async def read_some_bytes(self, count: int=4096) -> bytes:
    """Read at most count bytes; possibly less, if we have a partial read.

    This allocates on each call. For some applications, you may want to avoid the cost of
    allocation, by instead allocating a buffer with `Thread.malloc` up front and reusing it
    across multiple calls to ``.

    ptr = await self.ram.malloc(bytes, count)
    valid, _ = await
    return await
async def write(self, buf: Pointer) ‑> Tuple[PointerPointer]

Call IOFileDescriptor.write() without blocking the thread.

Note that this doesn't retry partial writes, which are always a possibility, so you should make sure to do that yourself, or use AsyncFileDescriptor.write_all().

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async def write(self, buf: Pointer) -> t.Tuple[Pointer, Pointer]:
    """Call `FileDescriptor.write` without blocking the thread.

    Note that this doesn't retry partial writes, which are always a possibility, so you should
    make sure to do that yourself, or use `AsyncFileDescriptor.write_all`.

    while True:
        await self.epolled.wait_for(EPOLL.OUT|EPOLL.ERR)
        current_events = self.epolled.get_current_events(EPOLL.OUT|EPOLL.ERR)
            return await self.handle.write(buf)
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN:
async def write_all(self, to_write: Pointer) ‑> NoneType

Write all of this pointer to the fd, retrying on partial writes until complete.

You might want to not use this, if you want to react to a partial write in some special way. For example, SocketMemoryTransport starts a recv immediately after a partial write, before retrying the write, for increased parallelism.

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async def write_all(self, to_write: Pointer) -> None:
    """Write all of this pointer to the fd, retrying on partial writes until complete.

    You might want to not use this, if you want to react to a partial write in some special way.
    For example, `rsyscall.memory.socket_transport.SocketMemoryTransport` starts a `recv`
    immediately after a partial write, before retrying the write, for increased parallelism.

    while to_write.size() > 0:
        written, to_write = await self.write(to_write)
async def write_all_bytes(self, buf: bytes) ‑> NoneType

Write all these bytes to the fd, retrying on partial writes until complete.

This allocates and performs a store to memory on each call. This is inefficient if you already have an initialized pointer for the value, or if you already have an allocated buffer that you can use to store the value, which you can also reuse for other values. In those cases, you might want to use AsyncFileDescriptor.write_all().

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async def write_all_bytes(self, buf: bytes) -> None:
    """Write all these bytes to the fd, retrying on partial writes until complete.

    This allocates and performs a store to memory on each call. This is inefficient if you
    already have an initialized pointer for the value, or if you already have an allocated
    buffer that you can use to store the value, which you can also reuse for other values.
    In those cases, you might want to use `AsyncFileDescriptor.write_all`.

    ptr = await self.ram.ptr(buf)
    await self.write_all(ptr)
async def accept(self, flags: SOCK = SOCK.NONE, addr: t.Optional[WrittenPointer[Sockbuf[T_sockaddr]]] = None) ‑> Union[FileDescriptor, Tuple[FileDescriptorWrittenPointer[Sockbuf[~T_sockaddr]]]]

Call accept without blocking the thread.

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async def accept(self, flags: SOCK=SOCK.NONE, addr: t.Optional[WrittenPointer[Sockbuf[T_sockaddr]]]=None
) -> t.Union[FileDescriptor, t.Tuple[FileDescriptor, WrittenPointer[Sockbuf[T_sockaddr]]]]:
    "Call accept without blocking the thread."
    while True:
        await self.epolled.wait_for(EPOLL.IN|EPOLL.HUP|EPOLL.ERR)
        current_events = self.epolled.get_current_events(EPOLL.IN|EPOLL.HUP|EPOLL.ERR)
            if addr is None:
                return (await self.handle.accept(flags))
                return (await self.handle.accept(flags, addr))
        except OSError as e:
            if e.errno == errno.EAGAIN:
async def accept_addr(self, flags: SOCK = SOCK.NONE) ‑> Tuple[FileDescriptorSockaddr]

Call accept with a buffer for the address, and return the resulting fd and address.

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async def accept_addr(self, flags: SOCK=SOCK.NONE) -> t.Tuple[FileDescriptor, Sockaddr]:
    "Call accept with a buffer for the address, and return the resulting fd and address."
    written_sockbuf = await self.ram.ptr(Sockbuf(await self.ram.malloc(SockaddrStorage)))
    fd, sockbuf = await self.accept(flags, written_sockbuf)
    addr = (await (await
    return fd, addr
async def bind(self, addr: WrittenPointer[Sockaddr]) ‑> NoneType

Call bind; bind already doesn't block the thread.

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async def bind(self, addr: WrittenPointer[Sockaddr]) -> None:
    "Call bind; bind already doesn't block the thread."
    await self.handle.bind(addr)
async def connect(self, addr: WrittenPointer[Sockaddr]) ‑> NoneType

Call connect without blocking the thread.

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async def connect(self, addr: WrittenPointer[Sockaddr]) -> None:
    "Call connect without blocking the thread."
        # Note that an unconnected socket, at least with AF.INET SOCK.STREAM,
        # will have EPOLL.OUT|EPOLL.HUP set when added to epoll, before calling connect.
        current_events = self.epolled.get_current_events(EPOLL.OUT)
        await self.handle.connect(addr)
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.EINPROGRESS:
            await self.epolled.wait_for(EPOLL.OUT)
            current_events = self.epolled.get_current_events(EPOLL.OUT)
            sockbuf = await self.ram.ptr(Sockbuf(await self.ram.malloc(Int32)))
            retbuf = await self.handle.getsockopt(SOL.SOCKET, SO.ERROR, sockbuf)
            err = await (await
            if err == 0:
                    raise OSError(err, os.strerror(err))
                except OSError as exn:
                    exn.filename = self.handle
                    if hasattr(addr, 'value'):
                        exn.filename2 = addr.value
def with_handle(self, fd: FileDescriptor) ‑> AsyncFileDescriptor

Return a new AFD using this new FD handle for making syscalls.

This is useful when we want to change what task we're making syscalls in when using this AFD.

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def with_handle(self, fd: FileDescriptor) -> AsyncFileDescriptor:
    """Return a new AFD using this new FD handle for making syscalls.

    This is useful when we want to change what task we're making syscalls in when
    using this AFD.

    return AsyncFileDescriptor(self.ram, fd, self.epolled)
async def close(self) ‑> NoneType

Remove this FD from Epoll and invalidate the FD handle.

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async def close(self) -> None:
    "Remove this FD from Epoll and invalidate the FD handle."
    await self.epolled.delete()
    await self.handle.invalidate()
class AsyncChildProcess (process: ChildProcess, ram: RAM, sigchld_sigfd: AsyncSignalfd)

A child process which can be monitored without blocking the thread

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class AsyncChildProcess:
    "A child process which can be monitored without blocking the thread"
    def __init__(self, process: ChildProcess, ram: RAM, sigchld_sigfd: AsyncSignalfd) -> None:
        self.process = process
        self.ram = ram
        self.sigchld_sigfd = sigchld_sigfd
        self.next_sigchld: t.Optional[Event] = None

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        name = type(self).__name__
        return f'{name}({self.process})'

    async def _waitid_nohang(self) -> t.Optional[ChildState]:
        if self.process.unread_siginfo:
            # if we performed a waitid before, and it contains an event, we don't need to
            # waitid again.
            result = await self.process.read_siginfo()
            # but if there's no event in this previous waitid, we need to waitid now; if
            # we don't, we might erroneously block waiting for a SIGCHLD that happened
            # between the previous waitid and now, and was consumed at that time.
            if result:
                return result
        siginfo_buf = await self.ram.malloc(Siginfo)
        await self.process.waitid(W.EXITED|W.STOPPED|W.CONTINUED|W.NOHANG, siginfo_buf)
        return await self.process.read_siginfo()

    async def waitpid(self, options: W) -> ChildState:
        "Wait for a child state change in this child, like waitid(P.PID)"
        if options & W.EXITED and self.process.death_state:
            # TODO this is not really the actual behavior of waitpid...
            # if the child is already dead we'd get an ECHLD not the death state change again.
            return self.process.death_state
        while True:
            # If a previous call has given us a next_sigchld to wait on, then wait we shall.
            if self.next_sigchld:
                await self.next_sigchld.wait()
                # we shouldn't wait for SIGCHLD the next time we're called, we should eagerly call
                # waitid, since there may still be state changes to fetch.
                self.next_sigchld = None
            # We have to save this signal event before calling waitid, otherwise we may deadlock: If
            # a SIGCHLD is delivered while we're calling waitid, then saved_sigchld will be
            # different from self.sigchld_sigfd.next_signal after the waitid; and if we use the
            # value of self.sigchld_sigfd.next_signal after the waitid, we'll be waiting for a
            # SIGCHLD that will never come.
            saved_sigchld = self.sigchld_sigfd.next_signal
            state_change = await self._waitid_nohang()
            if state_change is not None:
                if state_change.state(options):
                    return state_change
                    # TODO we shouldn't discard the state change here if we're not waiting for it;
                    # unfortunately doing it right will require a lot of refactoring of waitid
                # we know for sure that there will only be state changes fetchable by waitid after
                # waiting for this SIGCHLD event. note that this event may have already happened, if
                # we received a SIGCHLD while calling waitid.
                self.next_sigchld = saved_sigchld

    async def wait(self, options: W=W.EXITED|W.STOPPED|W.CONTINUED) -> ChildState:
        return await self.waitpid(options)

    async def check(self) -> ChildState:
        "Wait for this child to die, and once it does, throw `rsyscall.sys.wait.UncleanExit` if it didn't exit cleanly"
            death = await self.waitpid(W.EXITED)
        except trio.Cancelled:
            await self.kill(SIG.TERM)
        if not death.clean():
            if self.process.command:
                raise UncleanExit(death, self.process.command)
                raise UncleanExit(death)
        return death

    async def kill(self, sig: SIG=SIG.KILL) -> None:
        "Send a signal to this child"
        if self.process.unread_siginfo:
            await self.process.read_siginfo()
        await self.process.kill(sig)

    async def killpg(self, sig: SIG=SIG.KILL) -> None:
        "Send a signal to the process group corresponding to this child"
        if self.process.unread_siginfo:
            await self.process.read_siginfo()
        await self.process.killpg(sig)

    async def __aenter__(self) -> None:

    async def __aexit__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
        if self.process.death_state:
            await self.kill()
            await self.waitpid(W.EXITED)


async def waitpid(self, options: W) ‑> ChildState

Wait for a child state change in this child, like waitid(P.PID)

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async def waitpid(self, options: W) -> ChildState:
    "Wait for a child state change in this child, like waitid(P.PID)"
    if options & W.EXITED and self.process.death_state:
        # TODO this is not really the actual behavior of waitpid...
        # if the child is already dead we'd get an ECHLD not the death state change again.
        return self.process.death_state
    while True:
        # If a previous call has given us a next_sigchld to wait on, then wait we shall.
        if self.next_sigchld:
            await self.next_sigchld.wait()
            # we shouldn't wait for SIGCHLD the next time we're called, we should eagerly call
            # waitid, since there may still be state changes to fetch.
            self.next_sigchld = None
        # We have to save this signal event before calling waitid, otherwise we may deadlock: If
        # a SIGCHLD is delivered while we're calling waitid, then saved_sigchld will be
        # different from self.sigchld_sigfd.next_signal after the waitid; and if we use the
        # value of self.sigchld_sigfd.next_signal after the waitid, we'll be waiting for a
        # SIGCHLD that will never come.
        saved_sigchld = self.sigchld_sigfd.next_signal
        state_change = await self._waitid_nohang()
        if state_change is not None:
            if state_change.state(options):
                return state_change
                # TODO we shouldn't discard the state change here if we're not waiting for it;
                # unfortunately doing it right will require a lot of refactoring of waitid
            # we know for sure that there will only be state changes fetchable by waitid after
            # waiting for this SIGCHLD event. note that this event may have already happened, if
            # we received a SIGCHLD while calling waitid.
            self.next_sigchld = saved_sigchld
async def wait(self, options: W = W.CONTINUED|EXITED|STOPPED) ‑> ChildState
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async def wait(self, options: W=W.EXITED|W.STOPPED|W.CONTINUED) -> ChildState:
    return await self.waitpid(options)
async def check(self) ‑> ChildState

Wait for this child to die, and once it does, throw UncleanExit if it didn't exit cleanly

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async def check(self) -> ChildState:
    "Wait for this child to die, and once it does, throw `rsyscall.sys.wait.UncleanExit` if it didn't exit cleanly"
        death = await self.waitpid(W.EXITED)
    except trio.Cancelled:
        await self.kill(SIG.TERM)
    if not death.clean():
        if self.process.command:
            raise UncleanExit(death, self.process.command)
            raise UncleanExit(death)
    return death
async def kill(self, sig: SIG = SIG.KILL) ‑> NoneType

Send a signal to this child

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async def kill(self, sig: SIG=SIG.KILL) -> None:
    "Send a signal to this child"
    if self.process.unread_siginfo:
        await self.process.read_siginfo()
    await self.process.kill(sig)
async def killpg(self, sig: SIG = SIG.KILL) ‑> NoneType

Send a signal to the process group corresponding to this child

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async def killpg(self, sig: SIG=SIG.KILL) -> None:
    "Send a signal to the process group corresponding to this child"
    if self.process.unread_siginfo:
        await self.process.read_siginfo()
    await self.process.killpg(sig)
class Pointer (mapping: MemoryMapping, transport: MemoryGateway, serializer: Serializer[T], allocation: AllocationInterface, typ: t.Type[T])

An owning handle for some piece of memory.

More precisely, this is an owning handle for an allocation in some memory mapping. We're explicitly representing memory mappings, rather than glossing over them and pretending that the address space is flat and uniform. If we have two mappings for the same file, we can translate this Pointer between them.

As an implication of owning an allocation, we also know the length of that allocation, which is the length of the range of memory that it's valid to operate on through this pointer. We retrieve this through Pointer.size and use it in many places; anywhere we take a Pointer, if there's some question about what size to operate on, we operate on the full size of the pointer. Reducing the amount of memory to operate on can be done through Pointer.split.

We also know the type of the region of memory; that is, how to interpret this region of memory. This is useful at type-checking time to check that we aren't passing pointers to memory of the wrong type. At runtime, the type is reified as a serializer, which allows us to translate a value of the type to and from bytes.

We also hold a transport which will allow us to read and write the memory we own. Combined with the serializer, this allows us to write and read values of the appropriate type to and from memory using the Pointer.write and methods.

Finally, pointers have a "valid" bit which says whether the Pointer can be used. We say that a method "consumes" a pointer if it will invalidate that pointer.

Most of the methods manipulating the pointer are "linear". That is, they consume the pointer object they're called on and return a new pointer object to use. This forces the user to be more careful with tracking the state of the pointer; and also allows us to represent some state changes with by changing the type of the pointer, in particular Pointer.write.

See also the inheriting class WrittenPointer

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class Pointer(t.Generic[T]):
    """An owning handle for some piece of memory.

    More precisely, this is an owning handle for an allocation in some memory mapping.  We're
    explicitly representing memory mappings, rather than glossing over them and pretending that the
    address space is flat and uniform. If we have two mappings for the same file, we can translate
    this Pointer between them.

    As an implication of owning an allocation, we also know the length of that allocation, which is
    the length of the range of memory that it's valid to operate on through this pointer. We
    retrieve this through Pointer.size and use it in many places; anywhere we take a Pointer, if
    there's some question about what size to operate on, we operate on the full size of the
    pointer. Reducing the amount of memory to operate on can be done through Pointer.split.

    We also know the type of the region of memory; that is, how to interpret this region of
    memory. This is useful at type-checking time to check that we aren't passing pointers to memory
    of the wrong type. At runtime, the type is reified as a serializer, which allows us to translate
    a value of the type to and from bytes.

    We also hold a transport which will allow us to read and write the memory we own. Combined with
    the serializer, this allows us to write and read values of the appropriate type to and from
    memory using the Pointer.write and methods.

    Finally, pointers have a "valid" bit which says whether the Pointer can be used. We say that a
    method "consumes" a pointer if it will invalidate that pointer.

    Most of the methods manipulating the pointer are "linear". That is, they consume the pointer
    object they're called on and return a new pointer object to use. This forces the user to be more
    careful with tracking the state of the pointer; and also allows us to represent some state
    changes with by changing the type of the pointer, in particular Pointer.write.

    See also the inheriting class WrittenPointer

    __slots__ = ('mapping', 'transport', 'serializer', 'allocation', 'valid', 'typ')
    mapping: MemoryMapping
    transport: MemoryGateway
    serializer: Serializer[T]
    allocation: AllocationInterface
    typ: t.Type[T]
    valid: bool

    def __init__(self,
                 mapping: MemoryMapping,
                 transport: MemoryGateway,
                 serializer: Serializer[T],
                 allocation: AllocationInterface,
                 typ: t.Type[T],
    ) -> None:
        self.mapping = mapping
        self.transport = transport
        self.serializer = serializer
        self.allocation = allocation
        self.typ = typ
        self.valid = True

    async def write(self, value: T) -> WrittenPointer[T]:
        "Write this value to this pointer, consuming it and returning a new WrittenPointer"
        value_bytes = self.serializer.to_bytes(value)
        if len(value_bytes) > self.size():
            raise Exception("value_bytes is too long", len(value_bytes),
                            "for this typed pointer of size", self.size())
        await self.transport.write(self, value_bytes)
        return self._wrote(value)

    async def read(self) -> T:
        "Read the value pointed to by this pointer"
        value = await
        return self.serializer.from_bytes(value)

    def size(self) -> int:
        """Return the size of this pointer's allocation in bytes

        This is mostly used by syscalls and passed to the kernel, so that the kernel knows the size
        of the buffer that it's been passed. To reduce the size of a buffer passed to the kernel,
        use Pointer.split.

        return self.allocation.size()

    def split(self, size: int) -> t.Tuple[Pointer, Pointer]:
        """Invalidate this pointer and split it into two adjacent pointers

        This is primarily used by syscalls that write to one contiguous part of a buffer and leave
        the rest unused.  They split the pointer into a "used" part and an "unused" part, and return
        both parts.

        # TODO uhhhh if split throws an exception... don't we need to free... or something...
        self.valid = False
        # TODO we should only allow split if we are the only reference to this allocation
        alloc1, alloc2 = self.allocation.split(size)
        first = self._with_alloc(alloc1)
        # TODO should degrade this pointer to raw bytes or something, or maybe no type at all
        second = self._with_alloc(alloc2)
        return first, second

    def merge(self, ptr: Pointer) -> Pointer:
        """Merge two pointers produced by split back into a single pointer

        The two pointers passed in are invalidated.

        This is primarily used by the user to re-assemble a buffer that was split by a syscall.

        # TODO should assert that these two pointers both serialize the same thing
        # although they could be different types of serializers...
        self.valid = False
        ptr.valid = False
        # TODO we should only allow merge if we are the only reference to this allocation
        alloc = self.allocation.merge(ptr.allocation)
        return self._with_alloc(alloc)

    def __add__(self, right: Pointer[T]) -> Pointer[T]:
        "left + right desugars to left.merge(right)"
        return self.merge(right)

    def __radd__(self, left: t.Optional[Pointer[T]]) -> Pointer[T]:
        """"left += right" desugars to "left = (left + right) if left is not None else right"

        With this, you can initialize a variable to None, then merge pointers into it in a
        loop. This is especially useful when trying to write an entire buffer, or fill an
        entire buffer by reading.

        if left is None:
            return self
            return left + self

    def near(self) -> rsyscall.near.Address:
        """Return the raw memory address referred to by this Pointer

        This is mostly used by syscalls and passed to the kernel, so that the kernel knows the start
        of the buffer to read to or write from.

        # TODO hmm should maybe validate that this fits in the bounds of the mapping I guess
            return self.mapping.near.as_address() + self.allocation.offset()
        except UseAfterFreeError as e:
            raise UseAfterFreeError(
                "Allocation inside this Pointer", self,
                "is freed, but the pointer is still valid; someone violated some invariants",
            ) from e

    def check_address_space(self, task: rsyscall.far.Task) -> None:
        if task.address_space != self.mapping.task.address_space:
            raise rsyscall.far.AddressSpaceMismatchError(task.address_space, self.mapping.task.address_space)

    def borrow(self, task: rsyscall.far.Task) -> t.Iterator[rsyscall.near.Address]:
        """Pin the address of this pointer, and yield the pointer's raw memory address

        We validate this pointer, and pin it in memory so that it can't be moved or deleted while
        it's being used.

        This is mostly used by syscalls and passed to the kernel, so that the kernel knows the start
        of the buffer to read to or write from.

        # TODO actual tracking of pointer references is not yet implemented
        # we should have a flag or lock to indicate that this pointer shouldn't be moved or deleted,
        # while it's being borrowed.
        # TODO rename this to pinned
        # TODO make this the only way to get .near
        yield self.near

    def _validate(self) -> None:
        if not self.valid:
            raise UseAfterFreeError("handle is no longer valid")

    def free(self) -> None:
        """Free this pointer, invalidating it and releasing the underlying allocation.

        It isn't necessary to explicitly call this, because the pointer will be freed on
        GC. But you can call it anyway if, for example, the pointer will be referenced for
        long after it is done being used.

        if self.valid:
            self.valid = False

    def __del__(self) -> None:
        # This isn't strictly necessary because the allocation will free itself on __del__.
        # But, that will only happen when *all* pointers referring to the allocation are collected;
        # not just the valid one.
        # So, this ensures GC is a bit more prompt.
        # Oh, wait. The real reason we need this is because the Arena stores references to the allocation.
        # TODO We should fix that.

    def split_from_end(self, size: int, alignment: int) -> t.Tuple[Pointer, Pointer]:
        """Split from the end of this pointer, such that the right pointer is aligned to `alignment`

        Used by write_to_end; mostly only useful for preparing stacks.

        extra_to_remove = (int(self.near) + size) % alignment
        return self.split(self.size() - size - extra_to_remove)

    async def write_to_end(self, value: T, alignment: int) -> t.Tuple[Pointer[T], WrittenPointer[T]]:
        """Write a value to the end of the range of this pointer

        Splits the pointer, and returns both parts.  This function is only useful for preparing
        stacks. Would be nice to figure out either a more generic way to prep stacks, or to figure
        out more things that write_to_end could be used for.

        value_bytes = self.serializer.to_bytes(value)
        rest, write_buf = self.split_from_end(len(value_bytes), alignment)
        written = await write_buf.write(value)
        return rest, written

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        name = type(self).__name__
        typname = self.typ.__name__
            return f"{name}[{typname}]({self.near}, {self.size()})"
        except UseAfterFreeError:
            return f"{name}[{typname}](valid={self.valid}, {self.mapping}, {self.allocation}, {self.serializer})"

    #### Various ways to create new Pointers by changing one thing about the old pointer. 
    def _with_mapping(self: T_pointer, mapping: MemoryMapping) -> T_pointer:
        if type(self) is not Pointer:
            raise Exception("subclasses of Pointer must override _with_mapping")
        if mapping.file is not self.mapping.file:
            raise Exception("can only move pointer between two mappings of the same file")
        # we don't have a clean model for referring to the same object through multiple mappings.
        # this is a major TODO.
        # at least two ways to achieve it:
        # - have Pointers become multi-mapping super-pointers, which can be valid in multiple address spaces
        # - break our linearity constraint on pointers, allowing multiple pointers for the same allocation;
        #   this is difficult because split() is only easy to implement due to linearity.
        # right here, we just linearly move the pointer to a new mapping
        self.valid = False
        return type(self)(mapping, self.transport, self.serializer, self.allocation, self.typ)

    def _with_alloc(self, allocation: AllocationInterface) -> Pointer:
        return Pointer(self.mapping, self.transport, self.serializer, allocation, self.typ)

    def _reinterpret(self, serializer: Serializer[U], typ: t.Type[U]) -> Pointer[U]:
        # TODO how can we check to make sure we don't reinterpret in wacky ways?
        # maybe we should only be able to reinterpret in ways that are allowed by the serializer?
        # so maybe it's a method on the Serializer? cast_to(Type)?
        self.valid = False
        return Pointer(self.mapping, self.transport, serializer, self.allocation, typ)

    def _readable(self) -> ReadablePointer[T]:
        self.valid = False
        return ReadablePointer(self.mapping, self.transport, self.serializer, self.allocation, self.typ)

    def readable_split(self, size: int) -> t.Tuple[ReadablePointer[T], Pointer]:
        left, right = self.split(size)
        return left._readable(), right

    def _linearize(self) -> LinearPointer[T]:
        self.valid = False
        return LinearPointer(self.mapping, self.transport, self.serializer, self.allocation, self.typ)

    def unsafe(self) -> ReadablePointer[T]:
        "Get a ReadablePointer from this pointer, even though it might not be initialized"
        return self._readable()

    def _wrote(self, value: T) -> WrittenPointer[T]:
        "Assert we wrote this value to this pointer, and return the appropriate new WrittenPointer"
        self.valid = False
        return WrittenPointer(self.mapping, self.transport, value, self.serializer, self.allocation, self.typ)


  • typing.Generic


Instance variables

var nearAddress

Return the raw memory address referred to by this Pointer

This is mostly used by syscalls and passed to the kernel, so that the kernel knows the start of the buffer to read to or write from.

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def near(self) -> rsyscall.near.Address:
    """Return the raw memory address referred to by this Pointer

    This is mostly used by syscalls and passed to the kernel, so that the kernel knows the start
    of the buffer to read to or write from.

    # TODO hmm should maybe validate that this fits in the bounds of the mapping I guess
        return self.mapping.near.as_address() + self.allocation.offset()
    except UseAfterFreeError as e:
        raise UseAfterFreeError(
            "Allocation inside this Pointer", self,
            "is freed, but the pointer is still valid; someone violated some invariants",
        ) from e
var allocationAllocationInterface

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var mappingMemoryMapping

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var serializerSerializer[~T]

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var transportMemoryGateway

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var typ : Type[~T]

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

var valid : bool

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.


async def write(self, value: T) ‑> WrittenPointer[~T]

Write this value to this pointer, consuming it and returning a new WrittenPointer

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async def write(self, value: T) -> WrittenPointer[T]:
    "Write this value to this pointer, consuming it and returning a new WrittenPointer"
    value_bytes = self.serializer.to_bytes(value)
    if len(value_bytes) > self.size():
        raise Exception("value_bytes is too long", len(value_bytes),
                        "for this typed pointer of size", self.size())
    await self.transport.write(self, value_bytes)
    return self._wrote(value)
async def read(self) ‑> ~T

Read the value pointed to by this pointer

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async def read(self) -> T:
    "Read the value pointed to by this pointer"
    value = await
    return self.serializer.from_bytes(value)
def size(self) ‑> int

Return the size of this pointer's allocation in bytes

This is mostly used by syscalls and passed to the kernel, so that the kernel knows the size of the buffer that it's been passed. To reduce the size of a buffer passed to the kernel, use Pointer.split.

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def size(self) -> int:
    """Return the size of this pointer's allocation in bytes

    This is mostly used by syscalls and passed to the kernel, so that the kernel knows the size
    of the buffer that it's been passed. To reduce the size of a buffer passed to the kernel,
    use Pointer.split.

    return self.allocation.size()
def split(self, size: int) ‑> Tuple[PointerPointer]

Invalidate this pointer and split it into two adjacent pointers

This is primarily used by syscalls that write to one contiguous part of a buffer and leave the rest unused. They split the pointer into a "used" part and an "unused" part, and return both parts.

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def split(self, size: int) -> t.Tuple[Pointer, Pointer]:
    """Invalidate this pointer and split it into two adjacent pointers

    This is primarily used by syscalls that write to one contiguous part of a buffer and leave
    the rest unused.  They split the pointer into a "used" part and an "unused" part, and return
    both parts.

    # TODO uhhhh if split throws an exception... don't we need to free... or something...
    self.valid = False
    # TODO we should only allow split if we are the only reference to this allocation
    alloc1, alloc2 = self.allocation.split(size)
    first = self._with_alloc(alloc1)
    # TODO should degrade this pointer to raw bytes or something, or maybe no type at all
    second = self._with_alloc(alloc2)
    return first, second
def merge(self, ptr: Pointer) ‑> Pointer

Merge two pointers produced by split back into a single pointer

The two pointers passed in are invalidated.

This is primarily used by the user to re-assemble a buffer that was split by a syscall.

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def merge(self, ptr: Pointer) -> Pointer:
    """Merge two pointers produced by split back into a single pointer

    The two pointers passed in are invalidated.

    This is primarily used by the user to re-assemble a buffer that was split by a syscall.

    # TODO should assert that these two pointers both serialize the same thing
    # although they could be different types of serializers...
    self.valid = False
    ptr.valid = False
    # TODO we should only allow merge if we are the only reference to this allocation
    alloc = self.allocation.merge(ptr.allocation)
    return self._with_alloc(alloc)
def check_address_space(self, task: Task) ‑> NoneType
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def check_address_space(self, task: rsyscall.far.Task) -> None:
    if task.address_space != self.mapping.task.address_space:
        raise rsyscall.far.AddressSpaceMismatchError(task.address_space, self.mapping.task.address_space)
def borrow(self, task: Task) ‑> Iterator[Address]

Pin the address of this pointer, and yield the pointer's raw memory address

We validate this pointer, and pin it in memory so that it can't be moved or deleted while it's being used.

This is mostly used by syscalls and passed to the kernel, so that the kernel knows the start of the buffer to read to or write from.

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def borrow(self, task: rsyscall.far.Task) -> t.Iterator[rsyscall.near.Address]:
    """Pin the address of this pointer, and yield the pointer's raw memory address

    We validate this pointer, and pin it in memory so that it can't be moved or deleted while
    it's being used.

    This is mostly used by syscalls and passed to the kernel, so that the kernel knows the start
    of the buffer to read to or write from.

    # TODO actual tracking of pointer references is not yet implemented
    # we should have a flag or lock to indicate that this pointer shouldn't be moved or deleted,
    # while it's being borrowed.
    # TODO rename this to pinned
    # TODO make this the only way to get .near
    yield self.near
def free(self) ‑> NoneType

Free this pointer, invalidating it and releasing the underlying allocation.

It isn't necessary to explicitly call this, because the pointer will be freed on GC. But you can call it anyway if, for example, the pointer will be referenced for long after it is done being used.

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def free(self) -> None:
    """Free this pointer, invalidating it and releasing the underlying allocation.

    It isn't necessary to explicitly call this, because the pointer will be freed on
    GC. But you can call it anyway if, for example, the pointer will be referenced for
    long after it is done being used.

    if self.valid:
        self.valid = False
def split_from_end(self, size: int, alignment: int) ‑> Tuple[PointerPointer]

Split from the end of this pointer, such that the right pointer is aligned to alignment

Used by write_to_end; mostly only useful for preparing stacks.

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def split_from_end(self, size: int, alignment: int) -> t.Tuple[Pointer, Pointer]:
    """Split from the end of this pointer, such that the right pointer is aligned to `alignment`

    Used by write_to_end; mostly only useful for preparing stacks.

    extra_to_remove = (int(self.near) + size) % alignment
    return self.split(self.size() - size - extra_to_remove)
async def write_to_end(self, value: T, alignment: int) ‑> Tuple[Pointer[~T], WrittenPointer[~T]]

Write a value to the end of the range of this pointer

Splits the pointer, and returns both parts. This function is only useful for preparing stacks. Would be nice to figure out either a more generic way to prep stacks, or to figure out more things that write_to_end could be used for.

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async def write_to_end(self, value: T, alignment: int) -> t.Tuple[Pointer[T], WrittenPointer[T]]:
    """Write a value to the end of the range of this pointer

    Splits the pointer, and returns both parts.  This function is only useful for preparing
    stacks. Would be nice to figure out either a more generic way to prep stacks, or to figure
    out more things that write_to_end could be used for.

    value_bytes = self.serializer.to_bytes(value)
    rest, write_buf = self.split_from_end(len(value_bytes), alignment)
    written = await write_buf.write(value)
    return rest, written
def readable_split(self, size: int) ‑> Tuple[ReadablePointer[~T], Pointer]
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def readable_split(self, size: int) -> t.Tuple[ReadablePointer[T], Pointer]:
    left, right = self.split(size)
    return left._readable(), right
def unsafe(self) ‑> ReadablePointer[~T]

Get a ReadablePointer from this pointer, even though it might not be initialized

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def unsafe(self) -> ReadablePointer[T]:
    "Get a ReadablePointer from this pointer, even though it might not be initialized"
    return self._readable()
class WrittenPointer (mapping: MemoryMapping, transport: MemoryGateway, value: T_co, serializer: Serializer[T_co], allocation: AllocationInterface, typ: t.Type[T_co])

A Pointer with some known value written to it

We have all the normal functionality of a Pointer (see that class for more information), but we also know that we've had some value written to us, and we know what that value is, and it's immediately accessible in Python.

We can also view this with an emphasis on the value: This is some known value, that has been written to some memory location. The value and the pointer are equally important in this class, and both are used by most uses of this class.

We use inheritance so that a WrittenPointer gracefully degrades back to a Pointer, and is invalidated whenever a pointer is invalidated. Specifically, we want anything that writes to a pointer to invalidate this pointer. The invalidation lets us know that this value is no longer necessarily written to this pointer.

For example, syscalls that write to pointers will typically call split. A call to WrittenPointer.split will invalidate the WrittenPointer and return regular Pointers; that's desirable because the syscall likely overwrote whatever value was previously written here.

TODO: We should fix syscalls that write to memory but don't call split so that they invalidate the WrittenPointer. That's mostly syscalls using Sockbufs…

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class WrittenPointer(Pointer[T_co]):
    """A Pointer with some known value written to it

    We have all the normal functionality of a Pointer (see that class for more information), but we
    also know that we've had some value written to us, and we know what that value is, and it's
    immediately accessible in Python.

    We can also view this with an emphasis on the value: This is some known value, that has been
    written to some memory location. The value and the pointer are equally important in this class,
    and both are used by most uses of this class.

    We use inheritance so that a WrittenPointer gracefully degrades back to a Pointer, and is
    invalidated whenever a pointer is invalidated. Specifically, we want anything that writes to a
    pointer to invalidate this pointer. The invalidation lets us know that this value is no longer
    necessarily written to this pointer.

    For example, syscalls that write to pointers will typically call split. A call to
    WrittenPointer.split will invalidate the WrittenPointer and return regular Pointers; that's
    desirable because the syscall likely overwrote whatever value was previously written here.

    TODO: We should fix syscalls that write to memory but don't call split so that they invalidate
    the WrittenPointer. That's mostly syscalls using Sockbufs...

    __slots__ = ('value')
    def __init__(self,
                 mapping: MemoryMapping,
                 transport: MemoryGateway,
                 value: T_co,
                 serializer: Serializer[T_co],
                 allocation: AllocationInterface,
                 typ: t.Type[T_co],
    ) -> None:
        super().__init__(mapping, transport, serializer, allocation, typ)
        self.value = value

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        name = type(self).__name__
        typname = self.typ.__name__
            return f"{name}[{typname}]({self.near}, {self.value})"
        except UseAfterFreeError:
            return f"{name}[{typname}](valid={self.valid}, {self.mapping}, {self.allocation}, {self.value})"

    def _with_mapping(self, mapping: MemoryMapping) -> WrittenPointer:
        if type(self) is not WrittenPointer:
            raise Exception("subclasses of WrittenPointer must override _with_mapping")
        if mapping.file is not self.mapping.file:
            raise Exception("can only move pointer between two mappings of the same file")
        # see notes in Pointer._with_mapping
        self.valid = False
        return type(self)(mapping, self.transport, self.value, self.serializer, self.allocation, self.typ)


Instance variables

var value

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.

Inherited members

class ReadablePointer (mapping: MemoryMapping, transport: MemoryGateway, serializer: Serializer[T], allocation: AllocationInterface, typ: t.Type[T])

A Pointer that is safely readable

This is returned by functions and syscalls which write some (possibly unknown) pure data to an address in memory, which then can be read and deserialized to get a sensical pure data value rather than nonsense.

Immediately after allocation, a Pointer is returned, rather than a ReadablePointer, to indicate that the pointer is uninitialized, and therefore not safely readable.

This is also returned by Pointer.unsafe(), to support system calls where it's not statically known that a passed Pointer is written to and initialized; ioctls, for example. Tt would be better to have a complete description of the Linux interface, so we could get rid of this unsafety.

This is currently only a marker type, but eventually we'll move the read() method here to ReadablePointer from Pointer, so that reading Pointers is actually not allowed. For now, this is just a hint.

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class ReadablePointer(Pointer[T]):
    """A Pointer that is safely readable

    This is returned by functions and syscalls which write some (possibly
    unknown) pure data to an address in memory, which then can be read and
    deserialized to get a sensical pure data value rather than nonsense.

    Immediately after allocation, a Pointer is returned, rather than a
    ReadablePointer, to indicate that the pointer is uninitialized, and
    therefore not safely readable.

    This is also returned by Pointer.unsafe(), to support system calls where
    it's not statically known that a passed Pointer is written to and
    initialized; ioctls, for example.  Tt would be better to have a complete
    description of the Linux interface, so we could get rid of this unsafety.

    This is currently only a marker type, but eventually we'll move the read()
    method here to ReadablePointer from Pointer, so that reading Pointers is
    actually not allowed. For now, this is just a hint.

    __slots__ = ()

    def _with_mapping(self, mapping: MemoryMapping) -> ReadablePointer:
        # see notes in Pointer._with_mapping
        if type(self) is not ReadablePointer:
            raise Exception("subclasses of ReadablePointer must override _with_mapping")
        if mapping.file is not self.mapping.file:
            raise Exception("can only move pointer between two mappings of the same file")
        self.valid = False
        return type(self)(mapping, self.transport, self.serializer, self.allocation, self.typ)



Inherited members

class LinearPointer (mapping: MemoryMapping, transport: MemoryGateway, serializer: Serializer[T], allocation: AllocationInterface, typ: t.Type[T])

A Pointer that must be read, once

This is returned by functions and syscalls which write a unknown value to an address in memory, which then must be read and deserialized once to manage the resources described by that value, such as file descriptors.

The value is:

  • "affine"; it must be read at least once, so that the resources inside can be returned as managed objects.
  • "relevant"; it must be read at most once, so that dangling handles to the resources can't be created again after they're closed.

Since it's both affine and relevant, this is a true linear type.

Unfortunately it's going to be quite difficult to guarantee relevance. There are three issues here:

  1. The pointer can simply be dropped and garbage collected.
  2. System calls can write to the pointer and discard its previous results
  3. We can write to the pointer (through Pointer.write()) and discard its previous results

We can mitigate 1 a little by warning in __del__.

We could statically prevent 3 by removing the and Pointer.write() methods from this class, and only allowing LinearPointer.linear_read(), or dynamically by throwing in write if been_read is false.

Any approach to 2 is going to require some tweaks to the pointer API, and probably some mass changes to syscall implementations. Although maybe we could do it off of .near accesses.

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class LinearPointer(ReadablePointer[T]):
    """A Pointer that must be read, once

    This is returned by functions and syscalls which write a unknown
    value to an address in memory, which then must be read and
    deserialized *once* to manage the resources described by that
    value, such as file descriptors.

    The value is:

    - "affine"; it must be read at least once, so that the resources inside
      can be returned as managed objects.
    - "relevant"; it must be read at most once, so that dangling handles to the
      resources can't be created again after they're closed.

    Since it's both affine and relevant, this is a true linear type.

    Unfortunately it's going to be quite difficult to guarantee relevance. There
    are three issues here:

    1. The pointer can simply be dropped and garbage collected.
    2. System calls can write to the pointer and discard its previous results
    3. We can write to the pointer (through `Pointer.write`) and discard its previous results

    We can mitigate 1 a little by warning in `__del__`.

    We could statically prevent 3 by removing the `` and `Pointer.write` methods
    from this class, and only allowing `LinearPointer.linear_read`, or dynamically by throwing
    in `write` if `been_read` is false.

    Any approach to 2 is going to require some tweaks to the pointer API, and
    probably some mass changes to syscall implementations. Although maybe we
    could do it off of .near accesses.

    __slots__ = ('been_read')

    def __init__(self,
                 mapping: MemoryMapping,
                 transport: MemoryGateway,
                 serializer: Serializer[T],
                 allocation: AllocationInterface,
                 typ: t.Type[T],
    ) -> None:
        super().__init__(mapping, transport, serializer, allocation, typ)
        self.been_read = False

    async def read(self) -> T:
        if self.been_read:
            raise Exception("This LinearPointer has already been read, it can't be read again for safety reasons.")
        ret = await super().read()
        self.been_read = True
        return ret

    async def linear_read(self) -> t.Tuple[T, Pointer[T]]:
        "Read the value, and return the now-inert buffer left over as a Pointer."
        ret = await
        self.valid = False
        new_ptr = Pointer(self.mapping, self.transport, self.serializer, self.allocation, self.typ)
        return ret, new_ptr

    def __del__(self) -> None:
        if not self.been_read:
            logger.error("Didn't read this LinearPointer before dropping it: %s", self)

    def _with_mapping(self, mapping: MemoryMapping) -> LinearPointer:
        # see notes in Pointer._with_mapping
        if type(self) is not LinearPointer:
            raise Exception("subclasses of LinearPointer must override _with_mapping")
        if mapping.file is not self.mapping.file:
            raise Exception("can only move pointer between two mappings of the same file")
        self.valid = False
        return type(self)(mapping, self.transport, self.serializer, self.allocation, self.typ)


Instance variables

var been_read

Return an attribute of instance, which is of type owner.


async def linear_read(self) ‑> Tuple[~T, Pointer[~T]]

Read the value, and return the now-inert buffer left over as a Pointer.

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async def linear_read(self) -> t.Tuple[T, Pointer[T]]:
    "Read the value, and return the now-inert buffer left over as a Pointer."
    ret = await
    self.valid = False
    new_ptr = Pointer(self.mapping, self.transport, self.serializer, self.allocation, self.typ)
    return ret, new_ptr

Inherited members